2022 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

2022 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

Conditions variable year, depending on where you were located of course, with some strong ES opening from the UK to Europe. Entries were down from 60 last year to 32 this year. It was good to see the Multi Op section back this year and the Committee active giving away those bonus points!

Congratulations to our winners and runners up as follows:

Multi Operator
MOP Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Fixed
SOF Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Portable
SOP Winners Certificate Awarded
QRP Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Fixed
6F Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Portable
6P Winners Certificate Awarded
A special thanks to Pete G4CLA and Mike G0GJV for supplying the robot contest entry platform and the contest adjudication software, and and Ian, G0FCT for his assistance with the contest adjudication. Details are shown in the results tables below, please scroll down to view.

Dave Toombs - contest@uksmg.org

Full results in the following tables:

Section MO

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 G4TSW G4TSW IO80FV 101 102704 40000 22 58 0 0 142704 C5C IK13PK 4332 5 Element LFA-VR Certificate
2 G4ANT JO02HK 93 86841 43000 18 45 17 3 129841 WP3R FK68OJ 6874 5 ele lfa Certificate
3 Hereford Amateur Radio Society M1L IO81WV 37 33348 16500 10 23 0 0 49848 EA7Q IM67LG 1672 Vertical

Section SOF

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 EA5IWZ IM98PB 113 180286 50000 22 60 14 2 230286 D44EO HK76MU 3340 7element Certificate
2 2E0YYB IO82SP 13 10500 5 12 2 1 22684 IZ7GMK JN81KD 1937 5ele yagi Certificate
3 Polish Amateur Radio Union SQ8NGO KO10AN 3 4419 2500 2 3 0 0 6919 2E0YYB IO82SP 1700 DIAMOND CP6SR

Section SOP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 5B4AIF/P KM64HV 143 316874 63000 31 84 7 2 379874 D44EO HK76MU 6014 6M6R Certificate
2 ITALIAN CONTEST CLUB IS0BSR JN40PQ 113 148742 42000 21 63 0 0 190742 EA8CTK IL18NI 2747 3 EL. DK7ZB Certificate

Section QRP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Dansih DX Group OZ7BQ/P JO75NC 2 3390 2000 2 2 0 0 5390 F5VMN IN93DI 1781 Vertical full size loop Certificate
2 G4BUE JO00FU 2 2741 2000 2 2 0 0 4741 CT7/DL7AU IM59NO 1447 132ft doublet at 30ft Certificate

Section 6F

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 D44EO HK76MU 87 371112 37000 16 54 4 0 408112 5B4AIF/P KM64HV 6014 5 over 5 yagi Certificate
2 Verulam Amateur Radio Club 5B4AAB KM64EU 94 206381 43000 21 59 4 1 249381 CT9/PF5X IM12MT 4517 4ele Certificate
3 EA7Q IM67LG 58 98151 26500 15 38 0 0 124651 SV9BMG KM25UA 2937 6 Elm yagui
4 Pembrokeshire Contest Group GW9J IO72VE 63 71835 40000 21 47 8 2 111835 D44EO HK76MU 4331 7 ele yagi
5 M.A.R.L. 9H1PI JM75FW 48 75600 31500 20 41 2 0 107100 CT9/PF5X IM12MT 2892 5 Elem Yagi
6 DL2OM JO30SN 59 63745 32000 20 42 2 0 95745 KP4EIT FK68SI 7321 5 El. 4/6 m Duoband
7 GQ4NBS JO02AF 34 54845 23500 11 25 7 2 78345 KP4EIT FK68SI 6813 5ele
8 Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club M0KYB IO91BN 34 39265 20500 9 25 7 0 59765 5B4AAB KM64EU 3294 Hexbeam
9 GQ8ZRE/70 IO83NE 25 33437 17000 10 20 4 0 50437 5B4AAB KM64EU 3424 3 element yagi
10 G0C IO82RV 13 19583 11000 9 11 2 0 30583 4X1TI KM71JG 3839 6 ele Powabeam
11 M1ABK IO92QN 18 18670 11000 8 14 0 0 29670 CT7AOU IM57PD 1827 5 element LFA
12 Belokranjec contest club S53M JN86CR 15 21539 6000 4 8 0 0 27539 MI0AIH IO64OP 1833 5 el yagi
13 Norfolk ARC G4LPP JO02SS 11 8763 11000 6 9 3 2 19763 IK7EOT JN80PJ 1821 3 ELE BEAM
14 URE EA4WF IN80CL 6 12354 5500 3 4 2 1 17854 5B4AIF/P KM64HV 3241 4EL LFA
15 UKSMG G0DJA IO93IF 11 9016 7500 5 10 0 0 16516 IK0OKY JN61ES 1631 Dipole
16 DG1EAD JO31KE 10 8443 6500 5 7 1 0 14943 IT9TMN JM77LH 1670 BighWheel
17 DO1OTW JO52LD 4 5256 4500 3 4 2 0 9756 EA5IWZ IM98PB 1810 Multiband vertical
18 None CT9/PF5X IM12MT 2 5378 2000 2 2 0 0 7378 9H1PI JM75FW 2892 EFHW
19 Basingstoke ARC G4CSD IO91KG 2 1647 2500 2 2 1 0 4147 EA5IWZ IM98PB 1470 MOXON
20 HF5WIM KO02MA 1 1836 1500 1 1 1 0 3336 G0WEJ/P IN79KX 1836 5 el. Tonna
21 Contest Club Finland OH5ZA KP21SA 1 1965 1000 1 1 0 0 2965 LZ2GA KN43EK 1965 Corner reflector

