Mailed out 30 QSL's today EU/USA split evenly. Postage to
EU is $1.25 EACH + 15% tax. Not cheap !! G4UZN's card
was the first to get a stamp ;-) 73 de Slow QSL-er Mike ;-p
Mike, VE9AA
Friday, May 31 2002 at 21:30 (GMT)
nice opening this evening with SA , wkd PY5CC 53-7 , also did last year but no takers then i could not help my self to make a dupe hi hi , manage to make a good recording which can be hrd here among others.
soeren, OZ0JX
Friday, May 31 2002 at 20:55 (GMT)
Still no QSLs from TG9NX & FM5WD.
Wolfgang , DJ3TF
Friday, May 31 2002 at 20:20 (GMT)
Ray, got my FM5WD card via W3HNK, was a few years back tho.
Darrell, G0HVQ
Friday, May 31 2002 at 20:06 (GMT)
Hi Per may I suggest that being out on a limb where you are that you call on 110 if you think the band is open but cant hear anything. Most likely others will do the same - till the band is open wide then the QSY principle takes over. Good DX
Ken, G4IGO
Friday, May 31 2002 at 19:53 (GMT)
Per,Jx7dfa,You are rare Dx!, I'd use 110,and if pile-up gets big,move crowd to 120 etc.If one is narrow/band minded,enough not to listen up/dn from 110,they deserve to miss You!.Thats my opinion,for what its worth!.73 Gud Ellis.
Ellis, WA1RKS
Friday, May 31 2002 at 16:27 (GMT)
Should I use 50.110 or not ?
Often this is the best way to get attention, but I know some stations are complaning.
It is impossible for me to call CQDX and not get Eu pileup !
Should I work Eu on 110 or not ?
It's tricky to operate from a rare location with few openings :-(
Personally I feel that 50.110 should have been the activation centre, like 144.050 or 144.300.
People will never learn to behave correct on 110 with the rules we have today.
What is 'dx' on six anyway ??
73 de Per, JX7DFA
(QRV until Oct-2002)
Friday, May 31 2002 at 16:01 (GMT)
Steve KL7FZ QSL or else I will tell your X-XYL where you live, OR maybe come and stay for the summer...hi!!
Steve, VK3SIX
Friday, May 31 2002 at 13:24 (GMT)
GM7NZI Hi Ray I got lucky with TG9 the second time I tried and that was for a VK8 to TG9 qso, so I guess the first one got lost in mail. I am still trying to connnfirm 4W6UN for ZS1AU and just cannot get a card through the postal system. I just sent a card for a VK/LH QSO in Oct 1976 to a W7, it only took 25.5 years to confirm the qso for him? Imagine what he has said about me for a 1/4 of a century??
Steve, VK3SIX
Friday, May 31 2002 at 13:13 (GMT)
I thought we all agreed to be good boys and lay off the personal stuff. Ive known Mikey since KL7 days, and as he says being slow is no crime. I will also now be slow and wont send until I have at least $100 USD in the kitty to offset the 8% rip off by the AUssie banks in exchannnging green stamps for Aussie stamps. And of course everyone tells you that they never made a mistake with their qsling, it is always the happless manager who gets it in the neck, lighten up on qsl recriminations please..or go work someone else..
Steve, VK3SIX
Friday, May 31 2002 at 13:09 (GMT)
hi all cant resist mentioning... re previous posting.. ive spoken to bob (VE1YX) around 30-40 times between 1995 and 2002 ,qsl'd him 7 times and had no card yet, buy hey what does it matter cos theres many more ve stations out there and ve is well confirmed, shame on you bob not sending a qsl to your "big ray of sunshine" sure we'll be talkin again soon bob?.. still nothing from 6Y5RW , FM5WD , OR TG9NX .. many thanks to you ron 7Q7RM for #110 on 26/05/02
best 73 all ..ray
ray, GM7NZI
Friday, May 31 2002 at 12:50 (GMT)
Thanks guys, but no more on Canadian QSLS eh? Cheers
Chris, G3WOS
Friday, May 31 2002 at 07:13 (GMT)
I have to say here that I got VE country confirmed by VE9AA, 100% direct and reasonably quick. Tnx Mike!
Andrea, IK5QLO
Friday, May 31 2002 at 07:09 (GMT)
Nice QSL in today from F6FHP. Thanks Joel!
re. HC8N > I handle only HC8/N0JK QSLs. I have received some for HC8N, which I forward about once a month.
Jon, N0JK
Friday, May 31 2002 at 01:08 (GMT)
Bert PA7MM. I worked Jack VE1ZZ on 6 metres on 29 July last year for my first VE on six. I got a QSL by return of post.
Tony, G4UZN
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 22:51 (GMT)
I worked on 160 VE1ZZ many years ago. HE is not sending cards at all. Took me many years to work another guy on 160.
My father PA0COR worked VE9AA as 1st VE-station. Despite qsl-via buro and one direct to new adress he never got an answer. Finally he worked a few others to confirm VE.
What i will say is its always important to get a country
confirmed whatever your call is PA7MM,PA0COR or VE9AA.
Bert, PA7MM
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 22:41 (GMT) seems to be down at the moment ,btw worked OD5/IW0GXY km73 this evening as a new one #117 sqr#555 ,no sign of YI or ZC in jo54 :-((
73es OZ0JX
ICQ# 116411605
soeren, OZ0JX
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 22:08 (GMT)
Just to clarify a few other posts I have seen here. For the
most part, I am not answering any HC8N QSL requests that were sent
to AA5BT. There are a few that he has forwarded to me. These
are the ones asking for several QSOs to be confirmed. Derek
has always hand written QSLs from paper logs and these are the
ones that gave him the most difficulty. It is POSSIBLE that he
will transfer a few others to me as well. The ones not transfered
to me will eventually be answered by AA5BT. If there is ever any
question, go to my web page and you can check for yourself if I
have your request. The URL is .
You can check the date I received your request and when I answered it.
Hope this is helpful. 73, Randy - W5UE
Randy, W5UE
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 21:38 (GMT)
Tony/'UZN. I don't mind you complaining so much as out and out lying or extreme exagerations like this: "...The direct e-mails I have received indicate not that you are slow, but that nobody has ever seen a VE9AA QSL.One of the penalties of having a mega-station is that you get lots of QSLs. Do you donate the IRCs and green stamps to charity..."
C'mon, give a guy a break! If you want to send me stuff like
this privately, that's fine, but just because I am slow
does not mean I have never sent a QSL card out in my life.
I've sent countless 10's of thousands for VE9, CY9, CY0, VE1, VO2, VO1, etc. Really, you need to look at the accusations you and a select few are making. Sheesh!
Mike, VE9AA
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 21:26 (GMT)
Hello guys,
I am looking for the manual from the "8749-microcomputer"
It is working fine but i have never found the manual from it.
I hope someone can help me.
Beste 73 Eric,on4ln.
Eric, ON4LN
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 21:21 (GMT)
Mike VE9AA. It is a shame that everone seems to be sniping at you about QSL cards. The problem is that lots of us also have wives, families and jobs. We spend our leisure time on the air, and especially on Six we like to get QSL cards from the stations we work during the rare transatlantic openings.My QSL return on cards sent direct for 6m QSOs over the last year is about 96 per cent, and you stick out like a sore thumb. The direct e-mails I have received indicate not that you are slow, but that nobody has ever seen a VE9AA QSL.One of the penalties of having a mega-station is that you get lots of QSLs. Do you donate the IRCs and green stamps to charity? I hope this posting is not construed as offensive or irrelevant to this page, but what you said does call for an answer. OK, QSLs are a pain, but they are part of the hobby.
Tony, G4UZN
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 18:30 (GMT)
Hi all..Verry nice opening to YI9OM today starting at 1030 here in JO41 and still go to get him!Qsl via OM6TX..
HES UP TO 5/9+ at times
Good Dx and vy 73 Frank
Frank, DL8YHR
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 12:36 (GMT)
Hi All,
Well I'm now back on line agn after a few mishaps.
So far since I've been back in the land of sunshine and amber nectar. I've done zero on 6 mtrs but that is owing to restrictions on antennas at my present location.
At present I'm only using a IC756 100w IC AH4 atu and 45ft
of wire . So far the only beacon I've heard is VK6RPH 59+
(but then I'm only abt 6 miles away ).
Once we get sorted out with our own place things "SHOULD" be a lot different. ( I HOPE )!!!!!
Good luck all on the magic band and MAYBE one day I'll have a QSO with you..
73 de Les VK6CJL ( ex M0CJL ) OF78VB PERTH WA
Les , VK6CJL
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 11:40 (GMT)
Keep your records, DXCC desk in VK lost my total records so just spent four days going through 4000 cards to arrive at the same total as before, I guess when we die all our cards get thrown in a dumpster hey??
Steve, VK3SIX
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 05:25 (GMT)
The MFj-9406 is a great radio for the price, hears well, and can get the job done. It "saved the day" for me from KH8. See: http//
The FT-817 is a better radio than the MFJ in terms of features, selectivity and versitility - but at a significantly higher cost. OX3FV made many F2 6M QSOs this season with his "barefoot" FT-817 and whip antenna. 5 watts and a whip QRV are far better than a KW and big yagi without an operator.
Jon, N0JK
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 02:27 (GMT)
Complain, complain. Boy, you G-stns sure do complain about QSL's & QSL-ing an awful lot. I have never made it a secret that I am a slow QSL-er. Never. I could understand it if you were waiting for a CY0, CY9 or something equally as rare card, but how many "VE" cards do you really need? Anyway, matters not. The wait will be still be longer. I was going to move and 97% of all my belongings were in boxes. I found a small box with completed QSL's only needing a stamp and mailed NH7RO his. 90% of my stuff is still packed. (some of it not even here). If you sent me a QSL direct and included enough postage, money
or carrier pigeon to get it back to you, you WILL get a card. I cannot comprehend the urgency to get "FN65" or "VE".
I am sure VE1YX has worked 99.5% of all Europeans and is reported to be a quick QSL. I am sure I would be too, if
I didn't have a 9-5 job, young family and all that goes with it. Of course, if you are waiting for your VE card
for your 100th country, I can honestly understand. Otherwise
-GET A LIFE! :-P , Mike VE9AA, ex cy0aa cy9aa etc. etc.
Mike, VE9AA
Thursday, May 30 2002 at 01:25 (GMT)
Major 50 MHz StopPress page update at vy 73 de
Matt, OZ6OM
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 22:41 (GMT)
Mike, thank you for finding my card out of all those boxes. I hope that did not cause you to open a can of worms in the process! 73 & GL DX as always, Jeff
Jeff, NH7RO
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 20:07 (GMT)
I renewed my site. It can now be found at
Ray, PA4PA
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 18:56 (GMT)
Mike/VE9AA - hope you found my qsl in those 100 boxes.
Brian, G3SYC
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 18:38 (GMT)
Re Info on FT817
Thanks your views have been most welcome.
It looks like one will be winging its way to me in the not too distant future but alas not im time for RSGB backpackers so its old faithfully the MFJ9406 being used in this weekends contest, ok it's not all singing and dancing but I won't had a bad word said about it as I have used one for years with great success, in fact the MFJ into a homebrew 2ele took 1st place in the 6mtr backpackers a few years ago beating a local station with a ic706 and 5 ele hands down.
Once again many thanks for all info and website links.
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 17:13 (GMT)
Mike VE9AA - were the 100 boxes you unpacked to find the KH QSL card full of the cards from the rest of us which you have not answered?
Tony, G4UZN
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 17:05 (GMT)
Peter MI5JYK, I worked OK1MRS on Monday during ES opening. He was using the FT817 on 1 watt from JO80AM. He was 59 with good audio but failed to tell me what antenna he was using ! 73s .
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 15:48 (GMT)
Hans, DL8PM, the qsl manager for D2EB is Enrico, I3LLH. Try the QSl Managers section on
David, G1JDU
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 15:30 (GMT)
Hi, Frank I will be also active. Check UKSMG Contest Report
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 12:42 (GMT)
PA6M will be qrv again on 1 and 2 juni during the 6 meter (fieldday) contest. We will be on 50.190 ± QRM. I hope everyone who worked us last year received our QSL-card, if not let me know. We made a second antenna system for dir. UK. I hope ES (TEP) propagation will be there? Pictures from last year can be found here:
Frank, PA3DYS
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 11:50 (GMT)
V51 beacon: I'm in touch with Derek and UKSMG will be sending a replacement keyer in the very near future.
