I enjoyed the item by GJ4ICD in the December 1990 KA3B 6 Metre
Report, and I certainly agree that the panic to get the latest WWV solar figures is unwarranted, and in fact it causes needless
QRM and clutter on 28.885. Regular participants on that frequency
have already heard me state some of the following, but it seems
worthwhile to get it into print once and for all. Geoff is
correct in that anyone who takes the time to graph the daily 2800
MHz solar flux as a function of any aspect of F2 propagation on
50MHz soon realizes that these two variables are generally not
correlated. it has become a source of some amusement when naive
6-metre operators are overheard to say, "Gee, the flux is
over 200, so why don't we have any openings?" or the
converse, "But the flux is only 140, how come the band is
red hot today?".
Being one of those privileged to monitor 28.885 for many hours
every day, I can't help but notice that the number of people
reporting new countries being worked on 6m often appears to be
inversely proportional to the daily solar flux. quite the
opposite of what we have been led to expect. The Cult has become
so pervasive that, in a triumph of lily-gilding (where the lily
is made out of hole cloth), one manufacturer of amateur equipment
is now selling an expensive transceiver that incorporates a
digital clock which chimes at :16 past each hour to warn the user
to check the upcoming WWV solar report!!
The whole concept is reminiscent of numerology or astrology or
any number of other pseudo-sciences, in which the adherents are
so boggled by the true complexity of nature that they embrace
anything which appears to offer simplicity. To see how this
situation arose, we need to step back a couple of decades. In
several landmark articles in QST starting with the DXers crystal
ball series, Ed Tilton, W1HDQ, explored the possibility of
predicting F-region propagation by means of methods accessible to
amateurs. Initially, this concentrated on visual sunspot
observation. While sunspot activity is very interesting from an
astronomical viewpoint, it soon became apparent that radio
amateurs, by and large, were not motivated to invest in the
needed optics and take the time to make daily sunspot
This is unfortunate for astronomy because the AAVSO American
Sunspot Number Program is one of the few ongoing projects in
which amateurs are making a significant contribution to the
field. Anyway, Ed soon decided that since the 2800 MHz Ottawa
solar flux is broadcast daily on WWV and thus accessible by
anyone with a short-wave receiver, it might make a good
substitute for the SSN. After all, anyone who examines a
long-term smoothed graph of SSN verses flux can't help but notice
that they track closely, and furthermore they both peak around
the years when the F-region MUFs are at a maximum (e.g. 1958).
Graphs and formulae were then published showing the mathematical
relationship between SSN and smoothed flux, and these are
reasonably accurate although not exact. DXers who had copies of
the old CRPL books showing smoothed global F2 MUF distributions
as a function of smoothed SSN could now use flux information. it
appeared, for predictions. With the advent of personal computers,
software was written based on the CRPL database and this software
was welcomed with open arms because it was so convenient. Some
writers proceeded to publish tables showing that for each
historical sunspot maximum, the beginning and end of widespread
F2 openings at 50MHz coincided with a particular level of
smoothed SSN and flux, and this led to the widespread belief in
the magic flux level of 200 for 6m DX!
All of these developments were logical and properly rooted in
scientific fact But obviously something is wrong because, as
noted above the obsessive checking of the daily WWV flux number
has failed to produce any improvement in our prediction ability.
What happened is that somewhere along the way (actually, many
writers seem to have independently made the same fatal error),
the critical adjective "smoothed" was omitted. This
concept of smoothing means that the data are averaged over a
13-month period centered on the data in question, which
unfortunately means that smoothed numbers are not available until
6.5 months later and close inspection of that data archives
reveals that, while the smoothed variables do track closely, the
(unsmoothed) daily variables do not.
When looked at on a daily or other short term basis, the flux
diverges wildly from the SSN and both of them diverge from the
levels of F-region ionization. The CRPL database was never
intended to be used with daily SSN, and its accuracy when used
that way is so poor as to render it almost useless. The same
applies to all PC prediction software, and to the 200-flux
"magic number". The reason why daily 2800 MHz flux and
SSN fail to predict daily ionization is that those two
wavelengths of solar radiation are spectrally far away from the
wavelengths that actually excite the ionosphere. The flux
wavelength is about 0.1 metre; the sunspot number is observed in
the visual spectrum around 0.7 micrometre; while the F-region is
primarily ionised by ultraviolet radiation around 0.03 micrometre. Note that these wavelengths differ by orders of
magnitude. Since the spectral distribution of solar output varies
tremendously (and unpredictable) with time, it is quite possible
for the radio flux or SSN to be constant while the UV fluctuates,
or vice versa. Unfortunately for amateur observers, the Earth's
atmosphere is totally opaque in the short UV range, so
measurements of such radiation can only be made from above the
atmosphere. Satellite UV data are available at NOAA SEL, so
perhaps they could be petitioned to make such data available via
WWV, and while they 're at it, they could start giving us more
data on the intensity of flares. the disappearance of filaments,
and coronal hole activity. Meanwhile. the NOAA SEL BBS at
303-497-5000 (see QST Nov 1990 p.41) does include some items that
should be more useful, at least, than the WWV flux: The X-ray
background level and the proton fluence are both listed under
option A, sub item E "daily indices". Anyone with a
modem who connects to that BBS could do us all a favour by
relaying those items on 28.885. It would be wonderful if someone
in the Denver Boulder area could make such calls on a daily
basis, since it would be a local call from that area. The WWV
flux may not be totally useless.