Section 6P

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 IS0/DK7ZB JN40DU 58 74495 30000 18 42 0 0 104495 EA8BPX IL18SK 2638 2-El.-Yagi Certificate


Check logs are gratefully acknowledged from HA7AJ, M0WLF and G5KW.


Conditions were probably better than the activity suggests. Many people were "working" DX in FT8 or were working outside the contest. You made an epic mistake in the past by adopting the IARU R1 VHF scoring & exchange system (RST + 6 digit locator + prob. UKSMG membership nr.). The old scoring + exchange made (4 digit locator + prob. member #) this contest stand out in simplicity and effectiveness. Please reconsider and revert to the initial format. Eskip is very different from tropo !!!
unfortunately bad conditions on Saturday.
Very spotty. Signals were focussed on limited areas like Ireland and Sardinia. Because of the LZ-VHF contest some activity from Bulgaria, while elswhere outside UK only a few people have been aware of the UKSMG contest. KP4EIT was a lonely rider. So, the propagation was a mixture of tropo, MS and Es.
Good sporadic conditions
Slow start on Saturday but condx gradually improved. ODX was D44OE. Sunday was a disaster with only 13 contacts in the log. Looking forward to the IARU 6m contest.
There were variable conditions with good openings to England and France
Some nice E's around Saturday with working 5B4 D44 and KP4, Sundy was very dire hardly any activity! lots of station on but say not in contest :-(
Few stations heard with the poor antenna.
Very mixed
Massive QSB at times, thanks for the patience!
Usual lack of E's for this contest despite 2 good days prior - Nice to catch a couple of KP4 and 5B4 plus 4X on otherwise very quiet weekend. Intriguing the Italians weren't interested in giving serial numbers - thought every w/e was a contest for them!! Unable to include membership numbers in EDI file?? so hence using Cabrillo.
Good contest, Hard to score
Quiet start in the first hour but some nice sp es later on. Took a break for tea and then did another hour. Decided not to operate on the Sunday as conditions fairly quiet and had family visiting so 6 hr section entry
Poor conditions with some pings. Only 1 QSO, however M1L received my call and vanished. See you on IARU 6M in two weeks
Only short bursts of sporadic, missed a few DX ones including KP4EIT and A92HK
One QSO like last year: great pile-up! KN43 wkd instead of KN34, so a few points more! Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA
Conditions appeared to be poor. Had only little time to participate, but heard only a few stations. DL2OM, MQ0T, 9H1PI weak and for a short time on saturday. I was operating portable from Bornholm Island EU-030.