2020 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

2020 UKSMG Summer Contest Results

Conditions this year, were similar to the past few years with only the faintest hint of an ES opening on the Saturday to Spain, which disappeared almost as fast as it came. Looking at the Soapbox comments although everyone complains of the poor conditions, I think most enjoyed the event.

Congratulations to our winners and runners up as follows:

Single Operator Fixed
SOF Winners Certificate Awarded
Single Operator Portable
SOP Winners Certificate Awarded
QRP Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Fixed
6F Winners Certificate Awarded
Six Hour Portable
6P Winners Certificate Awarded

Congratulations also go to Chris, G4G (G4FZN) who managed to work 4 out of 5 special calls netting an additional 4,000 points, quite an achievement considering the poor conditions. In addition, congratulations go to Audrey, LZ9A, who managed the longest distance QSO to A41NN at a distance of 3,867 km.
A special thanks to Pete G4CLA and Mike G0GJV for supplying the robot contest entry platform and the contest adjudication software, and and Ian, G0FCT for his assistance with the contest adjudication. Details are shown in the results tables below, please scroll down to view.

Dave Toombs - contest@uksmg.org

Full results in the following tables:

Section 6F

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Total km's Bonus Points DXCC's Grid Squares Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Norfolk AMateur Radio Club G0DWV JO02PR 46 26132 17000 5 20 9 0 43132 TF3ML HP94NA 1785 7 element Trident 6 Hour Winners certificate awarded
2 Ukrainian Contest Club UZ5Q KN77NT 21 28415 14000 11 17 0 0 42415 G3TXF IO71VE 2831 3 el QUAD, 3 el Beam Runner up certificate awarded
3   DL2OM JO30SN 24 16158 11000 6 15 1 0 27158 SM2GCQ KP15EU 1899 6/4-Duoband-Yagi  
4   G4AYU IO83PQ 12 14621 10000 8 12 0 0 24621 HA8AR KM06MQ 2629 3 ELEMENT BEAM  
5   GM3WOJ IO77WS 11 15003 7500 5 9 1 0 22503 EA6XQ JM19LH 2116 6ele  
6 RHEIN RUHR DX ASSOCIATION DL7BC JN38WA 15 13482 8500 7 10 0 0 21982 EA7KR IM76ML 1658 5ele  
7   EA3FZT JN01TE 10 13218 6000 2 9 1 0 19218 MM0BSM IO86AD 1712 5 el OWA yagi  
8 Contest Club Finland OH3BCX KP20XW 6 9602 4000 2 4 2 0 13602 MM0AMW IO75EJ 1931 6-el LFA  
9 NARC G3PXT JO02PP 17 7734 5500 3 5 3 0 13234 EA7JUR IM87WH 1726 2 e quad  
10   G0LGS IO81WV 11 5195 7000 3 6 3 1 12195 SN0R KN09FX 1591 4 Ele LFA  
11 RRDXA HA7LW JN97WM 5 5248 5500 5 5 1 0 10748 SM2GCQ KP15EU 2044 5 ELEMENTS LFA YAGI  
12 Verulam Amateur Radio Club G8CLY IO91UT 10 2357 6500 2 5 4 1 8857 EA3EVL JN00HR 1235 3ele  
13 RSGB Contest Club G4DRS IO80UQ 6 638 5000 2 5 3 0 5638 G3TXF IO71VE 146 5 el yagi  
14 SP-DX-CLUB SP6JOE JO80CW 2 2708 2000 2 2 0 0 4708 MM0C IO75XU 1444 1 ELE DELTA LOOP  
15   G3VGZ IO94IM 2 1574 3000 1 2 1 1 4574 SN0R KN09FX 1557 2el moxon  
16   G4WGE IO91UJ 4 183 3000 1 1 2 1 3183 G3SVD IO91II 70 5 Ele Tonna  
17   M0DZB JO02IS 3 143 3000 1 2 3 0 3143 M0CGL JO03BF 65 Delta Loop  
18   G4SDM IO91SI 5 293 2500 1 2 2 0 2793 G0DWV JO02PR 195 5 ele opdes YAGI  
19 RAF WADDINGTON ARC 2E0WGD IO93QE 3 169 1500 1 2 0 0 1669 G4G IO94JF 123 Dipole  
20 GMDX GM4M IO75XT 1 5 1000 1 1 0 0 1005 IO75XT IO75XU 5 5ele ZX  

