As part of the 50 MHz over-the-pole propagation studies the beacon JW7SIX will be operational from the end of May at the latest. Permission to run 15w RF power has been granted by the authorities. The antenna, a 4 element-yagi, will be aiming towards VE8 which is 340 deg. A summary of the operating details for both beacons is given below.
Frequency | Call | Locator | pwr | antenna | QTF | ASL | Mode |
50.047 | JW7SIX | JQ88AD | 15w | 4-ele | 340 | 440m | A1A |
Both beacons will be running 24 hours a day. In between the ID
(callsign and locator) a string of dots is keyed. This is to keep
the power consumption low and make it easier to identify the
signals among the TV emissions. The JW7SIX beacon project was
supported by ES1CW. The beacon keeper is LA0BY.
Of course listening for beacons is only part of the fun, and some
effort will be made to generate QSO activity. The local club
station JW5E, situated in JQ78QF has been equipped with a
rotatable 5 element beam and a 28/50 MHz transverter. In case one
should monitor JW7SIX a warning system will be used and you may
call the following amateurs by telephone to get them on the
JW5NM Mathias Bjerrang phone +47 790 21152
JW8GV Ola Johan Ostvig +47 790 21583
JW0BY Stefan Heck +47 776 35144 (mainland)
All three amateurs can be QRV from the club station within 10
minutes. JW0BY will also have the possibility to operate from the
beacon location. Calls between 23-06 UT should be avoided. JW0BY
will not be permanently in JW and therefore only the mainland
phone number is given. Operators are asked not to phone any other
numbers that might be circulating for JW0BY, as those are
exclusively for QRL purposes. In extremely urgent cases, with the
beacon being heard at 59 over large areas of Europe/North America
, messages can be routed through the other JW amateurs, or the
mainland number. Please note I will not respond to 6m requests
made direct to the QRL unless they are routed via Neil G0JHC who
knows the procedure for calling me at the QRL.
The best times for 6m propagation from Svalbard via Sporadic-E is
late in the evening (21-24 UT). Unfortunately this also coincides
with a time when activity from Europe is poor. Due to the
influence of the midnight Sun, I presume there are long lasting
openings around midnight within the polar cap (That is why we
would like to run the beacon beaming North). Additionally, there
is the possibility of Aurora induced Sporadic-E at any time of
year. As you will know the useful distance is usually below 1800
KM. From Svalbard this will bring you down to the JO/JP grid
border. The same holds for MS. Only double hop Es will bring you
down towards Central Europe.
JW0BY is looking forward to receiving reception reports of the
beacon. Those should include information on QTF, possible signal
distortion etc. The beacon operating parameters will be
re-examined for next year, depending on the experiences of 1995.
It is planned to relocate the JW7SIX beacon to a better QTH in
the autumn and replace the antenna with stacked cross dipoles
with an omni-directional pattern.
Good luck with propagation to the arctic! 73, Stefan
Longyearbyen, the main settlement in JW and home of the JW5E Club Station has rather a poor take-off towards much of Europe. The horizon is at about 5-10 degrees. The beacon QTH in JQ88AD has a much better take-off with only 2 degrees elevation for 190 degrees azimuth and is 440m ASL. It is important not to make "blind" telephone calls to Svalbard on the off chance of a QSO. The telephone system laid out by Stefan should be very effective, but remember these guys, have to sleep, eat and work as well as play radio! Too many calls when conditions are unlikely, could result in requests for activity not being given top priority. Remember you are unlikely to work JW5E (poor location) if you are not hearing JW7SIX (good location). The beacon is 18 km from JW5E. Most of Central Europe is around 2500-3500 km from JW5E, so it is anticipated there will be at least one or two good multi-hop openings in our direction during the summer.
JW0BY will be on Svalbard during the first two weeks of June.
The July and August dates have yet to be confirmed.
The UKSMG would like to acknowledge the dedicated work of
LA0BY/JW0BY with respect to this project. Stefan is a 144 MHz
EMEer by trade and should be congratulated for his efforts
promoting 50 MHz from Svalbard.
QSL info:
JW5E - Via LA5NM. Mathias Bjerrang, Box 210, N-9401 Harstad,
JW0BY- Via LA0BY. Stefan Heck, Floyvegen 25, N-9020 Tromsdalen,
JW5NM - Via LA5NM (see JW5E).
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