Iain, G0RDI
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 11:36 (GMT)
To G1JDU: tnx for info. I was deceived by the fact that the hotlinks on this page do not have the typical appearance of hotlinks. 73
Tony, I0JX
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 10:30 (GMT)
Sri miss typo - was P5/4L4FN.According to his home page: he used HF vertical.Anyone send beam antenna? GL.
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 08:12 (GMT)
817 - Peter I used the 817 bare foot from Namibia last month into a 5/8 over 5/8 and had great fun in working back to Eu using 4w on 6 - I used 13.8V external...the power is less than 5W if, like me, the case was a bit warm sitting in a semi desert environment. Sensitivity and selectivity was good but I was glad (very selfish I know) that the V51 beacon was still off as it looks down on my QTH near Aris, some 20kM South of Windhoek - I agree the batt pack gives about 3 hours on a good day with the Solar wind from behind.
Ive still got red dust in the rigs crevasses...Laurence KL7/G4DMA Anchorage (and still looking over the pole towards Eu triple hop AuEs...yes Im dreaming again)
Flo, KL7/G4DMA
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 07:15 (GMT)
Weeeeee - I'm logged in! ;-)
Jolly Good Show!
Tim, NA1CW
Wednesday, May 29 2002 at 01:49 (GMT)
Many topics---
Uffe, congrats on your 2 fantastic deliveries!!.....
I would certainly choose the FT-817...Had a MFj-9406 and
this is not a dxpedition machine by any means. Just a cute
little rig; very simple and not even RIT! WSJT and PSK31
is picking up here in NA. Most activity 50.260-290 as far
as I know. There is a website dedicated to a kind of CHAT
about it all. Think the link is ....... ......
Jeff NH7RO, after a VERY long wait, your card went out a few days ago. I unpacked about 100 boxes to find it! (honest!) A big move we were planning never materialized, so I am stuck in the swamp @ FN65rs for a while yet :-(
BTW, not a single peep from across the pond yet. Highly unusual. By mid May we've usually heard CU3URA/SIX, CT3FT or EH8BPX and some CT-242/250-EA Videos. Not a peep yet!
I think Tim Na1CW (ex N1RZ) is saving up all the clouds for
his and Lefty's(K1TOL) upcoming FP/NA1CW which promises to be very exciting !! 73 all, de Mike VE9AA
Mike, VE9AA
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 23:39 (GMT)
06-0740Z,26th May 2002 P5/4F4FS came to 6m and made QSOs with many JAs.He was on 50.203 and listened 210-215. As SSB on HF has been approved by ARRL, QSO on this band is expected to be valid. According to his home page he is using the butternut vertical.Hoping his sigs will go to another side of the earth with a beam antenna.FB DX.
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 21:24 (GMT)
Peter, I haven't ever used an FT-817 but from what I've heard I would certainly choose the 817 over others for 6m qrp. I've worked a small number of DX stations using them (VK4AHW, Harv, & VK4YRS, Ray are two for sure, also a few S. American stations)and I gave them 5x3 reports from my KH6 qth)and the little rig has quite a few worthwhile features for such a tiny package. The only negative comment heard is about the battery packs--they run out quickly on 5W--I suggest carrying an extra gel cell/motorcycle battery for when the need arises. BTW, SV1UY has an excellent website devoted largely to the 817--you must see it (url is a long one--try a search on his call on his article on using counterpoises with this rig. I too, look forward to having an 817 to go hiking with around the island's high elevations--and perhaps work a little more dx on six via the qrp route. Enjoy!
Jeff, NH7RO
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 20:50 (GMT)
Interesting QSO with Hiro, XW0X on 15m this evening. He has a new IC-706 MkII to cover 6m as well as his IC-736. He has sorted out his coax cable problems and is waiting for openings to Eu. He has worked 1100 Eu stations on 6m so far. Licensing in Laos is almost impossible for visiting amateurs - all stations are fixed stations - Hiro's annual licence fee is U.S.$540 ! A recent DXpedition was unable to pay the $9000 asked by Customs to allow their equipment into the country. 73 Chris
Chris, GM3WOJ
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 19:58 (GMT)
Just would like to say that I received my 6mtr DXCC #519 today.
Thank you all, who made it possible (QSL cards) and special thanks for dennis PA7FM who took my cards to the AGM recently.
This DXCC was achieved mostly with 50W and just a few with 100W.
As you can see, it can be done without QRO. Just be smart !
GD DX to all and on to the next 100...hi.
Michael, PA3GST
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 19:08 (GMT)
Is anyone out there using the FT817 on 50MHz preferably in its barefoot QPR mode as opposed to being a prime mover for a linear.
If so what do you think of this rig is it sensitive enough, does it suffer badly when strong signals are present, does it have a good punchy audio etc.
I'd like to hear you thoughts as Im thinking about one to use for QRP portable work or would I be better off just using my trusty MFJ9406? need to know ASAP as its RSGB 50MHz backpackers this coming weekend.
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 19:08 (GMT)
Hello Guys i am interested in digital mode PSK31 or WSJT on
six meters.
If you would join to do some experiment, create a mail list
or talk about this please write
P.S. This is the right season for continental digital qrp QSO on six......tnx de Vince IT9CHU one of IG9A CQWW2001 M/M Team
Vince, IT9CHU
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 18:52 (GMT)
Hello Guys. I´ll be QRV as one of the OZ7CQ team in the Nordic Activity Contest tonight 17-21 UT. We will be QRV from JO55CE, round 50.173 MHz. Really hope to see You down the log ! vy 73 de
Matt, OZ6OM
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 16:02 (GMT)
UFFE, congrats on both deliveries best 73 ..ray
ray, GM7NZI
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 15:58 (GMT)
I´m happy to announce two important deliveries this month. On 10 May: Rasmus 4kgs/56cm, and today: 6m DXCC #516
Uffe, PA5DD
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 15:39 (GMT)
During your beacon monitor, please consider to listen to 58.600 KHz FMW. This is a link frequency between two repeaters of Radio Studio X, broadcasting also on AM 1584 kHz.
The transmitter is at around 1000 m. asl, power is 80 W, antenna 4 el. pol. Vertical beamed 250°, 24 hours daily.
Grid is JN53JX.
The owner is a friend of mine and please, if you listen to the "beacon", send me a short e-mail.
Best DX from IZ5ENH (ex IW5BZQ) iz5enh(at)
Stefano, IZ5ENH
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 15:13 (GMT)
Please tell me the qsl-info D2EB. I wkd D2EB on
50.133.0 MHz, 26.May 2002 at 19.53 UTC. Thanks and 73
Hans, DL8PM
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 14:51 (GMT)
could someone tell me when D2EB is due to leave ANGOLA .thanks 73 STEWART
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 12:25 (GMT)
To all our Italian neighbors and friends: It is not true that we are not "cooperative" while calling YI9OM over you on .110 last night. My Italian is poor but -correct me if I’m wrong- you where discussing QSL info and grid locator of Peter on top of his CQ calls!
Have a good season
Nick, SV1EN
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 11:53 (GMT)
Contest was hard going, several almost QSOs with South coast stations. Were they QRO or do I just have a _very_ quiet location? Most were 53/55 to me. Nice bit of Es on Sunday but I'm really missing having a beam. Which would be better, 2 * 3el spaced 5/8 but with an HF beam in the middle, or a 6m boom 6ele?
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 10:02 (GMT)
Postage From VK to Cyprus is 1.5 Oz dollars, which is about 84 cents US.
Nick, 5B4FL/G3KOX
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 08:01 (GMT)
Tony I0JX, emails do not appear on the page, if you move the cursor over the name and callsign of the station posting a message it is a link. Click this and a new page will appear, from where you can then click the Send Mail To link. This will start your own email client and insert the email address given by the station as their displayed email address.
David, G1JDU
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 07:28 (GMT)
As the Es season is starting hope this discussion on Rules serves for ALL EU Stations to stay off 110 for EU QSO's . A quiet QSY UP is not going todo any harm .YI9OM was in last night on 110 during Es opening. We should really think about that. 73's Philip
Philip, 9H1PA
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 06:10 (GMT)
Great updates to this page Chris and co. VK News: P5/4L4FN has been on and it is a possible from VK. The bank scene: Not content in making $20,000 per minute and obscene profits, when I went to cash in the monthly $%% for postage todat I got slugged $8 flat fee or %8 of $100.
That means that taking in smaller amounts such as say $10 $20 will lead to 80% or 40% slug so what it means to me is that the qsl output mailings can only occur when the QSL kitty exceeds 4100 US whicvh is about every 3 months. Unless you want to pay the fee. So send IRCs for 4W6UN et al not US $ they are just too expensive to exchange for postage.
Steve, VK3SIX
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 03:36 (GMT)
New 50 MHz StopPress page update at vy 73 de
Matt, OZ6OM
Tuesday, May 28 2002 at 00:25 (GMT)
Nicolas I see that now e-mails do no longer appear... my e-mail is
Tony, I0JX
Monday, May 27 2002 at 23:12 (GMT)
To Nicolas ON1NS: write me an e-mail concerning the A1015
Tony, I0JX
Monday, May 27 2002 at 23:10 (GMT)
Gentlemen, before we all start voting for *Disqualifications*
and all sorts of other horrendous penalties, may I humbly
suggest that we all go back to the Contest Page and read
the RULES! I quote "QSOs within your own Continent must be
outside the DX Window 50.100-50.130 MHz." Therefore it follows
that any QSO made in this segment during the 2002 UKSMG Contest
with any station outside one's Continent was perfectly legitimate.
Joe, 9H1CG
Monday, May 27 2002 at 21:06 (GMT)
I wonder if someone has a schematic of the SSB electronics SP6 preamplifier, I have one, a bit rusty on the outside and attenuating 10db instead of amplifyng :-)
Johan, ON4ANT
Monday, May 27 2002 at 17:49 (GMT)
This bandplan discussion and contests has ben going on for ages. Every contest there is a significant number of stations working intereuropean QSO´s below 130.
To my best knowledge hardly nobody get's disqualified for this. It is actually quite simple either you start to practice the rules and actively disqualify stations, or you abandon the rule on not working in the DX window.
Personaly I think the rule is OK, but extremly difficult to practice. I suggest that the comitte discuss and decide on this issue shortly.
Claus, OZ1FDH
Monday, May 27 2002 at 14:56 (GMT)
Help wanted. Martijn (PA3GFE) will go to Peru from October 8th till aprox. January 3rd. I've asked him if he would like to become QRV on six meters from over there and he was interested but the only thing is he needs an small 6m radio as he is going to do some backpacking. So this will not be a dx-pedition but a freetime operation. As you might have seen October is a good month for OA to EU. If anyone who has a small spare six rig laying around and would like to donate this for the time he's there let me know. After that period he's going to CP and HC too but not sure if he could operate from there. His planned schedule is 2/3 days in Lima, 6 weeks in Arequipa, 2 weeks Cusco and 1 month in the rainforrest.
Ray, PA4PA
Monday, May 27 2002 at 14:55 (GMT)
another excellent edition of 6 news just arrived...thank you to those who posed my question at the agm and those who replied to it....
in my Prefix article there is an error
M3 licencees DO NOT have acess to 10m
this was an oversight on my part SRI
73 Colin MU0FAL
Colin, MU0FAL
Monday, May 27 2002 at 14:34 (GMT)
It's so simple.....Do you participate in a contest if you don't know the rules?? It's time we ALL learn the rules. I loved to work UR5TW this weekend but missed him because he was wkng EU's on 126. Same goes up for the selfspotting. Also in the rules. Don't play by the rules, throw them out untill they learn. I vote for Disqualification!!!
Ray, PA4PA
Monday, May 27 2002 at 14:10 (GMT)
I agree with Peter G3IBI in that the rules are quite clear, now QSO's below .130. Even though I must confess I absent mindly strayed below 130 in the beginning. Thankfully I was reminded of my error and QSY'ed. I think disqualifaction is a bit harsh, perhaps discounting QSO's below .130 would be more reasonable, unless the rules state otherwise ?