Section 6P

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Total km's Bonus Points DXCC's Grid Squares Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Northern Fells CG G4G IO94JF 86 47035 38000 10 33 25 4 85035 EA7JXH IM76PP 1974 6 element 6 Hour Winners certificate awarded
2   2E0VCC/P IO70SP 24 15856 14000 6 16 4 1 29856 IK0MHW JN61HS 1638 4 ELE POWABEAM Runner up certificate awarded
3   G1E JO00CU 13 8265 10500 4 10 5 1 18765 EA7JUR IM87WH 1518 6ele LFA  
4   M0OSA/M IO93AO 6 2953 4000 3 5 0 0 6953 EA6SX JM19IK 1615 Komunika-HF-PRO-1  

Section QRP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Total km's Bonus Points DXCC's Grid Squares Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1 Rhein Ruhr DX Association DK6M JO31NI 7 5213 4500 3 5 1 0 9713 UW7LL KN79AN 1906 EF0606 QRP Winners certificate awarded

Section SOF

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Total km's Bonus Points DXCC's Grid Squares Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   5B4AIF KM65GA 163 284301 54500 23 83 3 0 338801 GM3POI IO88OW 3698 5 element LFA SOF Winners certificate awarded
2 GMDX MM0C IO75XU 63 76318 34500 15 48 6 0 110818 EA7HLU IM66WJ 2170 PA5070-15-9-2CBGP Runner up certificate awarded
3 Three As Contest Group G3TXF IO71VE 72 38409 35500 16 37 16 1 73909 UZ4E/P KN77AR 2760 7el yagi  
4 Graham Millard M0CGL JO03BF 62 37456 23000 8 27 9 1 60456 EA8CTK IL18NI 3097 6 element LFA H/B  
5 Grimsby ARS G3TBK IO93QA 40 23038 23000 6 22 12 3 46038 EA7JUR IM87WH 1751 6 el  
6 M.A.R.L. 9H1PI JM75FW 19 28980 10500 8 13 0 0 39480 9K2MU LL39LL 3110 5 Elem Yagi  
7   M0NKR JO02HK 49 12345 22000 4 19 15 3 34345 EA7JUR IM87WH 1696 5 ELE LFA  
8   MM0AMW IO75EJ 16 18344 13500 9 16 2 0 31844 OH3BCX KP20XW 1931 7 EL  
9   G3WVG IO91RH 33 11842 19500 7 17 11 2 31342 OM3DX KN08PQ 1582 5 ele  
10 LZ Contest Team LZ9A KN12QP 11 15354 9000 8 9 1 0 24354 A41NN LL93GL 3867 6jxx6  
11   2E0OUT IO81WO 20 7705 13500 4 12 7 2 21205 HA6NL JN98WD 1617 5ele Yagi  
12   IK2AQZ JN45MS 9 12474 7000 5 9 0 0 19474 SV9RGI KM25UA 1844 YAGI 6 EL.  
13 Triple B G0SKA IO91OQ 19 3847 12000 3 9 8 2 15847 EA3EVL JN00HR 1224 9 ele dual band 6/4M  
14   G8ONK IO83MR 10 7888 7000 4 10 0 0 14888 EA6SX JM19IK 1646 9ELE DUALBAND  
15   G4CIB IO81VX 14 5099 7500 3 6 4 1 12599 EA6XQ JM19LH 1464 3/2 wave dipole in loft  
16 Ukrainian Contest Club UT1ZZ KN56XW 1 12 1000 1 1 0 0 1012 US8ZAL KN66AU 12 OPEK HVT-400B  

