SPONSORSHIP is one of the key services provided by UKSMG and has been since the group’s inception. There is no fixed budget for this service. However the amounts awarded have remained fairly similar year on year. The mechanism is as follows: Groups or individuals are invited to apply for sponsorship through the website here however, an email to the sponsorship manager will also start the ball rolling. There are a few caveats that we place upon recipients of our funds however these are not onerous and may be found at the link above. Every application is checked first by the sponsorship manager then discussed with the committee to decide whether we are able to help with funding and if so, by how much. Alternatively UKSMG may offer practical assistance in the form of equipment/antenna either on loan or to be left at the expedition site. There are various factors that are taken into account when coming to a decision on whether funding will be offered to a Dxpedition; in no particular order these include:
![]() Whilst we are pleased to offer this service for our members, we are happy to help 6m operators world-wide whether members or not. In addition to Dx-pedition sponsorship we sponsor beacon operation in various parts of the world as well as helping to set up amateur stations, with a 6m bias, in remote areas. Its worth noting that many of the antennas we provide are supplied in conjunction with Justin G0KSC of InnovAntennas. Justin has been more than generous with his time and money in the form of heavy discounts and occasionally completely free hardware for the benefit of the 6m community. We would also like to thank Kerry G8VR for his work in not only suggesting worthy causes to UKSMG but also generously funding many of them himself. Our available funds are determined very much by membership levels and we take great care to ensure that our member’s subscriptions are spent wisely. If you are not already a member, please consider joining us in the knowledge that your subscription will be well spent. EA5NW October 2023 | Recent Sponsorships![]() EL2BG 6m Antenna ![]() 3D2AG 6m Antenna ![]() 3B9FR 6M Antenna ![]() AP2AJM 6M Antenna |
© ℗ UKSMG Unless otherwise stated, all content copyright UKSMG. This Web site is published on a strictly non-profit basis but please note that UKSMG is not a registered non-profit organisation. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the authors alone and not that of any associated organisations or employers or hosting Internet service providers. No material may be used in other media unless full credit is given to the UK Six Metre Group or the credited original source of the material.