Dave, G8FXM
Monday, May 27 2002 at 13:46 (GMT)
Re UKSMG contest - I agree with Philip in regards to the timing of this years contest - the clash with CQWW was unfortunate and for me caused a few problems . With regards to the use of the DX window is concerned the rules are quite clear I believe - no contest qsos below 130 . Yes I herad a lot below 130 but playing by the rules I had to ignore them . So should I be disadvantaged by sticking above 130 ? If the rules state KEEP ABOVE 130 ( or whatever ) then anyone contravening this should be disqualified - SIMPLE .
Peter, G3IBI
Monday, May 27 2002 at 13:30 (GMT)
About Contest rules no Dx station will go above 150.
They will stay around 110. And reg our station 9H0O
we did not work any EU station below 130 . If some people
put JY, TN , SU & 4X as EU not our problem . With the lousy
conditions and no EU station we had to call DX!!!!!!.
Might be a lesson to but Contest Date back were it was . I think
the change did not work. 73's Philip 9H1PA
Philip, 9H1PA
Monday, May 27 2002 at 11:07 (GMT)
DX WINDOW & CONTESTS. It's a deep philosophical problem, and one that's bothered me for a good few years. Surely the sensible thing would be to rule that contest *entrants* should not operate in the DX window *other* than to call DX stations who are? It's not - in my opinion - fair to penalise a contest station who is prepared to vacate their 'run' QRG and try to crack a pileup. But that's just my view ....
Iain, G0RDI
Monday, May 27 2002 at 08:27 (GMT)
CONTEST RULES ... In Italy we have a easy law... all the contests are made over 50150 so that not to disturb who doesn't want to make the contest and the traffic dx; why not to update also the uksgm contest rules (and the others contests)? Sergio
Sergio, IK0FTA
Monday, May 27 2002 at 08:17 (GMT)
D2EB - finally got him last night - peaking over 9 and in for 1hr. T3B - in for well over 1 hour at up to s9 but no QSO split from .110 is not ideal - particularly when there are EHs chatting about his progress on his freq ;-) 73
Peter, G8BCG
Monday, May 27 2002 at 07:30 (GMT)
I'd like to hear what others think of allowing UKSMG contest QSOs in the window. I don't think it's a good idea to try and move a rare inexperienced on six and mostly weak station like TN3B off 110, but contesting there is a different matter. (Very different too from doing it on .127 where I worked you As-Eu Ivan.)
Nick, 5B4FL/G3KOX
Monday, May 27 2002 at 06:35 (GMT)
Ooops M1BKZ operated with us not M1BRK, sorry Chris.
Conrad , G0RUZ
Monday, May 27 2002 at 01:31 (GMT)
Yes the site for Taclog is working again but it wasn't on Friday evening or Saturday morning when I needed it Uffe :-( BTW thanks for the points. I see that I missed 5R and D2 while I was at work this evening, well I'm back on 6m and I'm already stressed out, my blood pressure was much lower when the antenna was down :-)
Conrad , G0RUZ
Monday, May 27 2002 at 01:24 (GMT)
Nick (5b4fl, h2o), tn3b was interesting before you worked him; but then he should have turned into a nuisance once worked. So should he have qsyed as well once you've worked him? If you call (and look) for dx when no EUs are coming in and no one replies, it leaves to believe you have no propagation i.e. you are not disturbing… and THANKS FOR CALLING IN THE DX WINDOW as 5b4fl AND h2o it gave us some more points !!!
Ìvan, 9H1PI
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 21:52 (GMT)
Nick, 110 is the place where we ALL call CQ hoping to raise some DX from another continent whether there
is a contest on or not. So would it make it less offensive if one called "CQ DX" rather than "CQ CONTEST"?
The fact is that DX stations are not meant to work pile ups on 110 for hours on end, yet DXpeditioners do
this fairly regularly, at times working split as well! I am sure that you too must have found this practice
terribly irritating at times. Incidently, there was only one other 9H station QRV in the contest.........not that
many really; a simple request to QSY would have shut us up instantly. Excluding use of the DX window
during an international contest will only result in further frustration. Immagine working any DX station in the
DX window and not being able to include that QSO in your Contest Log! From my experience very few DX stations
oblidge when asked to QSY; they usually like to hold their ground.
Joe, 9H1CG
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 20:36 (GMT)
Indeed as usual conditions were not optimal during the contest. We started with S9 local noise from west to south but on sunday it was gone all of a sudden. On saturday mostly PA/DL/ON and a few G' were worked. Sunday we got a bit of Es but way down on the activity. We kept on calling and calling resulting in just 150 QSO's including almost every PA. After I got back home Es showed again and worked 127 Q's from home as PB6M between 1540-1840z. Wish we had an opening like that during the contest...Well, maybe next year but please don't plan the contest in a major HF contest weekend. 73 Ray PA4PA
Ray, PA4PA
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 20:01 (GMT)
Conrad, you can download TACLog at:
Uffe, PA5DD
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 19:46 (GMT)
Many thanks to all those who worked me during the UKSMG contest, much appreciated. 214 qso's made, now comes the hard work...working out my score!
Thanks again see you all next week in the trophy.
73's Daniel, mw1mfy
Daniel, MW1MFY
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 18:38 (GMT)
Joe, it could be just that our paths crossed and you posted your message at exactly the same time that I was changing things round. Sorry if we lost your post, please make it again.
David, G1JDU
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 18:22 (GMT)
HI All , UKSMG Contest over with very poor conditions.I don't know why dates put so forward
and not left as before in peak of Es season.Was like having an EME Contest at Apogee or a 2meter
Contest during Winter. Hope that it wil be shifted back to normal mid June
like before. 73's Philip 9H1PA
Philip, 9H1PA
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 18:22 (GMT)
My last contribution that was posted and
published on this page just before G1JDU's
seems to have disappeared! Perhaps the webmaster
could kindly paste it back on.......unless it has
been censored, of course.....hi.....thank you.
Joe, 9H1CG
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 18:19 (GMT)
We have now switched to announcement postings only by users who have registered and logged-in. Thanks to all those who took the opportunity to pre-register, click the link above to login and post an announcement.
David, G1JDU
Sunday, May 26 2002 at 16:35 (GMT)
done, Johan on Bits & Pieces page
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 16:18:43 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone tell me if the MIRAGE A-1015-G 6m amplifier is sold in Belgium? Please tell me where I can buy one. Thanks in advance and good DX on 6 to all of you. Best 73 de ON1NS Nicolas
Nicolas ON1NS <>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 15:25:21 (GMT/BST)
Would it be possible to have a link added on top of announcement page to the JT44/FSK441 soft developed by K1JT. It has proven to be a reliable and usefull piece of soft free of charges! What say? Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 14:54:42 (GMT/BST)
G4NOK North Wakefield Radio Club just finished the contest and we had some fun, operators were John G0EVT,Chris M1BRK and myself, we had around 280 QSO's but the multipliers were well down and the last 40 mins we had S7-S9 static rain.It was a shame that when using the club call we couldn't give away our membership number as both John and I are members. Can anyone tell us how to configure SDV for this contest, we resorted to a paper log as I couldn't download TACLOG which I had used for this contest previously, the webpage seems to have vanished. Anyway it's nice to be QRV again, I have installed a 6M7 to replace the snapped in half 6M7JHV, I must say it looks more sturdy, let's hope so. I enjoyed the contest but I would prefer it to be a few weeks later I think.Regards
Conrad G0RUZ <conrad(at)>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 14:42:29 (GMT/BST)
Just finished contest Saturday very very poor zero activity heard so qsy's to the pub instead, Today hangover lifted at 8:12 GMT with SP's from KO11 at 20bd over S9.
7 countries worked no check on squares yet but best dx was SQ8GKQ in KO11GG at 1932Km
Peter GI7JYK <beefypetehotmail,com>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 13:20:59 (GMT/BST)
UKSMG contest: Just finished the contest, not too bad after all I think. It started realy bad yesterday, but the Es of today did bring us some dx. Pse send your log,even with only a few qso's to the adres below. tnx for participation. Any suggestions/remarks are also welcome.
Dennis PA7FM <>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 13:04:17 (GMT/BST)
Well you got what you asked for! Nice opening. 10khz for c.w and 100khz for SSB.So little c.w. activity and lots of chaos.Time to reorganise the bandplan and have separate contests for c.w. and ssb, like on h.f.? Or is c.w. illegal in the contest?
Tony G4UZN <>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 13:01:27 (GMT/BST)
May I request that next year UKSMC Contest QSOs have to ALL be outside the DX Window? Saturday there were many (seemed to be mostly 9H but others too) stations calling CQ Contest on 110, presumably hoping to work ouside their continent. It was making it very difficult to hear TN3B or any another interesting ones.
Nick 5B4FL H2O <5b4fl(at)>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 06:01:18 (GMT/BST)
Half hour after hearing and posting 42 Mhz R/T comms from West coast usa, we had KH6 beacon and then a brief 15 min opening from VK3 to W6. Don't discount low frequency observations and reports, they work..
Steve <vk3sixatwia....>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 05:42:36 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-021 now available at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 00:41:42 (GMT/BST)
It seems intended....4 qso's on the contest since 12Z !
Hope for better days. This is sooooooooooooo frustrating.
73 de Isaac, 4Z4TL, km72ke
4z4tl <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 23:40:59 (GMT/BST)
With the Dec/Jan 6M openings only 1 station in S51 hasnt sent a card, and since VK8OT ops in 2000 I have a 99.0% return on all qsl's so what am I doing that others arent to get valuable cards? You tell me? Even EX8MLT, EY8MM BY, the Middle East, UA0 100% success and yes it cost about $2 per card but I got lucky and didnt need any registered mail. Even got my TG9 card, both YV's, YN, V31PC finally, all the tough countries postally speaking. Check it out if you don't believe me
Steve <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 23:12:08 (GMT/BST)
Re qsl's I remain a WIA member to enable me to process incoming bureau cards for 4W6UN/XU0UN, VK9 expeditions since 1980 and they are fantastic. They know who i represent and they get those cards to me, even the VK8 bureau at Humpty Doo and the VK federal manager in VK6 manages to get cards to me dating back to 1979 every time. Same goes for KL7SIX cards and I can use USA for those cards whilst I am an ARRL member. It doesn't cost to be a society member it pays..and the final courtesy is a good qsl reputation.
Steve <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 23:04:42 (GMT/BST)
A total of two contacts since 1200z. No Es today up here. No aurora so need to play catchup with the fantastic opening GM will get in the morning HI,
Jim GM8LFB <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 21:39:53 (GMT/BST)
Its now 16.00z and, as always seems to happen, the UKSMG Contest is flagging. There is some tropo around and the better sited stations should be getting into PA, ON, F and DL. But, and a big BUT, where are all the callers from G land? From my poor location in IO93 square I count only about half a dozen hams taking this contest seriously. There must be 95% of you out there just listening and not putting out any CQ contest calls. Am I correct in saying that? Perhaps you are all saving on your electricity bills. So come on everyone put a few calls out and don't always rely on the others. And don't be afraid to put in a contest entry no matter how small it is. You will make the Contest Manager a very happy man! 73 to all.....David A Whitaker BRS 25429
David BRS 25429 <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 17:02:08 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have an email address for Paul, M3SIX that works please? The one I have keeps bouncing! Pse email to me, thanks. 73 Fred
G4BWP Fred <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 15:19:20 (GMT/BST)
Hallo Bo, SM7FJE, from your list I rcv. UR7TO via bureau and WT3A/mm direct via new address in Chile XQ6ET.
TA7A and TA7V also nothing. Vy 73
Andreas DL9USA <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 14:46:30 (GMT/BST)
Peter, G0KYX, as a non RSGB member, its now obvious why you havnt received any QSLs. Non got sent, as pointed out by Iain.
Maybe consider joining? It's excellent value, especially if you are a heavy user of the buro. Remember it was the RSGB and its members who negotiated the privileges we all enjoy on six here in the UK today. 73
Neil G0JHC <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 13:07:38 (GMT/BST)
hi all , after a long wait HC8N qsl finally arrived, worth the wait, still no response from 6Y5RV , FM5WD , TG9NX all quiet on the band up here at the moment but ive hope , 73 all ..ray
ray gm7nzi <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 13:07:26 (GMT/BST)
Re: QSL Bureau & non-membership. It's the other way around :-) You can send envelopes to your (RSGB) manager to *receive* cards, but you may not use the buro to send them.