Several 6m DXers have observed that MUFs tend to be elevated,
beginning roughly 3 days after the flux peaks, and ending roughly
when the flux bottoms out, in its 27-day periodicity. So it is
the trend of the flux, rather than its actual value, that seems
al least a little bit useful. Another item mentioned on WWV is
the "solar activity for the last 24 hours", which is
based on X-ray influence, although it's given on a very coarse 5
point scale from very low to very high. I believe that the x-ray
activity has more in common with the short UV than the radio flux
does, so that little item may actually be the most useful in the
whole WWV report. Certainly the WWV predictions "for the
next 24 hours" for both solar and geomagnetic activity are
nothing but crude guesses and rarely prove accurate if those
variables do anything but hold still. As for the magnetic
indices, again there seems to be an ill-founded belief that
"the quieter, the better" as Geoff points out. This
appears to have begun with articles in CQ Magazine by a writer
who shall remain nameless, in which formulae and graphs were
published proclaiming such a relationship. And again, the idea
has been perpetuated in recent propagation software. It is clear
that, at 50MHz at least, prolonged periods of geomagnetic quiet
actually appear to suppress the F2 MUF. A fact which I believe
was at least partly responsible for the very poor conditions in
November 1990. The one exception seems to be transpolar paths,
where anything but extreme quiet appears preclude F2 propagation.
On the other hand, a really major geomagnetic storm with
A-indices exceeding say 80 or 100, also suppresses normal F2 (for
example, the storm of March 1989), but when such a storm is
subsiding, there can be spectacular F2 opening worldwide. So it
appears that intermediate A and K indices may be the best. But
even so, two dates with identical indices can differ
dramatically; perhaps the afore mentioned proton fluence data on
the SEL- BBS can help sort this out.
Finally, those attempting analysis of past events should be
aware that the WWV numbers are preliminary. The final data is
published in the monthly Solar-Geophysical data, and reprinted in
the Journal of Geophysical Research, section A, available in many
university libraries, and also, of course, they are archived in
Boulder and at other World Data Centers. Certainly the 1800 UTC
Boulder A-index so favoured by the cultists should never be used
for serious analysis, because, as stated by WWV, that is a
preliminary number encompassing only an 18-hour period, and it is
usually changed at 2400 UTC to a semi-final value. Likewise, all
the magnetic indices on WWV are local Boulder numbers, and should
be supplanted by the final Planetary indices as given in SGD and
JGR. Anyone using the formulae for conversion of flux to SSN or
vice versa should keep in mind that such formulae are crude
empirical approximations of a relationship which is not a simple
function, so please leave off the decimals. For use with
prediction software, the best numbers are the predicted smoothed
monthly sunspot numbers issued by A. Koeckelenburgh of the
sunspot index centre in Brussels; these are published in Sky
& Telescope every month and tend to be quite accurate. This
number for January 1991 is 134.
The most powerful predictor at this point seems to be that
actual 50MHz F2 propagation events are most likely to recur at
27-day intervals. This has, of course, been known for several
decades, I have found it to be surprisingly useful during Cycle
Geoff raised several other points. On the matter of
backscatter, or more accurately side scatter, I get lots of it at
my geomagnetic dip latitude, and it always fits a certain
pattern. Signals are weak and diffuse, whether the distances are
short or long (such as ZC4-KH6 and 6W1-KH6), and the
poorly-equipped stations along with those who insist on using SSB
are never heard. The stations at both ends generally do have
strong reception to the intermediate point to which the antennas
are pointed if there is any activity there (South America in the
two cases cited above). These are hallmarks of scatter. By great
contrast, the true long path openings I've witnessed (and have
described) show strong, clear signals, even from the small
stations, and the antenna bearings never deviate noticeably from
the great-circle long path azimuth. Added to all this, I cannot
imagine any mechanism which might account for strong signal bent
paths, so it's not surprising that they don't seem to exist, at
least not at these frequencies.
On the matter of widespread sporadic-E, I'm not going to touch
that one! But it reminds me that many times in this sunspot
maximum, there have been sudden almost global onsets of 6m F2,
simultaneously (e.g.; within a 5-minute period), and almost as
suddenly, the band dies, everywhere simultaneously. Apparently
the cause must be some burst of UV from the sun which briefly
enhances the MUF over the entire sunward hemisphere. And does
28.885 ever get clogged up on those occasions.
UKSMG Six News issue
April 1991 |