UKSMG Strategy


2008-2013 strategy draft 1 Feb 08 prepared by Peter Taylor G8BCG
developed from 2002-2007 strategy prepared by Clive Davies G4FVP, Feb 2002


  1. This strategy of the UKSMG, outlines the direction that the Group will follow to deliver its overall mission between 2008 and 2013. The new strategy is the direct successor of the UKSMG Strategy, 2002-2007, and draws heavily upon the earlier document.
  2. The time frame for this strategy is 2008 to 2013 a period when six-metre band activity can be expected to increase steadily towards solar maximum. The focus of the Strategy is one of building on the valuable work done by UKSMG through solar minimum in maintaining interest in 50MHz through development of the group, its services, journal and sponsorship activities.
  3. Although based in the UK , the UKSMG is an international group and it is committed to working worldwide; this Strategy is international in nature. This document does not seek to be all encompassing. It focuses on key issues, which will aid the UKSMG committee and its members to ensure that its aims are delivered.


  • The first aim is to encourage wider use of the six-metre band especially in countries with few or no resident operators and be a strong advocate for maintaining and extending band privileges.
  • The second aim is to provide topical and vital information that extends enjoyment and learning from the six-metre band.
  • The third aim is to encourage and publish research into propagation and technical developments.
  • The fourth aim is to provide a "hobby group" for all those interested in the use of the six-metre band and maximise opportunities for members to be involved in the running of the Group.
  • The fifth aim is to encourage good practice in the use of the six-metre band.


  1. The mission of the UKSMG is "to promote six-metre activity throughout the world".

Development of Six Metres

Our development strategy is to;

  1. Implement projects that are a vehicle for the development of six metres as an exciting aspect of the Ham Radio hobby. Projects will be prioritised on the principle of "best return for effort". This will be achieved by:-
    • Promoting and supporting beacons especially where these aid the monitoring of propagation and research, this may involve exporting beacon equipment, antennas etc, providing financial support and enlisting local interest in areas where there is a major gap in service.
    • Promoting and supporting DXpeditions which offer major opportunities for members to work new countries and locators, this may involve financial support and donations or loan of equipment.
    • Promote fixed station operation, which may result in new long-term activity in an area with a low activity base, or an extension of band privileges and/or new permits in a particular country. Financial support or help in kind will be offered where the operator can convince the UKSMG committee of their capabilities and interest and of the prospects for long-term activity.
    • Endeavour to make more contact with the scientific fraternity for the purpose of participation and sharing current learning and encourage our members to take part in this research. We will support individual projects financially or in kind and at the discretion of the UKSMG committee, which will result in a better understanding of the potential of the spectrum in which we are interested.
    • Endeavour to produce or support the publication of articles, books and other publications either directly as the UKSMG or in "partnership" with others by offering technical and financial support.


Our growth strategy is to;

  1. Increase membership base wherever the opportunity exists with a target membership exceeding that of the cycle 23 peak (i.e. a target of 1000+ members); this will be achieved by providing an invaluable service to the global community of radio amateurs interested in six metres.
  2. Seek the enthusiasts who wish to make a long-term commitment to the UKSMG; this will be achieved through the provision of good networking opportunities and the provision of high quality membership services particularly web based services and Six News.
  3. Develop and retain an international membership base; this will be achieved by providing a high quality presence on the Internet, being seen to support 50MHz activity / DXpeditions globally and not just when beneficial to UK / EU, appointing country managers (and supporting their work), targeting national society magazines and publicising the UKSMG at international gatherings.


Our finance strategy is to;

  1. Produce a broadly balanced budget over the life-span of this strategy with the committee exerting "prudence" in approving the annual budget; this will be achieved by maintaining the value of the membership fee taking account of inflation (and of international currency variations), generating advertising revenue and seeking sponsorship and donations.
  2. Invest group funds in our development strategy; this will be achieved through proposals agreed by the committee of the UKSMG.
  3. Provide a subsidised and/or free membership service to enthusiastic radio amateurs in developing countries where there is evidence that they have a developing interest in 6m and / or could not meet the normal cost of membership of the UKSMG; this will be achieved by committee decision, which has been informed by evidence of an individual"s situation.
  4. Be open and accountable in the provision of financial information; this will be achieved by the Treasurer producing audited accounts with these being publicised in Six News, UKSMG Web Site and at the Annual General Meeting.


Our publicity strategy is to;

  1. Promote the UKSMG for the purposes of attracting new members, retaining existing members and in due course to encourage members to serve on the UKSMG committee; this will be achieved by promoting the Group at rally"s and conferences, on the Internet and in relevant hobby magazines. Advertising, editorial copy, joint promotions with specialised publications and display materials will all be used to aid this.
  2. Raise awareness of six metres and the potential of the band especially outside of major openings and key periods of activity; this will be achieved through the targeting of publicity to the wider Ham Radio community.
  3. Raise awareness amongst national societies and telecomm administrations of the interest in six metres by radio amateurs, so as to better international band privileges and access to the band for those who do not yet have access; this will be achieved by asking individual members to be advocates and the selective targeting of information on decision makers.
  4. Organise forums, meetings and seminars with six-metres as the main focus; this will be achieved by the UKSMG deploying financial and member resources.


Our contests strategy is to;

  1. Organise contests that provide for the enjoyment of members and promote activity compatible with band conditions, taking account of the times at which members are available and adhering to the Voluntary Operating Code of Practice for Six-Metre Operators; appointing a Contest Manager and widely promoting the events in UKSMG and other publications will achieve this. Results of contest will be processed quickly and awards and all contest judgements will made at the discretion of the UKSMG committee upon the advice of the Contest Manager.


Our awards strategy is to;

  1. Provide a wide variety of six metre awards that provide for the enjoyment of members and set challenges that encourage band usage in a responsible way; this will be achieved by appointing an Awards Manager and widely promoting the awards in UKSMG and other publications. Awards will be processed quickly and all awards judgements will be made at the discretion of the UKSMG committee upon the advice of the Awards Manager.

Good Operating Practice

Our good operating practice strategy is to:

  1. Promote the voluntary "Voluntary Operating Code of Practice for Six-Metre Operators", to contribute to future revisions of the code and to encourage other amateur radio organisations to adopt it; this will be achieved by promoting the "Voluntary Operating Code of Practice for Six-Metre Operators" in UKSMG publications and Web Site and discussing and agreeing future revisions of the code of practice at the UKSMG committee.

Membership Services

Our membership services strategy is to;

  1. Provide both a high quality and a diverse range of services for members; this will be achieved by seeking continuous improvements to our activities by investing in quality and acting on feedback from the membership.
  2. Produce a high quality magazine, Six News; this will be achieved through the work of the Editor who will ensure that the content is enlightening and thought provoking and by keeping the style and appearance of the magazine contemporary and valued.
  3. Maintain a high quality Web Site on the Internet providing a range of information services and archives; this will be achieved through the work of the Webmaster who will ensure that the content is enlightening and thought provoking and by keeping the style and appearance of the web site contemporary and valued.


Our organisation strategy is to;

  1. Maximise the involvement of members in the running of the UKSMG and to provide on going opportunities for members to interact with the UKSMG committee; this will be achieved by advertising the opportunities for individuals to be involved, to encourage new members of the committee (especially to provide succession opportunities for long standing committee members) and to encourage a social dimension to the work of the UKSMG.


Our evaluation strategy is to;

  1. Monitoring progress annually against our Strategy; this will be achieved by preparing an annual report, to be published in Six News and to be presented at the AGM.