2024 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

2024 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

Once again, conditions variable this year however, some good ES openings from the UK to Europe depending on where your located. Entries were down again from 32 last year to 23 this year, the rise in popularity of FT8 is clearly having an impact on contest particapation. It was good to see the Committee active again giving away those bonus points!

Congratulations to our winners and runners up as follows:
Multi Operator
MOP Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Fixed
SOF Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Portable
No Entries
No SOP Winners Certificate Awarded
QRP Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Fixed
6F Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Portable
No Entries
No 6P Winners Certificate Awarded
A special thanks to Pete G4CLA and Mike G0GJV for supplying the robot contest entry platform and the contest adjudication software, and and Ian, G0FCT for his assistance with the contest adjudication. Details are shown in the results tables below, please scroll down to view.

Dave Toombs - contest@uksmg.org

Full results in the following tables:

Section MO

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   G4ANT/P JO02LN 118 102429 54000 26 68 8 3 156429 CN8VY IM63NX 2159 7 ele Certificate
2 URE Palma de Mallorca EA6URP JM19LM 63 86517 26000 16 36 0 0 112517 UT9CZ KN59QA 2478 4 Elem OWA Certificate
3   G4JBH IO80QW 50 54184 28500 14 34 5 2 82684 SM2EKM KP15UW 2232 5 ele Dual  
4   PF5X JO21WR 26 31054 21500 15 24 2 1 52554 EA5/PA5JF IM76RT 1851 Moxon  
5 Hereford ARS M1L IO81WV 15 11225 12500 7 13 1 2 23725 SM3PZG JP93II 1763 4 Ele LFA  

Section SOF

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   DL2OM JO30SN 141 142643 56500 23 88 2 0 199143 TA3RST KM38NI 2053 5 El. Yagi-Antenna Certificate
2   Z33B KN01QA 37 51620 17500 11 24 0 0 69120 PA3ALK JO21DV 1774 4 ELL YAGI Certificate
3   EA5ITJ JN00BC 23 45177 13500 7 20 0 0 58677 G1JJA AH92AO 16960 STEPPIR 3 ELE  
4 Norfolk ARC G8VPE JO02TP 13 14823 10500 9 12 0 0 25323 IK7EOT JN80PJ 1807 Wire Dipole  
5   DK6OC JO31KE 11 10997 6000 4 7 1 0 16997 LZ1YE KN22QO 1692 Moxon Dual 6/4  
6 King's Lynn ARC M0XXM JO02EP 8 8940 6000 4 5 1 1 14940 IS0BSR JM49OF 1638 LFA  
7   YO5PVZ KN17UM 1 1582 1500 1 1 1 0 3082 5B4AAB KM64EU 1582 lz vertical antenna  
8   DF5DK JO30ON 1 1472 1000 1 1 0 0 2472 OH6JUM KP01SD 1472 3EL BEAM  

Section SOP

No Entries

Section QRP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Maidenhead G0OIW/P IO91MP 1 85 1000 1 1 0 0 1085 M1L IO81WV 85 Dipole Certificate

