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The August 1994 issue of Six News
Thanks to all of our authors since 1982!



VK4CP/P Northern Queensland
Adam Maurer, VK4CP



Can you believe how much difference being 8° closer to the Equator makes?

This is a pictorial of my recent portable six metre operation (still within my home-call area), October 22nd - November 5th 2001 from grid square QH30.  My portable location was situated 200 feet ASL on a small rocky outcrop known as Mt Low, just outside of the major North Queensland regional town of Townsville.  It was an extremely quiet location with the nearest neighbour over 1km away.

I had originally planned to set up the once and operate from the resort where I was staying, but decided against this for a variety of reasons.  On good advice from one of the locals, Gary VK4ABW, I operated from nearby Mt Low.  This meant a 20-minute drive each way to Mt Low and anywhere between a 45 - 90 minute setup depending on what went wrong!  De-rig was a consistent 40 minutes.

What a pain setting up each day, but the results were worth it; over 300 QSOs with EU stations in over 30 countries.  We would never experience propagation like this back in my home town of Brisbane, 1200km south as the crow flies.

On site at the top of Mt. Low.  Townsville is located 5km in the distance.  Note the access track on the right, a very rough track requiring the ground clearance of a 4WD vehicle.

4pm in the afternoon and it's time to set up.

First the three-stage telescopic mast was removed off the roof racks and inserted into the tilt-over mount.  Next, the M2 6M7JHV seven-element yagi taken off the roof and it’s time to start assembling the JHV, beginning with the boom.  To minimize the setup each day the boom was only disassembled into two halves (it actually has seven sections).

On many occasions I heard EU stations on the quarter-wave whip whilst setting up the JHV.  I even worked SV7BOT for a new one on the whip!

Once assembled, the boom is u-bolted onto the mast which slips into a custom mount on the rear of the vehicle.  A step ladder helps enormously!


UKSMG Six News issue 72, February 2002


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