Iain, G0RDI <g0rdi[at]>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 12:35:49 (GMT/BST)
Darrel G0HVQ. 1. You are not a member of your national society? 2. Some people QSL, some don't. You deserve credit for your honesty. You don't have to answer those repeat QSLs, though.3. Yes,going for a walk is a bit antiquated in this age of space travel.4. The bureau is so slow it hurts,but some of us are on a lmited budget. 5. Answering QSLs is a courtesy-it isn't such hard work is it? (Flame-proof jacket on).
Tony G4UZN <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 12:32:33 (GMT/BST)
Darrell, G0HVQ...although it clearly won't make any difference to you, I believe that even if you are not a member, you can send cards TO the bureau, but can't receive them FROM the bureau. Still, I've sent loads [by my standards] and still haven't received one back!
Peter G0KYX <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 12:29:39 (GMT/BST)
From Derek- V51VHF Beacon keeper: The beacon is now repaired RF section now need a keyer. Any ideas ?
Send info to him at
Alex IW0GPN <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 12:12:53 (GMT/BST)
OK, I'll admit to being one of the 'unclean' who don't QSL via the buro. I do this for 3 reasons 1) I'm not a member of the buro so can't send via it 2) I don't have the time to process the bulk of cards that used to come in when I was a member, I'd rather be on the radio with what little free time I have 3) I gave up QSLing mainly 'cos I got fed up of repeat QSLs, one station used to QSL every Es contact of the summer, I had 20 cards from him - what's the point? Please don't look down on us who choose this route, I'm quite happy to QSL direct for those who need the square/country but sending postcards for every QSO is IMHO a bit antiquated in this electronic age (flameproof jacket on!).
Darrell G0HVQ <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 11:47:41 (GMT/BST)
I received an email saying my G3 card is on the way, happy xmas!
VK3SIX <on record.>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 11:46:06 (GMT/BST)
I agree Steve. I handle QSL cards for a block of G3 callsigns as an RSGB sub-manager, and there are some that actively QSL, but there are a few who do not. There are literally hundreds of cards destroyed from each delivery for a handful who do not want their cards, so I suppose they don't bother sending cards out either. They are active on the bands, because the cards keep flooding in, I guess for them the contact was enough.
David G1JDU <g1jdu(at)>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 10:47:11 (GMT/BST)
And just maybe the G3 who owes me a card for the ONLY VK east coast to G qso this cycle, may just feel guilty enough to send it to me for Xmas..
Steve vk3six <at>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 09:58:11 (GMT/BST)
Re qsling or lack thereoff from VKs' I treid unsuccessfully to extract cards from various VK4's on behalf of some W5's in the mistaken belief I was doing a favour. One VK8 hasnt spoken to me since 1992 for doing that and now another one has told me to p--off and stop getting involved. We could have had the cards hand carried down and I could have mailed them out to Europe, inmstead I am losing friends over this issue. My advice, it is pointless airing grievances about qsl cards here and trying to shame them into sending you one. Chances are they never read this page. It pains me to see callsigns I know from VK who dont qsl, and it is straining friendships over here. And as a person who qlss 100% I cannot give you any answers, there are some things that go beyond ham radio, so work lots and suffer losses I say..
Steve vk3six <at>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 09:55:13 (GMT/BST)
Good dx and good fun to all those taking part in the Contest today. Hope to work some of you between work sessions...but unless it is remarkably better than for ages, I shall be submitting a blank log!!!Perhaps someone will switch on the Es at my location by 1200! Maybe everyone will come out of the woodwork!! Who knows...I wait with anticipation!!! I guess that's what 6 is about in West Sussex.
Peter G0KYX <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 08:30:57 (GMT/BST)
Good dx and good fun to all those taking part in the Contest today. Hope to work some of you between work sessions...but unless it is remarkably better than for ages, I shall be submitting a blank log!!!Perhaps someone will switch on the Es at my location by 1200! Maybe everyone will come out of the woodwork!! Who knows...I wait with anticipation!!! I guess that's what 6 is about in West Sussex.
Peter G0KYX <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 08:30:53 (GMT/BST)
G0VSM/P Yes - it's back to /P for this years contest, back to gale / storm force winds and rain. Looking forward to a good contest. Don't be surprised by our VERY low UKSMG membership number! 73 from sunny Cornwall (rain due at set up time). G3ZYY, G1KTZ, G6ION, Tony x-swl now M3???
g8bcg <>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 07:59:45 (GMT/BST)
Tony I0JX: re TN3B Many thanks, mate, and to José EA7KW who phoned me.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)>
- Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 07:15:44 (GMT/BST)
Congratulations to Emilio, IK0OKY and Mary who are getting married tomorrow (25th May) in Rome. Will Emilio ever be heard on 6m again? He says yes and she says possibly! Best wishes John & Bobbi
John, G0JJL <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 23:54:58 (GMT/BST)
TN3B: we were lucky that, at about 21:00, he accepted my request to QSY from 28 RTTY to 50 when D2EB was 59 here. He worked many Is, SVs amd 9Hs. Past attempts earlier in the day had always failed. Grid is JI76
Tony I0JX <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 22:35:58 (GMT/BST)
Please guys, no more public whipping of people who for some reason or the other did not respond to your QSL's.
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh at>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 20:49:59 (GMT/BST)
JX7SIX 50.079: All permits are OK and the beacon is shipped from SM0KAK (TNX Lasse !). Will be installed in July.
Pwr: 10W, dipole and very good QTH for all directions (including USA).
Per, JX7DFA <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 18:03:17 (GMT/BST)
Andreas, you are not the only one! I recognize a lot of familiar calls, in your list, which corresponds to my list of “green stamp collectors”. Some of them will, however, respond if you use “Scud missile diplomacy” while others won’t. In some cases Alzheimer might be the problem in other cases greed is the answer. I could add a few calls to the list: TA7V, RW0IW, UA1ZCG, UR7TO, UT5NH, WT3A/MM, YU7BW/P, VK6ZRT, VK4VV and RV3ANU.
Bo, SM7FJE <bn***>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 16:49:37 (GMT/BST)
Shame about the wx but thanks for trying anyway Tony.
Steve G1INK <G1INK(at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 15:34:34 (GMT/BST)
Re EJ0A: Unfortunately the wx has prevented any landing attempt this weekend, the guys at LRC hope to re schedule later in summer. I will however be activating the call EI0SIX from my home qth for anyone who collects SIX calls.
73 Tony
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 14:43:39 (GMT/BST)
Costas, try, lots of info there.
David G1JDU <webmaster(at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 12:55:31 (GMT/BST)
graham vk6ro: according to the uk callbook (current) gw0pup is a valid call ... best 73 ray
ray gm7nzi <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 12:13:12 (GMT/BST)
Any info on site address pse, with sun flare data of previous few days ? 73
Costas SV1DH <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 11:10:26 (GMT/BST)
Hallo SIXers, no received qsls via bureau is in this time "normaly", but I´m frustrate about direct QSLs with enverlope and IRCs or stamps. I have send between 16.03.2001 and 16.11.2001 many direct QSLs and now the list of call I no rcv: OH6DD/8, OH1ZAA/7, OH6KG, SK7IJ, LA2TAA, LA2PIA, LA6QBA, LA6WEA, LA6VBA, LC6OBT/m(JO49), R3VHF, RA3ZG, RA3TES, RN6HW, UR5IOK, UR5GN, UR5GF,UT5IN, UT1YZ, US5CCO/p(KN58), IK7JTF(5N6EAM) never see a qsl, F5SJP, SP1MVA/mm(JM36 & JO12),9A2YD, EW8DD, YO4AUL, YO8KVS, YO9BCM, YO9AFY/mm and my no.1 is K3MLD (any letters from 1994). If you no have cards send my QSL back with confirmation and sign. A other one, on 08.06.1998 a friend of my send from Oxford, UK any cards and I´m waiting for: GM4AFF, G4KUX, GM4ISM/p(IO66), GM1ZJP/p(IO89), GM4SFW and now the best EI/G3JHM (hims commend on DXcluster:"No QSL, because big station").Maybe anyone look in check corner and see my letter, hi. Vy 73 de Andreas (excuddes my bad english)
Andreas, DL9USA & M0USA <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 11:09:02 (GMT/BST)
gday, can any uk station tell me if GW0PUP is a current call??
worked 9m6aac today on 21mhz, very strong at about 0445 utc, cheers graham
Graham VK6RO <vk6ro{at}>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 10:47:30 (GMT/BST)
Hi all,
Just a forward note to warn you of 6m activity from IP90 in the next 2 weeks. "Possibility/chance" of rare dx too (IP80)- no firm plans. Station arrives Saturday (25th), also carries 2m,70cm & 23cms (may also have 4m). Will post more when known. Good hunting, Bob G1ZJP.
Bob, G1ZJP <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 07:21:14 (GMT/BST)
Re: valid callsign. Yes the 3XY7C is a good one. Also on 1999-2000 from the same country was 3XY1B0 (last character is a zero !) as good as yours or mine. Lots of "weird" callsigns in use lately for different reasons or celebrations. A pending issue about standarization of callsigns running on differents PTT's around the world. Meanwhile enjoy working this rare prefixes or calls. 73's
Paul yv1dig <yv1dig***>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 06:34:07 (GMT/BST)
Sorry for previous partial postings; was trying to say "possible first Hawaii to Canary Islands on six-meters" but guess a symbol I was typing threw the system off...73
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 05:08:24 (GMT/BST)
corr: 1st KH6>
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 05:04:34 (GMT/BST)
EH8BPX--rec'd your card--Martin, many thanks for possible 1st KH6>
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 05:02:40 (GMT/BST)
Message home from Borneo: ' Arrived safely stop please send promised propagation stop who ordered aurora? Not useful here please remove stop weather good stop food excellent stop beer plentiful stop'
Peter G4MJS at 9M6AAC <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 03:22:01 (GMT/BST)
50 MHz StopPress page updated with 3X & 9M info at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 01:10:41 (GMT/BST)
No John, R1MVI today morning on 18Mhz has say me that they are not authorized to use Six during operations......i'm sorry.73'
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Friday, May 24, 2002 at 00:14:04 (GMT/BST)
Just heard R1MVI on 40m. Does anyone know if they plan to be qrv on 6m ???
John, EI7GL <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 23:53:24 (GMT/BST)
Tony EI7BMB is now on the west coast of ireland.he proposes 50135 to be his aproximate operating freq,he may be active Friday frm the irish mainland and afterwards from EJ if they are able to land on the islands in the forecast worsening weather conditions.callsigns are listed down this page.
73 Colin MU0FAL in GU
MU0FAL <Colin to>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 23:17:19 (GMT/BST)
Re callsigns. EJ0A is Ireland whereas EK0JA is Russia, AY is LU whereas AX is VK and AL is KL, whereas KL9 is HL9 unless you work a 6K9, wheras 7K/7J is JA unless its 7J6 in which case it is JR6, Okinawa, unless its JA6 which is maninland JA??? And this weekend in the CQWPX who would know.
Steve <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 23:07:53 (GMT/BST)
Nick 5B4FL to think I worked you before that other VK6. I thought I was the only character, and I did try to post the correct qsl route for ZC4ATC, ahh well can't make horses eat the grass on the other side. My QSL return from Dec/Jan/Feb only down 2 cards from 100 qsos. G3 and S5. I think the 6M ops for most pasrt exceed HF operators in 6M qsling.
Steve <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 23:01:00 (GMT/BST)
Looks like some hard work has been going on here lately, congrats to those in the UKSMG who have been involved. Well done guys, so easy to take what you do for granted. Shameless plug, check anyone want to donate, you'd be very welcome. Trouble with being in the alps at that time is the missing the multi e's from the West..
Kerry G0LCS <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 21:42:10 (GMT/BST)
Just for the record, my earlier comments were NOT related to the 2E/SV situation, which is quite a different issue.
Colin, 7Q7CM <c.morgan(...)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 21:29:23 (GMT/BST)
Going to FJ69 for the CQ WPX CW contest (May 24-26), I'll have a rig all the time on 50110, sri but can't put a beacon this time, so "beat the grass" and I'll be on as quick as I can.Callsign is YW1D and QSL via EA7JX. Seems too earlier for an EU QSO but this is the Magic Band after all. 73's
Paul yv1dig <yv1dig***>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 19:56:16 (GMT/BST)
Tony, I0JX I know it does seem rather odd at first but it is really down to the simple fact that the RA have issued a licence to which certain conditions are attached. If the 2E1 station does not comply with those conditions, for example operating using the 2E1 callsign in another country when it is forbidden, then as the issuing authority the RA have every right to deem the person unsuitable to continue as a licensee of that callsign and can if neccessary withdraw/suspend the licence or take other enforcement steps. This sort of illegal operating also reflects badly on amateur radio operators in general. No wonder the SV authorities will not allow visiting radio amateurs to operate on 6m!
John, G0JJL <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 19:06:42 (GMT/BST)
John, I follow your reasoning 100%. My only comment was that that the licence rules appear somewhat odd to me for reasons I have explained. But this does not matter, it is out of question that RA has the right to rule as they wish. Issue closed.
Tony, I0JX <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 18:30:29 (GMT/BST)
Bernd, DF3CB is 3XY7C a valid callsign? Thought ITU regs say that amateur calls should be (prefix + number + letters). Maybe they've changed the rules.
Colin, 7Q7CM <c.morgan(...)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 18:29:40 (GMT/BST)
All ok on registering hear. Very good eider for the page, not much happening on the band hear at present waiting for the Es to start!! 73s all good dx on the magic band de…MW1EWJ..Edwin
Edwin, MW1EWJ. <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 16:06:45 (GMT/BST)
David, make sure that there are no spaces in your username when you create one.
David G1JDU <webmaster(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 15:56:44 (GMT/BST)
Tony I0JX, regarding the SV5/2E1 operation the UK Intermediate licence conditions say that the licensee cannot operate abroad under the terms that licence. Put simply when abroad he is classed as having no amateur radio licence at all as CEPT have not agreed to validate such use. There is no other way to interpret this situation other than to say whilst abroad your UK Intermediate or Foundation licence is not valid. You are infact operating without the cover of a licence, pirating for want of a better word! If the SV authorities wish to grant the 2E1 a SV5 licence based on his UK qualifications then that would be okay but he could only use the SV5XYZ callsign and not his UK callsign. It is quite correct that when he returns to the UK he could be prosecuted because he has broken the terms of his UK licence....that is operated abroad using the UK 2E1 callsign even though this is quite clearly forbidden in the terms and conditions of his UK licence.
John G0JJL <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 15:52:43 (GMT/BST)
Seems I am "banned" from registring also!. Have made two attempts. Perhaps someone is using my password. That wont do! HELP PLEASE.
David BRS 25429
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@compuserve com>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 15:52:21 (GMT/BST)
Nick: Regarding ZC4 ... you're right. But I was only providing the information I had for G1JJE. The two things were not (in my mind) related :-)
I need to get in front of a 50 MHz radio >
Iain, G0RDI <g0rdi[at]>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 14:31:20 (GMT/BST)
Iain, G0RDI, why not read my posting below. For ZC4ATC qsl info G1JJE adr is irrelevant.
Nick 5B4FL ZC4FL <5b4fl(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 14:26:26 (GMT/BST)
We have a major geoagnetic storm in progress. extremly high solar wind speed. Aurora is picking up, will probably be a BIG opening.
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh at>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 13:57:43 (GMT/BST)
RE SV/2E1... What Colin says about the SV/2E is all right to me: it's up to SV officials to enforce the law, not up to us to verify. Apparently, that guy infringed both the SV law (no foreign 6-meter operation reportedly allowed) and the RA regulations. When the RA states: "neither Intermediates nor Foundation licencees are able to operate abroad under the terms of their Intermediate or Foundation licence", to my opinion the only sensible way to interpret this should be: "the UK has no agreement with other CEPT countries with regard to Intermediate or Foundation licencees, so any operation abroad of UK citizens not holding a higher-class licence would be unprotected and hence at their own risk". The other RA statement "Any breach of the licence conditions of the country visited could be regarded as a breach of your UK licence ... and may result in a restriction or revocation of your UK licence" looks real odd to me. Would you expect it complying with the fundamental law principles a rule by which e.g. an UK authority, once just informed that a UK citizen had driven his car in Germany too fast, could revoke him his UK driving licence? Any layer around?
Tony, I0JX <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 13:54:36 (GMT/BST)
Re EJ0A. For anyone who collects SIX calls I have been temporarily granted the calls EI0SIX and EJ0SIX as part of the EJ0A exped on FRi Sat and a few hours on Sun. If you hear me as EJ0a and need the six just ask I'd be happy to give both out.
73 Tony
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 13:01:18 (GMT/BST)
re:TN3 Yesterday evening 22/05 I was qrv till 20.30 ut and the band was completely closed with no TEP in JN53. No signs of TN3 stn and no spot on the local cluster.
Andrea IK5QLO <ik5qlo(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 12:43:23 (GMT/BST)
I have 5B/G1JJE as:-
Norman Banks, Flat 101 Melania Centre "D", Block 3, Filias Street, 8220 Chlorakas, Cyprus
Iain, G0RDI <g0rdi[at]>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 12:41:01 (GMT/BST)
Nick, no, you are a good bloke, please work me on 50 mhz for a new country, cheers graham
Graham VK6RO <vk6ro{at}>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 12:06:11 (GMT/BST)
Re TN3B. It has been reported that about 100 qso's were made by this station yesterday May 22 on 6m. Yet no one seems to have spotted any of them according to the Packet Cluster. Maybe he was just working into Africa? If so could some of our ZS friends mention this so as we can judge propagation.
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 11:26:18 (GMT/BST)
Nick, sorry about that. Try it now, should work ok.
David G1JDU <webmaster(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 10:56:38 (GMT/BST)
I guess I'm barred from this site already (it was only a matter of time...) It won't accept my attempt to register! (says it needs at least one character no matter what I try - I thought I was a character
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 10:45:34 (GMT/BST)
We are very happy to announce a DXpedition to a very rare one on six:
3X - Guinea. DL7DF and crew will be on the air between October 30, 2002 (evening local
time) and November 13, 2002 (noon local time) with the call 3XY7C.
The experienced crew includes DJ6TF, DJ7UC, DK1BT, DL4WK, DL7UFR, DL7BO and DL7DF.
The 6m equipment will be an IC706 and a 5 element. QSL via DL7DF. An on-line log
will be available and updated during the DXpedition. See the 3XY7C website at for more details. Pilot for this DXpedition is Bernd,
Bernd DF3CB <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 10:19:56 (GMT/BST)
Who said amateur radio wasn't exciting!
Colin, GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <c.morgan(a)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 09:51:42 (GMT/BST)
PS and the German op who was machine gunned to death on Spratley when he tried to land and activate the country?
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 08:58:38 (GMT/BST)
M1DUD, sri to hear that news. This contacts at any price just cos its 6 M band is peculiar to us. I mistakenly listed first worked with EA8 from VK and worked EA6 from VK when these guys had no right to be on any band let alone 6M. What is ven more curious and this has been discussed before is that ARRL credits the country for 6M dxcc, so everyone says "Whats the big deal". I always remember a VK2 Z call boasting 25 years ago that he operated from the balcony of a motel in Noumea signing VK2/FK8, had he been detected he would have been arrested such was the sensitivity of relations between FK8 and VK. I dunno about you but I just don't undestand people who operate illegally. Try it in South Korea without a licence and the secret police would have you in a moment. In yemen remeber that guy who lost his equipment and spent 5 days in jail and then was unceromoniously deported. etc etc etc.
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 08:56:46 (GMT/BST)
R1MVI: no activity this time due to license restrictions because of TV ch1 in the vicinity. That is what OH2BR at the mike of R1MVI told me this morning. Sri!
Mirek SP5ENA <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 07:57:15 (GMT/BST)
I was very saddened to hear a UK novice operator, active on 50.120 as SV5/2E1. He is blatantly flouting his UK licence conditions, which clearly state that he cannot operate abroad under the CEPT agreement. Seriously, he along with other amateurs who choose to operate as SV/ on six meters, are actually breaching Hellenic MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS regulations. These specifically forbid any operation whatsoever on the 50 Mhz band, except for ‘Greek Citizens’. So this does in fact, mean no SV0 or SV/ operation. Anybody who takes the time to read the regulations, which are freely available, in Greek and in English, will be left in no doubt whatsoever that six meters is definitely out! I hold both CEPT class 1 and 2 licences, and have on several occasions written to the Department of Communication Control in Athens regarding operation on six, and each time I have been politely told NO. What operators must realize is that six meters, and indeed ‘Ham radio’ is, for most, a hobby. Just like plane-spotting, there is a right place and a wrong place. In a politically sensitive area of the world, we would be foolish indeed to blatantly ignore such regulations.
Operation ‘under supervision’, I guess is another matter entirely, but not one that is covered in the paperwork I have received! Obviously, what we must do is encourage more local SV operators on to the band.
Robin Burrows-Ellis M1DUD <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 07:28:08 (GMT/BST)
VK6 Steve - ref UA0 - no idea. We had the support of the RSGB, DTI RA, Soviet equiv and Sputinik to put it all together in 1989/90o, plus the KGB Captain (budding ham) who were responsible for border security at Sredniy itself- Things must have changes Im sure since the end of the USSR. Then it was very centralised in Moscow on Policy matters and luckily for me/us our Soviet order of Lenin boss had a lot of clout with the ministries. This was a one off 50Mhz "special" Im sure. It was more than exciting when we had our first call - Vodka/Bleaney and worse all round! - de KL7/G4DMA - Tavereesh!!!
flo kl7/g4dma <noone@all>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 06:27:05 (GMT/BST)
Steve IK5MEJ: It's really very simple. You worked ZC4ATC. QSL info in (and on qsl/net website) is correct. GL.
Nick 5B4FL ZC4FL <5b4fl(at)>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 06:07:29 (GMT/BST)
TN3B was on last night but true poor condx, only about 100 Q's were made. Look for them agn this evening, with an hope for better propa. 73 Lee.
Lee, F5NLY <>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 05:37:45 (GMT/BST)
Hi much travelled FLO, yes I knew of UA0/GB4 and also the RZ0CZZ Khabarovsk and EK0JA Vladivostok permits in 1992. Is it fair to say that the only permission comes from Moscow or would local administration have power to authorise operations on 50MHZ??
VK3SIX <at>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 03:28:27 (GMT/BST)
VK6 Steve We had special permission from Moscow (Sputnik Radio club Leonid Labutin was our sponsor) in Feb-June 1990 to run from 50.0-51 from 80n 90e using callsign UA0/GB4MSS and UA0/GB4ICE - Joint Soviet British North Pole expedition. We worked OH, SM from Sredniy Island nq59om...heres the log...oh9nlo 110490 1632 559 was the first one in the book and we believe we had the first written permission from Moscow "to conduct experiement on 50Mhz" - sfu was 218 K5 geo active distances were around the 2700-3200 Kms range - dunno wots happened in UA0 since then....Cheers 75F Anchorage yesterday.
Laaurence kl7/g4dma <noone@home>
- Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 01:57:50 (GMT/BST)
IK5MEJ: try Flat 101 Melania Centre D Block 3 Filias Street 8220 Chlorakas Cyprus for 5B/G1JJE and I guess ZC4 too. Good luck, OM
Ken AC4TO <>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 23:49:53 (GMT/BST)
G1JJE however bounces on all known callbooks???
Steve <vk3six etc>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 23:06:32 (GMT/BST)
.No 1 (Overseas) Squadron. Air Training Corps. RAF Akrotiri, ZC4ATC
RAF Akrotiri
BFPO 57, Via London GPO.
United Kingdom qsl via 5B4YX... just go to this link for any qsl routes...
Steve <vk3six etc>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 23:04:48 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Colin, you are correct of course. I was just trying to save my time and qsl cards sent after bogus ops who have no right to be on that band. I think if UA0 had 6M we would see a lot more on, however every summer many UA0's operate apparently with impunity. And if an op genuinely believes the station he works is legit, there is no offense under the radio regs. Adam 4CP, check and DXS search to see how many other Moldavians are worked by EU stations, they can often assist like the YZ4IZ card I sourced via the YU4 club station.. JR2HOG got qsl I think but there are only 6 entries of ER1OO on 50 Mhz in Jan and Feb so he is not very active.
Steve <vk3six etc>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 23:02:32 (GMT/BST)
Please Help me!!
I need qsl address of G1JJE for his operation from ZC4 last year, the call was ZC4ATC. Tnx in advance
Steve - IK5MEJ <>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 22:58:00 (GMT/BST)
Oz-first just updated
soeren oz0jx <>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 21:45:46 (GMT/BST)
Steve, VK3SIX, the assumption must be that if a station is operating in an amateur band and claims to be a bona fide amateur station then that station is 'legal'. How could we possibly check the status of an individual operation /operator in our own countries, never mind in a different country. Unless the RA, e.g., specifically informs licence holders that contacts with country 'X' are illegal then surely we must assume that they are legal. The alternative would be to insist on seeing a faxed or e-mailed copy of an operator's licence before continuing with a QSO. It's down to the responsible body in each country to enforce its own Telecomms regulations. We can only assume that this is being done effectively.
Colin GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <c.morgan(a)>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 18:04:42 (GMT/BST)
I'm happy to announce a birth of my son, Borna.
Good luck to all in contest this weekend.
Bob, 9A4K <my_callsign*>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 16:28:47 (GMT/BST)
50 MHz StopPress page updated at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 15:43:45 (GMT/BST)
VK9ML DXCC Credit: A glitch at the ARRL end has meant some applications for 6m QSOs with VK9ML 2001 were rejected. As of today this has been rectified so those who worked us in Apr-01 (and Apr-02) can now claim it ok. If you had your VK9ML 2001 card knocked back then please contact Bill Moore (ARRL) to rectify your situation. Thanks to K6QXY for the alert and thanks also to Bill for the prompt attention. FYI, artwork for the 2002 colour fold-out card is being finalised this week and will be off to the printers soon! 73, VK9ML Pilot/Webmaster.
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 14:44:50 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have a working e-mail address for ER1OO? I'm trying to ascertain whether he received my QSL package - he's the only station I've worked in Moldova and desperately need his card! (e-mailing to does not get a reply) Alternatively if anyone is in regular contact with him please point him in my direction. Would be much appreciated!
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 14:32:00 (GMT/BST)
HV5PUL thanks for your qsl information,makes life easier.
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 13:25:49 (GMT/BST)
re Asiatic Russia. Last night I had strong signals from HL1JV in Seoul for over an hour and was looking for JT1 and UA0. I asked UA9ZZ on 21 Mhz to come up on 6M and he said emphatically NO 6M licences in Asiatic Russia. He is in Zone 18 near the Mongolian border. is there any real way of finding out about these guys who operate. Under law it is illegal to work an illegal station. How do we find out who is authorised and who is not?
Steve <vk3sixATwiadotorgdotau>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 12:43:55 (GMT/BST)
Gentlemen. just to help out those that reported into the 6m cluster last night, specially the Dutch stations: OH5LK 50105.0 ZS6BTE CQ, 559, no hear me 1617 21 May 2002
SM6CMU 50105.5 ZS6BTE KG33 569 hrd in JO57 1637 21 May 2002
DJ9YE 50105.5 ZS6BTE cq cq 1638 21 May 2002
SP6GWB 50105.4 ZS6BTE KG33 539 in JO80 1646 21 May 2002
DL5WG 50105.0 ZS6BTE 1710 21 May 2002
PE2ENG 50105.0 ZS6BTE 559 into jo32nx 1714 21 May 2002
PA0COR 50104.0 ZS6BTE cw 1721 21 May 2002
9A2TN 50105.2 ZS6BTE cq only one stn on CW 1722 21 May 2002
DG1CMZ 50105.0 ZS6BTE audible > JO60 1727 21 May 2002
PA7MH 50105.0 ZS6BTE small ears 1731 21 May 2002
PA5FH 50105.0 ZS6BTE cq no listen no rx 1734 21 May 2002
PE1HWO 50105.0 ZS6BTE 559 no reply maybe high qrm? 1739 21 May 2002. The vast majority of signals arriving here in Johannesburg were around 4-0, but most were given reports of 5-1 (it's more polite, but possibly less honest). Equipment this side is two 7m yagis stacked vertically and providing 14.4 dBi according to NEC2d, coax is 1/2 low loss. And no, the rig's RX seems to be working fine! This mode is not uncommon when some spE leaks into the remaints of what might be a TEP pipeline, although last night's condx did not seem to be TEP-assisted, as the Med TV stations were skipped, as was the I-wall. This accounts for the fact that most of the stations worked last night in the slot copied above were even heard! Gentlemen, your signals arriving here were generally trivial, although you might be under the impression they were more robust. Toll-free as they say.
Gd DX to all. Ian.
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 08:47:12 (GMT/BST)
Hello everybody. Worked about 200 stations yesterday. I give you this qsl info for sending your request:
HV5PUL - Pont.Universita' Lateranense - 00120 Vatican City
Hope to be again on air soon during the es season.
73 Luca.
Luca HV5PUL <>
- Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 08:17:14 (GMT/BST)
Just added HV5PUL streaming audio file at my homepage: The recording include his QSL info!
73's :>
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 22:50:31 (GMT/BST)
Pay attention this week end, sunday there is also the 6rd Gargano contest in six, rule is on my web page at , last years we received some logs from G land, I hope also this year, make Uksmg contest and also on sunday the Gargano contest and send 2 logs.
I hope to work You, 73 de Mike.
P.S. Also to me XW0 card arrived today, TNX
Mike I7CSB <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 20:11:30 (GMT/BST)
HV5PUL QSL: PO Box 00120, Vatican City as he said on 50.160. Good luck,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 19:04:35 (GMT/BST)
HV5PUL rxd qsl card via qrz address, for contact 20/4/02 Thanks.
Barry g4kct <g4kct **>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 17:11:37 (GMT/BST)
My works email is down at the moment so if anyone replied to my request for a source of RG-63 125 ohm coax could you please email me again at the fsnet address below. Thanks.
Paul G4IJE <paul(at)>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 15:18:57 (GMT/BST)
Got XW0X qsl today. I sent my qsl in december.
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 13:13:19 (GMT/BST)
Our operation from Market Reef has been approved by the DXCC
desk. OH1VR Seppo is in Dayton and has spoken to NC1L Bill More about us.
He confirmed that we operated from the Finnish side off the reef.
Our call's:
73 de LA9VDA Trond
Trond Johannessen LA9VDA <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 13:10:17 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0HEN will be the next days qrv as TA5/M0HEN he is in ISKENDERUN Turkey KM86.Frequentie will be 50.140
QSL via PA3BLS direct or buro.
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 11:23:40 (GMT/BST)
Just wkd and listening to TN3B on 28.495. He said that they will be on 6m from 17:00 -19:00Z tomorrow 22nd. Unhappily I will be out!
Andy G3SVD <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 09:23:00 (GMT/BST)
Tnx those who mailed it is a 3CX1200/A7 USD$400. Plugs in place of 3/500z and does the work of two of them..
Steve <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 08:28:46 (GMT/BST)
Hello ALL! Can somebody explain me why UKSMG E-sporadic contest was moved to the last weekend of May, i.e. to the same weekend as CQ WW WPX CW contest on HF which we have traditionaly for so many years? I'm feeling kicked out from this 50MHz event... And sure I'm note alone. And I have received no any notification by E-mail except final offer to take part in this contest this weekend. Sad, very sad....
Remi LY2MW <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 08:09:53 (GMT/BST)
Terrific article Chris. Great idea, well executed and excellently documented.
John 9h1xt <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 06:42:10 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd cards from IK0NOJ, IW0GPN and 9Z4BM today. Tnx!
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 04:03:17 (GMT/BST)
Mike VK2FLR <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 02:23:15 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone assist with the tube type that plugs into 3/500Z socket but has twice rating? It is lighthouse construction ceramic and I think the article was in Ham Radio about 1997, tube has jumbo 5 pin like 3/500Z it may be a 3CX series xxx/A7 I think it is directly heated and think plate dis is 800 watts. (No Im not building 6M amp but fixing someone elses and 3/500z's are $A375 each landed these days whereas I think this tube is $400.) The article showed one 3/500z blanked off with plate and this tube gave same results +/- as pair 3/500Z.s
Steve <>
- Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 01:45:37 (GMT/BST)
Nice one, Chris! A beautiful amp, well-conceived and a great idea from the start. Makes me want to build one & go dxpeditioning! Your article, like your VP8 & ZD8 stories, is well-written and a joy to read--even for someone not terribly inclined to tackle such a project. Perhaps a lot more of us will work you on your next dxpedition... Anything planned for Oct/Nov? Aloha, Jeff NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 23:17:53 (GMT/BST)
You might like to take a look at my new 8877-based 6m DXpedition amplifier that I have just completed. The web site is still under construction and there will be a few small changes here and there.
Chris, G3WOS <>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 22:01:14 (GMT/BST)
7O on, going Saturday on business, will survey the situation.
Can get permission to operate with paperwork. Location Sana
Back Wednesday.
Many more trips planned later this year by Chris and Myself
More later
Geoff ICD <Geoff>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 21:14:14 (GMT/BST)
Pierre, and others, you can download WSJT version 2.01 from my homepage: You will be forwarded to XS4ALL which is quite fast. Also you can go directly to it: The upgrade version is available from there if you allready have a earlier WSJT version. Good luck and 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 19:30:29 (GMT/BST)
Hi Pierre look here
GL 73's
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 18:52:46 (GMT/BST)
Hi friends. I would like to download the latest version of WSJT/JT44. Where could I get the info? Mni tnx and 73
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 18:29:36 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0HEN expects to be QRV tomorrow 21st from TA5, probably KM86 he says.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 17:17:32 (GMT/BST)
Heinz,DK2NH regarding SV5/2E1 he is breaking the condition of his UK licence which says that he cannot operate abroad under the CEPT agreement. He is actually breaking both SV and UK regulations! On his return to the UK he could have his licence revoked. Please read RA247 at which makes it quite clear that Intermediate and Foundation licence holders CANNOT operate abroad under CEPT.
John G0JJL <>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 08:53:45 (GMT/BST)
Re: SV5/2E... In SV you can break SV law but not G.B. law!
This is just impossible because SV is not belonging to G.B....
Heinz DK2NH <>
- Monday, May 20, 2002 at 07:53:41 (GMT/BST)
Just shows how ILLiterate I am .73s
Jim GM8LFB <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 23:34:18 (GMT/BST)
Fortunatly being IT literate I wouldnt know a virus unless I sneezed!. In my happy naivety I can manage. If in doubt I can always switch off the little box and continue monitoring the wire..less without any assistance via land line. Mind you it is an invaluable tool. But we managed quite well before. More feedback on 28.885 would be great. We dont all have access to the internet yet . 73s
Jim GM8LFB <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 23:24:57 (GMT/BST)
Re Sony 9-90UB Darrell G0HVQ, try ch1/2 for 48/9Mhz, but you will have to swap over the modulation diodes as it's set for
positive on VHF, you need neg', simple job to do and swap over the timebase as well.
Geoff G4ICD-GJ4ICD <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 22:46:41 (GMT/BST)
7O update: due to some private details Chris G4HCL may now not go to 7O:
I have offered to go for the propagation tests if needed. 50MHz can be included on the permit.
More details later........
(Nick G3KOX email me at the BT address YOU have, Info for you from my visit to NAB2002 Las Vegas)
Geoff G4ICD <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 22:41:55 (GMT/BST)
Nice little opening from KH6 to XE, TI and TG yesterday around 0045 to 0200z. Managed to work TG9NX for what was apparently the first-ever KH6 to TG contact on six (that happened to nicely coincide with the 5th anniversary of my first-ever 6m Es qso!) Signals ranged from 3x3 to 40/9 (TI5KD & XE2HWB had big sigs) and the opening extended from DM11 near California (XE2MX) to EK44 (TG9NX). YS1MAE was also being heard in Costa Rica on b/s but wasn't heard here, unfortunately. All in all, a good surprise for a few of us out here in KH6, where activity had begun to dwindle markedly since the beginning of May. BTW, I wonder if anyone ever heard or worked the two KH0/ teams on six meters recently? Not a peep heard or a post spotted that I know of...