Section 6F

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Verulam Amateur Radio Club 5B4AAB KM64EU 70 156402 32000 17 47 0 0 188402 GI0EJU IO64JQ 3748 4ele Certificate
2   SM3PZG JP93II 68 114147 30500 14 43 2 1 144647 DL8WN JN31WU 2493 5 ele yagi Certificate
3   MM0T IO75UT 78 96037 34500 18 51 0 0 130537 HA6NY KN08WC 1972 7 EL YAGI  
4   SM5EPO JP80MC 56 78456 17000 7 26 1 0 95456 I2FAK JN45OB 1752 6el Yagi  
5   TC3EC KM38RF 41 58227 17000 8 26 0 0 75227 EB3AKL JN01UN 2220 DİPOL  
6   G8ZRE IO83NE 38 42864 22000 12 29 1 1 64864 LY4MO/P KO24FB 1794 3 ELEMENT YAGI AT 10 AGL 30M ASL.  
7 TC3EC TA3NEM KM38NJ 30 47173 14500 9 19 1 0 61673 F8ATS JN18DP 2289 Dipol Antenna  
8 SK6EI SM6EWB JO68RP 33 36420 17500 10 24 1 0 53920 I4TJE JN54PM 1578 Doublet  
9   G4NBS JO02AF 27 24974 20500 12 22 3 2 45474 CN8VY IM63NX 2104 5ele  
10   SA4BKD JP70GP 10 13283 8000 6 10 0 0 21283 F8ATS JN18DP 1545 3el OWL  
11 TC3EC TA3RST KM38NI 8 11602 5500 4 7 0 0 17102 DG1AAE JO52LD 1980 Dipol antenna  
12   G3YRZ JO02MI 3 3046 4500 3 3 1 1 7546 EA5NW IM98OD 1587 Vertical Moxon in attic  
13   DL8WAA JO30VI 2 3069 2000 2 2 0 0 5069 LZ1YE KN22QO 1593 40m dipole  
14 UKRAINIAN CONTEST CLUB ER/UT1ZZ KN37WS 1 1485 1500 1 1 1 0 2985 5B4AAB KM64EU 1485 Diamond V2000  
15 Danish DX Group OV1RR JO55VK 1 1699 1000 1 1 0 0 2699 LZ6G KN22PV 1699 2 el Yagi  
16 Spandau DXers DL7AUO JO62MN 1 1069 1000 1 1 0 0 2069 G8ZRE IO83NE 1069 Dipol  
17   IU5BON JN53OT 1 12 1000 1 1 0 0 1012 IZ5HQB JN53NR 12 J-POLE  

Section 6P

No Entries


Check logs are gratefully acknowledged from DJ3RA, G5KW, M0AGP and M1ABK.


This time a great long lasting opening on Sunday after some short outbreaks on Saturday. What could one have achieved more if there was no FT8 present absorbing up to 90 % activity..
First 6-m-QSOs in my life :-)
Una jornada en portable educativa y a la vez dificil. Después de varias gestiones nos ubicamos en un emplazamiento adecuado para que nos pudieran visitar facilmente, lo cual no fué lo más adecuado para el concurso, pues teniamos EA5/7/8/9 tapado. Lo ideal era en la terraza trasera del hotel, pero el gerente ya se encargo de ponernos su desagrado, de que estuvieramos inclusive fuera en el parquin (Menos mál que llevabamos permisos varios. Nada más llegar, un suicida se habia tirado por el acantilado. Y para más INRI, los 1,2G y superiores, sufriamos una interferencia brutal de los transmisores lindantes (Supuestamente Radar Aereo). A pesar de ello, lo pasamos bien, montamos un buen tinglado y se interesarón muchos EA6 y socios que nos llamarón, lo cual nos satisface tanto o más que ir a ganar, el haber puesto nuestro granito de arena al acercar este mundillo en EA6. GRACIAS a todos 73´s EA6URP
Heavy local QRM + mostly flat + few operators = disaster. Brief opening to Iberia but they couldn't hear me.
Poor and noisy for me.
Very poor condition this year lack of E's on the Saturday, very little activity from UK also, Sunday morning E's from Scandinavia through to Spain, but died off around mid morning.
As Usual, total flat on Saturday with dire activity despite lots on FT8. Some Es on Sunday when I was around but no real DX while VK was being worked on FT8(!) Still good to get some analogue QSO in the log :-)
This contest hard to score Good number of DX stations worked. 42845 KMS .DXCC 11.QRAS 29. MEMBERS 2. Comt stations 1. Which hopefully gives a score of 64854 points. Hope I have transcribed log correctly from one sent in on Sunday. Dave G8ZRE
Strongest signal was G4ANT/P
Variable but some good E's on Sunday morning !
Slow going
Band only seemed to open for the Sunday morning. Pity 4L4RC didn't give me a locator. We need to encourage more folk onto CW. This should have its own category in this contest.
Only wkd 1 hour before closure, calling contest. Only one hrd and wkd. GL - OV1RR
This contest was as a side activity of the IARU R1 field day. Despite some good openings in particular Sunday morning participation was a big disappointment. As I mentioned in my comments of previous years' contests this might be due to the fact that the rules of this contest are just a copy of IARU R1 50MHz contest except for the UKSMG member numbers. In other words this contest does not add any value. That's a pity. Please revert to the initial rules and exchange format which was so much more fun (w/o the dreadful serial number).
Very patchy, stations appearing briefly and then disappearing. Propagation was north-south
I built my antenna on Sunday afternoon and had a great time.
Best QRB is 1774km for PA3ALK at JO21DV