Section SOP

Pos Group Callsign Locator QSOs Total km's Bonus Points DXCC's Grid Squares Members Special Calls Total ODX Call ODX Loc ODX Kms Ant Trophy/Cert
1   UZ4E/P KN77AR 32 41214 18500 12 24 1 0 59714 G3TXF IO71VE 2760 6 EL YAGI SOP Winners certificate awarded


Check logs are gratefully acknowledged from G0LWU, G5KW, G6NUM, GB0KW, GB5KWB, GB5OKW, GB6KW, LZ1UK/P & LZ1WF/P.


5B4AIF Saturday band opened 17:10Z until 19:47Z Worked 24 stations that was it Sunday band opened 06:15Z and stayed open for the rest of the contest. 24 worked Saturday and 145 on Sunday so 169 altogether.
9H1PIF Band very quiet
DK6M thx for all qsos, short ES on saturday from JO31, unfortunally less activity in old modes.. activity was mostly in digital.
DL2OM Rarely has there been a more pathetic contest result than this time. The CW/SSB-segments of the 6-m-band were all the time more or less completely free from signals. A few stray German radio souls on Saturday a little ionoscatter (or maybe Es) from OH and SM on Sunday morning and a very(!) limited opening to EA5/7 with some audible stations. The hot spots SV and UR where the contest activity is concentrated - all of which were non-accessible. Not to speak about the UK from which just here and then a meteor burst gave notice of stations in action. Despite the announcement in our radio magazine CQDL almost none DL-station showed up. In telegraphy as with VHF several radio connections would have be possible within a radius of 500 km. Instead of almost everybody stuck to the FT8 mode.
DL7BC Saying "lousy condx" does by far not correctly describe the condx :-(
EA3FZT abt 1 hour of Esporadic apertures with UK 7 june
G0DWV Conditions were dire most of the time, highlight of the contest being called by TF3ML while trying to raise MM0C. Apart from that it was hard work staying focused.
G0LGS Dead !
G0SKA flat on Saturday. Some Es on Sunday. Did not think my membership was up to date so did not give membership number in QSOs. If a problem, treat as a check log
G3PXT who switched band off?
G3TBK Generally poor. Very high QRN from static rain all weekend. Marginal Es on Sunday morning.
G3VGZ Dire conditions particularly compared with last week.
G4CIB Wretched conditions
G4SDM Only on for last 3 hrs when I can only describe conds' as grim. Only E's I hard was a stn in EA6 speaking so fast I was unable to make out his call before he disappeared into the noise.
G8FXM (G5KW) Terrible condition on Saturday not much better on Sunday brief ES in morning.
G6NUM Showery with strong blustery wind Seemingly poor conditions - heard 2 stations and only able work one of them
G8CLY Oh dear! Such a contrast from recent years when, as 5B4AAB, I had many Es QSOs. This time only one plus a handful of Gs by tropo.
G8ONK A few E's not a single membership number received.
GB5KWB Poor, occasional very brief 'Es' even Tropo seemed to be unreliable
GM3WOJ Sunday morning only - poor condx - very patchy Es. 1st time in this contest in about 20 years! Thanks for the QSOs - 73 Chris
M0CGL Many thanks for everyone who called me, rapid QSB and extremely some E's but very difficult,,,, Really great to take part in this test... Stay safe guy's
M0NKR Shocking conditions, probably one of the worst years I've known for this contest! Hopefully better next year, where I hope to be portable with the G4ANT team
M0OSA/M Quiet. One opening to EA with lots of QSB
MM0C Hard work. Very sporadic, short bursts. Worked nearly everything I heard. Sorry to 2E0MDJ didn't quite make it. Thanks to all who called.
OH3BCX Band went quickly dead Saturday one minutes before the contest (1259Z, collapse seen even on FT8). Three hours later we got for a moment mainly Ukraine and Scotland with heavy QSB... Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA