2021 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

2021 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

Conditions this year, were similar to the past few years with some, brief ES opening from the UK to Europe.Entries were up from 42 last year to 60 this year despite the loss of the Multi Op section for the second year running. Hopefully we will be able to restore the Multi Op section for next years contest.

Congratulations to our winners and runners up as follows:

Single Operator Fixed
SOF Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Portable
SOP Winners Certificate Awarded
QRP Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Fixed
6F Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Portable
6P Winners Certificate Awarded

Congratulations also go to Andrew, M0NKR and Andy, G3SVD, who both managed to work 4 out of 5 special calls netting an additional 4,000 points. In addition, congratulations go to Chris, G0DWV, who managed the longest distance QSO of 5,142 km.
A special thanks to Pete G4CLA and Mike G0GJV for supplying the robot contest entry platform and the contest adjudication software, and and Ian, G0FCT for his assistance with the contest adjudication. Details are shown in the results tables below, please scroll down to view.

Dave Toombs - contest@uksmg.org

Full results in the following tables:

Section SOF

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   C4I KM64HV 401 819923 104000 35 160 11 1 923923 EA8A IL18TH 4653 6M6R Certificate
2 M.A.R.L. 9H1PI JM75FW 177 244636 62500 26 94 5 0 307136 A61Q LL75RM 4055 5 Elem Yagi Certificate
3   IS0BSR JN40EA 67 79803 38000 18 50 6 1 117803 D4VHF HK76MU 4113 3EL. DK7ZB  
4   Z36W KN11CR 55 69962 29500 16 42 1 0 99462 OH7XM KP20EC 2049 2 ELE. QUAD  
5 Ukrainian Contest Club UY5QZ KN77NT 49 68956 25500 19 32 0 0 94456 9K2MU LL49AH 2337 3 el.Quad, 3 el.biam  
6 Norfolk AMateur Radio Club G0DWV JO02PR 53 59483 30500 15 32 10 2 89983 A71VV LL55RJ 5142 7 ele Trident  
7 ARI IK7LMX JN80XP 37 61487 24500 18 31 0 0 85987 A71AM LL55IK 3461 6eljxx  
8   M0NKR JO02HK 59 41296 33000 11 29 18 4 74296 C4I KM64HV 3187 5 ele lfa  
9   9H1XT JM75GV 30 50991 17500 12 23 0 0 68491 UT8IO KN87UC 2284 7el  
10   DL2SWR JO53SV 35 48814 18000 12 24 0 0 66814 9H1PI JM75FW 2010 6m Wire-Loop  
11 ARI COMO IK2AQZ JN45MS 29 33429 14500 9 19 1 0 47929 EA8BPX IL18SK 2949 IYAGI 6 EL.  
12 Newbury & Dist ARS G3SVD IO91II 37 20031 24000 7 17 16 4 44031 C4I KM64HV 3261 6 Ele LFA Yagi  
13   IU0DUM JN61WM 21 26368 14000 9 19 0 0 40368 9K2HS LL39XH 3346 DELTA LOOP 3 EL.  
14 River PO DX Team I4JEE JN54TU 18 26756 13500 10 17 0 0 40256 9K2NO LL39XG 3619 4 ELM.LFA  
15 RHEIN RUHR DX ASSOCIATION DL7BC JN38WA 18 26243 12500 8 17 0 0 38743 UW3E KN78PO 2018 4ele  
16   TA2SE KM39CL 13 18842 10000 7 13 0 0 28842 EA3MS JN01ME 2135 lfa 5 element yagi  
17 Pembrokeshire Contest Group G4FJK IO80EW 17 13607 11000 5 9 8 0 24607 4X6FR KM72KG 3752 7ele  
18   DG1EAD JO31KE 13 12279 10000 8 11 1 0 22279 SV3RPQ KM18AF 1867 Deltaloop Homebrew  
19   4Z5OI KM72JC 9 14843 6500 4 9 0 0 21343 9A2DS JN38HQ 2986 Delta loop  
20   G4NBS JO02AF 11 11865 9000 8 10 0 0 20865 Z36W KN11CR 2035 5ele  
21   OZ9V JO46QE 7 12772 7000 7 7 0 0 19772 SV3RPQ KM81QP 3484 6 el.  
22 DARC DL5KVV JO64EA 12 11708 8000 5 11 0 0 19708 LZ1KG KN31CS 1703 Mosley 63 N  
23   PE1EWR JO11SL 9 8312 6000 4 6 2 0 14312 IZ8EPY JM88GW 1722 4-4EPS6/4  
24   9A3QB JN95HN 7 6225 6000 5 7 0 0 12225 EA3MS JN01ME 1499 6 el.  
25   G4WQG IO91BL 10 3125 6500 2 5 4 1 9625 SP9RQH JO90TC 1514 V2000  
26   G3OIL IO91CB 8 5504 4000 3 5 0 0 9504 EM5K KO31LG 1992 6 el LFA  
27   E73RB JN84OS 4 4609 4000 4 4 0 0 8609 SV9RGI KM25UA 1303 4el. YAGI  
28 A G Llewellyn G8ONK IO83MR 3 2351 4500 2 3 2 1 6851 YO2LEA KN06WK 1936 9 ele duo-band  
29   9A7ZZ JN85XE 2 2153 2000 2 2 0 0 4153 SV9RGI KM25UA 1308 5 EL

Section SOP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
<1   IZ8FFA/P JM87AX 123 162198 48000 17 70 7 1 210198 G4FJK IO80EW 2113 6 El. LFA -6,3M boom Certificate
2 Steve G4SDM/P IO90QV 52 42816 33000 15 28 17 3 75816 A71CT LL55RI 5222 5 ELE LFA YAGI Certificate
3   EB3JT JN01LX 30 40359 15000 10 20 0 0 55359 TA7OM KN80XX 3061 CUSHCRAFT AS3  
4   G1E JO00BT 23 5748 14500 3 8 12 3 20248 IS0BSR JN40EA 1360 Various

Section QRP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Rhein Ruhr DX Association DK6M JO31NI 30 51326 17500 10 23 2 0 68826 7Z1SJ LL25WG 4371 YU7EF EF0606 Certificate
2   M1CJE IO91EK 5 2938 6000 3 4 3 1 8938 OK2PVF JN99GU 1429 6M Loop Certificate
3   G4CIB IO81VX 3 1721 2500 2 3 0 0 4221 IS0BSR JN40EA 1558 Dipole

Section 6F

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Verulam Amateur Radio Club 5B4AAB KM64EU 208 398386 78500 25 117 13 1 476886 EA7JXH IM76PP 3332 4ele Certificate
2   DL2OM JO30SN 99 153871 40500 22 56 3 0 194371 A41NN LL93FL 5287 4/6 m Duoband Certificate
3 Ukrainian contest club UW8SM KN28IV 79 101795 31000 12 43 7 0 132795 F4GBD JN05BV 1872 6 el  
4 VERON PA0O JO33HG 39 51506 19500 12 27 0 0 71006 UT8IO KN87UC 2297 12eM2  
5 Norfolk ARC G4LPP JO02SS 31 25203 19000 9 20 9 0 44203 LZ6M KN34NA 2110 3 ELE BEAM  
6   9A4W JN83GJ 22 29416 13000 8 18 0 0 42416 OH3MF KP20FR 1999 yagi  
7 SP DX Club SQ2RH JO94DM 8 11464 6000 5 7 0 0 17464 9H1XT JM75GV 2092 GP7dx  
8 CFR Oravita YO2KJG KN04UQ 3 13116 2500 2 3 0 0 15616 SP9KDA QO90EU 8602 yagi 4-elem  
9   9A6TT JN85BU 5 6496 4500 4 5 0 0 10996 EA5EX IM98HF 1671 2el QQ  
10 RSGB Contest Club M0DHP IO91TJ 14 3865 7000 3 5 6 0 10865 EM5K KO31LG 1889 Delta loop  
11   SP9FMP JO90LF 3 4641 3500 3 3 1 0 8141 C4I KM64HV 2033 GP  
12 S50TTT S57ZM JN76SA 3 3681 3000 3 3 0 0 6681 UW3E KN78PO 1512 delta loop homemade  
13 RHEIN RUHR DX ASSOCIATION DL1EAL JO31LE 2 1869 2500 2 2 1 0 4369 SV3RPQ KM18AF 1863 Random Wire  
14   EA5IYL IM98RI 2 1149 2000 2 2 0 0 3149 EA8CTK IL98NI 1113 Horizontal Dipole  
15   LA9TY JO38UK 1 2107 1000 1 1 0 0 3107 IK7LMX JN80XP 2107 3 el beam  
16 Contest Club Finland OH5ZA KP21SA 1 1894 500 0 1 0 0 2394 KP21SA/523 KN34NA 1894 corner reflector up 5m  
17 Italian Contest Club IU0LRV JN62GU 1 1259 1000 1 1 0 0 2259 SP5QWB KO02NO 1259 YAGI 2 elements  
18 Norfolk ARC G8VPE JO02TP 2 40 1500 1 1 1 0 1540 G0DWV JO02PR 25 WIRE DIPOLE  
19   S5/M0MPM JN76PB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 Dipole  
--   IK4XQT JN54QJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     0 windom nvis below of roof!