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:59:21 (GMT/BST)
Cfm via email before departure, EA3BT will do some efforts at nights for 6m from TN.
So will see. 73 Lee.
Lee, F5NLY <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:56:17 (GMT/BST)
Just received a message from Mirek 7X0DX. He spoke to the Algiers PTT office and he can't get permission to operate on 50MHz. Too bad :-(
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 18:42:52 (GMT/BST)
I am getting at least four virus mails a day at the moment, so the problem is pretty extensive. But, as I have said many times before, this is NOT a site for discussing viruses, it's for 6m issues only. Thanks Chris
Chris, G3WOS <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 16:44:55 (GMT/BST)
I hear on sunday from 14.25 to 14.35 the Beacon
5 r 8 EE from Madagaskar with 52 in JN 68 .
I need the e-mail and the Locator from 5 R 8 EE.
tnx for all 6m hamradiostations.
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 15:36:31 (GMT/BST)
I am getting numerous emails from Amateurs who say that I am sending them a virus from!!
Please note I AM NOT sending these out!
I can only receive emails from this address, I cannot send them from this address (as most will know).
It appears that somebody out there is infected with the KLEZ virus and its taking on my address from their address book.
I have an up to date virus system and trojan checker and I'm clean!!
If you receive an email from delete it !!!
73 de Jamie
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv@*** ***>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 15:23:59 (GMT/BST)
SV5/2E1EKQ spotted on 50.120 today is not legal as 2E1 (UK Intermediate licence) stations cannot operate under CEPT! He is breaking the terms of his UK licence. See RA247 info sheet on
John G0JJL <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 15:12:57 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know a (UK) source for RG-63 or similar 125 ohm coax? I want to have a go at the "quad turnstile" antenna in May 2002 QST to replace my single quad loop. I need about 1.3 metres of 125 ohm cable for the phasing line. Thanks and 73.
Paul G4IJE <paul(at)>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 14:44:43 (GMT/BST)
T99C wrked 50.102 12:50 GMT IO91IJ
Steve M0SBF <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 13:56:58 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-020 is now available at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 11:14:07 (GMT/BST)
Re Stations, QSL's and awards. It would seem that legality and acceptance for awards are 2 different things. I agree with Peter - if you have the card then submit.
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 08:59:21 (GMT/BST)
I'm leaving a temp beacon on 50.255 JT44 mode with 10w into a 7el 2wl @ 19 mtr beaming 30deg from JN15... rpt and jt44 sked are welcome. 73 de
F1IXQ - Jim <six(a)>
- Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 02:04:25 (GMT/BST)
Regarding 7X,in 1989 7X/FD1NLQ operated on 6M: DXCC validate my contact and QSL. They counted as a legal one when I obtain the award. But I know there has been quite some that were rejected. Same call same period. So, just give it a try! 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 21:10:01 (GMT/BST)
Regarding 7X,in 1989 7X/FD1NLQ operated on 6M,was he legal?
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@sss.bbb>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 20:45:45 (GMT/BST)
To PA4PA: Ray here in Italy we have a general rule that all contest excpet IARU in June, have a respect dx-window from 50.100 to 50.150 were no contest qso can be made. Who doesn't respect this rule will be disqualified.
After 4 years all seem to be functionally ok with these rule and all the stations can live toghetherr on the band.
I think that the real problem is the wrong bandplan of 6m in all world. Why 50110 is centre of dx activity, couldn't be better 50.300, I think that also the French friends will be happy for this, and that all the stations can be putted in a larger window..similar on 2m. It's my only my opinion.
73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 19:45:05 (GMT/BST)
(18 May 02) Great Es opening last night (our time)along the entire East Coast & as far west as Texas/Mexico..distances of 1200 to 1500 miles. Even worked a station claiming to be a PP2. About time!!!!!
Chris..N2NEH <>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 17:19:17 (GMT/BST)
JT44, last night copied W7ALW, he was running 4x 6M7JHV and 75watts yes 75watts. I put a screendump on my page This is by far the smallest setup I ever heard. I suggest you all try JT44, and download the soft from the author at :
There are quite a few west coast station still looking for europeans, and stations like W7GJ should be workable with a single yagi, 7el and 100watts on your moonset. Check 73 de Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 16:59:40 (GMT/BST)
Hoi all,
Still QRV from Malta for a few days, then expect to be /mm. Worked ZS6, 5R, FR, PY5 and PY7 via TEP and SP6 & EH5 via Es. Hope I can take some of this propagation home with me when I leave, hi hi....
73 es cu on air
Mike GU6AJE/9H3JE <n/a>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 16:40:37 (GMT/BST)
Hurray i hear voices must fly stations to work.
m1drk <m1drk(AT)>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 16:26:56 (GMT/BST)
How about disqualification in the UKSMG contest for the offenders of the DX-window rule to set an example.
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 15:16:26 (GMT/BST)
Some kind soul has given me an old Sony portable TV (9-90ub)with VHF band on it. There's a dial on it with numbers 1-13 and varial tuning control for each selection, anyone any idea which corresponds to 48/49MHz, or have any info on this set? Have had loud 48.250 video in for about an hour but haven't managed to resolve a picture on the TV yet.
Darrell G0HVQ <>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 15:03:17 (GMT/BST)
UKSMG contest: Next weekend the UKSMG contest is on. If you're gonna participate but don't know your UKSMG membershipsnumber, or maybe you're not shure about the right number ? , just send me an email. Off course only when you're a current member. Hope to see you all on the band next weekend.
Dennis PA7FM <>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 11:15:52 (GMT/BST)
D2EB for more than a hour in JO22. With much fading and flutter all the time. Added a recording on my homepage.
Go to the Audio page and listen:
You will be forwarded to a fast provider. All files are streaming. You also can download WSJT latest version on the Link page. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 11:14:52 (GMT/BST)
Just received this msg back from Mirek 7X0DX in reply if he could transmit on 50MHz. Keep an eye on his page for info!!
Hello Ray,
I have my licence ambiguous re. 6 m (says all bands from 160m to 70cm in one
place, but when all the bands were listed 6m was left out, but all other 7X
do not have permit).
I have asked PTT to clarify this point, if I can operate on 6 m.
Until now, they did not reply....
I will keep this info updated on my page: if new info will appear.
As soon as PTT will say yes, I will start operation on 6 m immediately...
7X0DX in Algeria
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 10:06:13 (GMT/BST)
I will be QRV from Sardinia Island as IS0/IK5QLO from the 17
to the 29 of june from locator JN40UT. Being a family holiday I will be qrv mainly 12-14 and after 19UT. Best 73s
Andrea IK5QLO <ik5qlo(at)>
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 07:10:27 (GMT/BST)
The North America Es is here . Ya Hoo !
- Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 01:56:33 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, jsut wanted to let you know that today I received the license for this year' PB6M operation during the UKSMG contest. Again we will be active from the ESRAC location (University of Eindhoven). Ops will be PB0ANX and myself. Maybe a visit of PA5AA or PE2SIX. QSL will be again via my call, 73 Ray, PA4PA
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 15:41:32 (GMT/BST)
Re JW4X QSLs. It's only a few days since I did post that LA6EIA had gotten the QSLs. As far as I know, he has started to answer the QSLs!!
Andreas, LA8AJA <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 15:40:35 (GMT/BST)
Tom DL7AV, I did ask about my friends HZ1MD & 7Z1SJ and they said "Both are not being
accepted for DXCC purposes. There isn't necessarily a problem with their licenses;
it's just that we haven't received their paperwork here in DXCC."
Raj vu2zap <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:26:47 (GMT/BST)
Any info about JW4X and XW0X qsl's . After 3 months here still waiting for it. Tnx 73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 12:06:17 (GMT/BST)
May I suggest the reason why 7Z1AB and 7Z5OO were/are accepted is that they operated from either US military base areas or US Embassy compounds and all the operators are US personnel.
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 11:52:00 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, i heve rx few days ago my DXCC 6M endorsement for asked to ARRL with 154 cty, they have not been accepted HZ1MD and OJ0/LA5UKA.....
I ame surprise that can be possible that a Ham station can be working a band without authorization or without send after it the documentation to ARRL desk....
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 09:27:31 (GMT/BST)
Peter G0KYX, Your QSL mgr usually only sends you an envelope of cards when the weight limit is reached. Last 18 months Ive sent out 4000 cards via the buro, 60% HF 40% 6m.
Todate I've had just under 400 back. Applying the same sort of ave. to your amounts, I'd guess you have about 12 cards waiting, not enough to fill one envelope. So to answer your question...Your time hasnt yet come. Keep waiting!
Neil G0JHC <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 08:45:05 (GMT/BST)
Re Saudi Arabia. Also 7Z5OO is OK for DXCC.
Brian/G3SYC <>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 08:42:47 (GMT/BST)
I'm looking for an easy method to attenuate my output, currently 100mW is the lowest I can put, but JT44 tests showed this is still to much. Has anyone tried variable att.? or should I rather go for fixed interconnectable attenuators? 73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 07:05:11 (GMT/BST)
Peter KYX i just processed 1200 buro crds,the majority 3 to 4 yrs old although a large amount frm DL and some other EU more recent,the answer is send direct if u need it or wait, 8 crds frm the same stn fer 6m SSB (seperate qsos)last year maybe that slows the buro down!
on the happy side today the first decent EU es of the season.later than usual...wkd F.SP.DL.OK.OE.9A
73 Colin
mu0fal colin <Colin to >
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 23:56:16 (GMT/BST)
Just a query. Just how effective is the QSL bureau? In the last 18 months I have sent about 120 cards to the bureau [including Comoros Exp.]...some 20 of them for 50MHz [my total catch in 2001]...plenty of envelopes have been deposited with the QSL manager...but the total return is zero. Should this surprise me? Would just like to know.
Thanks...73...and roll on totally silent at this location so far when I've had chance to scan it.
Peter G0KYX <>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 22:54:38 (GMT/BST)
Raj, since HZ1MD and 7Z1SJ are no expeditions, please ask the DXCC desk
again. 73
Tom DL7AV <>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 20:21:31 (GMT/BST)
Qsl cards received from XE1KK and EX8MLT. Thanks guys!
73 to all....David
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@compuserve. com>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 17:29:14 (GMT/BST)
About Saudi Arabia for DXCC, I queried the DXCC desk and this is the reply I got "Right now, all the recent expeditions are pending documentation and not
being accepted for DXCC. 7Z1AB is acceptable for DXCC purposes"
Raj VU2ZAP <>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 15:59:27 (GMT/BST)
Does anybody know a source for a plug in card to the PC with a clock module locked to Frankfurt time TX?
Bo, SM7FJE <bn(at)>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:47:08 (GMT/BST)
Hi Graham - yes, I saw your spot on the cluster. I hope to be qrv on 22nd May. I'll have to turn the beacon off while I'm on site because it's not the cleanest of signals close-up. My signal should be a bit stronger than the beacon hi. Hope to work you next week.. 73 Peter
Peter G4MJS <>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:47:19 (GMT/BST)
Peter 9M6, yesterday the 9m6smc beacon was into perth for several hours on and off up to 579, so it is still ok and we hope to work you soon on 6, cheers graham
Graham VK6RO <vk6ro{at}>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:42:45 (GMT/BST)
YB0CBI: Ferry you are in the log. QSL is underway. 73
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:17:31 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0hen/mm is leaving Civitavecchia Italy JN52 this evening 16/5 for a trip to Iskenderun Turkey KM86 from there he is going to Geuta EA9 and then to Lisboa Portugal after that he is going home for about 8 weeks.On his way from Italy to Turkey he is going via JN52-51-61-60---JM79-78-77-87-96--KM06-16-35-45-55-65-76-86.Frequentie 50140.
During this trip all info is on under Announcements
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:17:23 (GMT/BST)
Peter, airmail post Canada to Cyprus seems to be $1.25, so of course that must be enough to UK also.