Section 6P

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Score Bonus DXCC LocCount Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   UT1IC KN87VX 26 41449 15000 12 18 0 0 56449 9H1PI JM75FW 2334 7el Certificate
2   G0H IO95CQ 19 25532 12000 10 14 0 0 37532 EA8BPX IL18SK 3248 5 el beam Certificate
3   UT5UUV KO50GK 11 15623 7500 4 11 0 0 23123 IZ5EME JN52NS 1704 Dipole  
4   G4GQA/P IO90QV 6 2349 3000 2 3 1 0 5349 IZ8EPY JM88GW 1888 5 ele LFA yagi


Check logs are gratefully acknowledged from N8XA/P, DK6YA, EA5ISZ, G4IFX, G5KW, IZ3GNG, M1ABK, YO3IPR.


Conditions were characterised by sparotic Es opening followed by heavy QSB. The SSB and CW portions were underutilised. The FT8 portion was overcrowded with activity with high +dB reports both ways. Pity !
Band open Saturday until 18:36Z Conditions up and down Sunday
A brilliant start with signals from the Gulf region. The Ukraine and Greece ensured a continuous revival of the band. At noon on Sunday the Es zone drifted over JO30 making it very quiet - like in the eye of a hurricane. Except for a few short skip QSOs with Poland.
Very low position of antenna.Only for check log,it is my first 6m contest
Again lousy here with only 7 QSOs!
Conditions were rubbish, but a few flashes of E's gave me a A71 9K2 5B4 and HZ to give valuable points. Next year can we have good E's. LOL
very poor conditions with only 1 station worked on the Saturday at a local island at sea level moved locatons for the Sunday to IO94AT with a height of approx 450m above sea level had about 3 hours of good conditions
Very poor conditions as usual for this weekend. Also very few UK stns around, due to. I suppose competition from NFD. Please make it a week later in future, nearer to the solstice and not clashing with NFD,
Poor with only minor Es. Some tropo in evidence.
Heard C4I and 9K2HR but not able to raise them. Otherwise E's was Sporadic at best! Glad I wasn't a serious entrant......
Generally very flat with a few bursts of activity into Europe and beyond.
nice Es multihop. see you next contest
Weather conditions increasingly adverse, until the rain on Saturday evening and then also Sunday, a day that did not give any sign of propagation, limiting only to tropo QSOs except for some very short opening with fast QSB. I have been organizing myself for this contest for some time using the portable station from a rare Grid, hoping to make many participants but many have only passed the progressive 001 only for the QSO from JM87ax. I hope to do better next year. 73, Felice-IZ8FFA
DIRE conditions, they all switched off just before the test :-( not really any E's to shout about, wkd 5B4 9H are probably best DX
Traditional disappearance of propagation at the start. Weak evening condx to LZ/YO and next morning same areas and HA/YU. 9H1PI and C4I heard... Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA
Sunday morning ES best DX heard A92GE 559 did not copy me
Calm weather, But increasing QRN from neighbour electronic appliences
heavy rain
First two QSOs on HM Huearek DSP TRX with power 15W, rest QSOs on FT-2000 and 100W. No condition to work more stations.
Conditions for passage were poor. Many operators have gone digital. Thanks to the organizers of the test.