Nick 5B4FL ZC4FL G3KOX H2O (and VY2TX!) <5b4fl(at)>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 06:13:17 (GMT/BST)
W5UE has a HC8N "QSL status" on his web site.
Note this is not a "log check." HC8N log check on Trey's web site -
Jon N0JK <n0jk()>
- Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 02:54:49 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd HC8N card yesterday for Nov. 2001 qso, thanks to a quick response to my query/another card to the new mgr. Randy, W5UE. Thank you's also to OK1XH & OE1WWA for cards from 29 March KH6-EU opening, too. 73 & GD Es for now, Jeff
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 22:58:20 (GMT/BST)
Tony, am pretty sure international rates will stay the same--80 cents USA/EU airmail (only domestic rates going up for now).
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 22:51:25 (GMT/BST)
Tony, just in-land this one, I was told last week. I have lots of 80c stamps here, so was a bit worried too. GN
Neil G0JHC
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 21:54:27 (GMT/BST)
In June internal mail rates are going up in the US. What about an airmail stamp to Eu. Still 80c?
Tony I0JX <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 20:08:15 (GMT/BST)
Ramon XE1KK mni tnx Your cards arrived today. 73 gd DX.
Gordon GW8ASA <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 19:26:10 (GMT/BST)
Soren OJ0JX. The QRG of the HV station will be ascertained by the first dxer who scans the band, finds him, and puts it on the cluster so that you can go straight there and work him.Unfortunately it will not be possible to tell you in advance the precise time of propagation to your grid square. Good luck - I need him too.
Tony G4UZN <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 17:12:34 (GMT/BST)
Can any of our Canadian members advise the current postage charges to send a QSL card to UK from Canada ?
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 15:56:59 (GMT/BST)
any qrg for hv5pul tomorrow??
søren oz0jx <oz0jxqslnet>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 14:21:26 (GMT/BST)
Neil, if you want to laugh even more I'll that you that I recently received via bureau a QSL from the manager of 9K2ZZ (W8CNL) in response to a QSL card I had sent him via bureau. But it was not the 9K2ZZ card, it was my card with a stamp "Please re-send this card direct".
Tony, I0JX <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 12:41:25 (GMT/BST)
Rest In Peace Robert!
ARLX002 Past ARRL President Robert W. Denniston, W0DX/VP2VI, SK
Special Bulletin 2 ARLX002
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 14, 2002
To all radio amateurs
ARLX002 Past ARRL President Robert W. Denniston, W0DX/VP2VI, SK
Past ARRL President and DXpedition pioneer Bob Denniston, VP2VI and W0DX, of Tortola, British Virgin Islands, died unexpectedly in his sleep May 12 or 13. He was 83. Denniston served as ARRL president from 1966 until 1972 and as International Amateur Radio Union president from 1966 until 1974. He later was elected an ARRL honorary vice president.
''He was an Amateur Radio icon, and he will be missed,'' said ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP. ''Our condolences go out to his family and many friends.''
After heading up the ''Gon-Waki'' VP7NG DXpedition to the Bahamas during the second weekend of the 1948 ARRL International DX Contest, Denniston--then W4NNN--was credited with being the ''father of the modern DXpedition.'' The DXpedition's name was a spoof on Thor Heyerdahl's ''Kon-Tiki'' expedition the previous year.
Denniston has said he didn't realize at the time that he was inventing the concept, and he credited CM9AA with coining the expression ''DXpedition.'' Denniston remained active on the ham bands until his death--including operation on 6 meters during the tremendous openings last year and early this year.
In recent years, he and a group of friends had commemorated the 1948 ''Gon-Waki'' milestone each March, setting up vintage equipment and using simple wire antennas and hand keys to replicate the flavor of the original DXpedition from his Tortola QTH.
Denniston's other firsts included Clipperton Island (FO8AJ) in 1954 and Malpelo (HK0TU) in 1969. His strategy of visits to rare prefixes helped earn him a world record ARRL International DX Contest score in 1960 from VP1JH (now Belize).
A native of Iowa, Denniston was first licensed some 70 years ago as W9NWX at the age of 13. He subsequently held W4NNN while attached to the Pentagon, and later became W0NWX--the call sign he held during his tenure as ARRL President. He also was a founding member and on the executive committee of IARU Region 2.
Denniston served for four years in the US Army Signal Corps and was chief of the radio control section of radio station WAR at the Pentagon. At the end of World War II, Denniston was the radio operator aboard the presidential train.
Denniston was ARRL Midwest Division Director from 1956 until 1966, when he was elected as the League's sixth president. In his professional life, he was president of Denniston and Partridge, a firm that operated more than two dozen lumberyards at one point. When he retired to the British Virgin Islands, he ran Smugglers Cove Hotel in Tortola.
Denniston's wife, Nell, died two years ago. A son and daughter are among his survivors. Information on services is not yet available. NNNN /EX
Tim / NA1CW <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 12:23:44 (GMT/BST)
HV5PUL will be on air tomorrow May 16 2002 during the VI Lateran Journey ( starting from 7.00 to 17.00 UTC also on HF. Best 73 to all, Luca.
Luca HV5PUL <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 09:37:24 (GMT/BST)
Hi all,
I am off to Switzerland next week for a meeting: can anybody tell me if 6m operation is permitted for visiting hams?
73, Pete PE1MHO - G7ECN
Pete Halpin <>
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 08:33:34 (GMT/BST)
Gary M0CTP, 25 Zones for 6m WAZ with endorsements there after,
Adrian G0KOM <ade***>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 20:12:05 (GMT/BST)
For your information, we a have an internal mock-up of the 'secure' Announcement page up and running. We will undertake a thorough test process and will be going live before too long! Watch this space. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 20:05:44 (GMT/BST)
calling cq europe hoping for a nother opening , listening on 50.125 and 50.135... in en 92..........
Trevor VE3TLT <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 19:05:49 (GMT/BST)
Andy SVD - tks comments - no probs here with EX's - got them direct via registered last year - only EK is problem
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 17:57:52 (GMT/BST)
Lots of QSLs from the buro today, about 400, 50/50 split HF/6. But in there were two QSLs from EX8 stations, so they do have a buro and it should work?
Received EK6AD QSL via the buro in 1999. Maybe some can get it that way, although I did send direct a year earlier.
One returned card made me laugh from a W3HC ..on it was written "DONT QSL VIA THE BURO, ONLY DIRECT" ...keep smiling!
Neil G0JHC <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 17:25:05 (GMT/BST)
YO! Chris, its evident to me by looking at the responses so far that you have overwhelming support for any changes you are about to make, and of course you have my complete support also, you have nothing to apoligise for and if the pending mesures are what it takes for us to suvive and grow then lets do it , as we say up here in scotland "power to yer elbow and you go fur it son" we're all behind you with whatever you decide, other than chipping in to pay your mortgage that is hi ... best 73 all ..ray
ray gm7nzi <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 16:48:49 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday we have two openings into ME & EU. Starting at 18:30 with 4X6ON and JY9NX then bounce quick to YU1BW and YT1AU. Then suddenly fade until 19:15 when i heard CE4WJK working OM8NY for a firts. After 5 minutes i can manage to work S51IV and OE8RT both also first. Not band 3 CE first in one day.
Pipe CE3SAD <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 16:36:47 (GMT/BST)
Ken IGO/Dave 3IO. I have have been in touch via e-mail with Sergey EX8MLE and at his suggestion have sent cards to him by registered mail, he also agreed to pass on and return cards sent via him for other EX stns. He promised to e-mail me once he received the packge -nothing heard so far so fingers crossed. Also sent cards direct to EK8AD with zero response and no replies to e-mails. I will let you know if I get any cards back.
Andy G3SVD <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 16:10:08 (GMT/BST)
Chris. Agrre, with password restricting the announcement page. Unfortunate but nexessary. Keep up the good work, excellent site and filtering out the junk postings will again make the announcement page usable. 73`s.
Alan, EI3EBB <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 14:40:29 (GMT/BST)
Dave, I tried both by registered mail and it doesn't work ....
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 14:20:47 (GMT/BST)
Talking on codes and standards. Have a look on what occur at one of the main SIX chat pages:
12:02:41 PA0HIP Willem > Common mistake Peter...VST had the same with VP2E and really must be an old goat to not make that mistake (there used to be many more VP2's)
Just want to let you know....73's
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 13:20:52 (GMT/BST)
Dave, FYI I have sent a package to EK6AD by a very reliable source - I know the package has arrived - so far no response - what more can be done? - The package was hand delivered so method and cost was immaterial. It just seems that he responds to who he pleases.
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:53:18 (GMT/BST)
Firstly, I'm pleased to announce the receipt of DXCC certificate number 517 that will look nice alongside number 231 which I got as G3SDL! Secondly, concerning the idea of delivering QSL cards to EK6AD and EX8MLT by courier. Most people who responded were interested in EX8MLT who has responded to an exploratory Email I sent, by saying that registered mail is working and he only requires $1 to respond. As this is a lot cheaper than a courier delivery I suggest we try registered mail first and then review the situation in a few months. As to EK6AD I've received no reply to my Email so I don't believe it's worthwhile to send via courier, when the problem may not be with the delivery of cards but elsewhere! However if anyone in recent times has had or is in contact with EK6AD I'm still willing to organise a delivery. Keep up the good work Chris!
Dave EI3IO <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:42:04 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd cards: JH7MSB, JG3IFX, JM1FHL, VK2EDB (tnx great CFA info!)& VK4CP/P ---Thank you & Aloha from Jeff, NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 03:47:46 (GMT/BST)
While going through old logs to catch up on 6M QSLs found a QSO with KJ6BZ for Nov. 19, 1989. Believe this may be Johnston Island! Any ideas on a QSL route?
Jon N0JK <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 01:47:15 (GMT/BST)
Huge package of Eu QSLs from bureau today, backlog ~ 400 now. Each will get answer but it will take months! :-) 73 & Good 6m DX
boB, K1SIX <QRZ or Buckmaster>
- Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 00:55:47 (GMT/BST)
Good to hear D2EB this evening, he was a good signal and my country #200! So I can retire now - or do I go on for #300 in 2012 - 2022? Chris <g3wos(at)>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 20:53:42 (GMT/BST)
Hi all!
Yesterday I've worked with EH9AI. Can anybody please tell me who's his QSL-manager.
Also worked CN8LI with 5 Watt's. ES is great fun for those using low power! Best 73 and good DX to all! ON1NS Nicolas
Nicolas ON1NS <>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 14:33:38 (GMT/BST)
CQ Award info can be found here
Starting level for 6m WAZ is 25 zones
I can only second Gary's comments about Conrad's presentation atthe GB7YDX "do"!
73 Fred
Fred G4BWP <fredch at>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:58:34 (GMT/BST)
Further to David's reply to Tom Harrison, anyone will be able to read announcments, SWL's included. SWL's are also very welcome to join the UKSMG, please contact me if you are interested :-) Dave
Dave <>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:43:35 (GMT/BST)
Had an interesting talk on saturday by Conrad G0RUZ at the YCSG cluster Dinner held at the Cave Castle Hotel. A lot of HF "luminaries" in attendance!! but his talk inspired a well known HF DX-peditioner to turn his 706 to 6m & make a contact!! But all this aside with Conrad explaining everthing & the Number of CQ zones he had worked started me thinking so back to the shack to have a look at my zone figures...32 on 6m worked and 39 on 10m (zone2 still needed) does anyone know at which point CQ will accept worked all zones on 6m??? is it reduced?? or do i need to slog away for a little longer! 35 was mentioned by the man but clarification wouldn't go amiss.
Anyway 6m open to italy Es on sunday and heard 7Q7/bcn Es+TEP during opening at 539 into io93, I later spoke to AKE 5R8FU on 10m he is waiting for this summers season and is looking forward to working a lot more NORTHERN Eu stations!!! I also asked him to work slpit qrg & not to work by NUMBERS to which he agreed was a good way to operate. He now has a 3ele beam rather than the verticle of last year so figures crossed for a new dxcc for me. There is activity on HF from T5 right now but i dont think they are 6m fans or the paperwork to do either ARRL wisethat is.
Regards to all Gary M0CTP --... ...--
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 10:36:24 (GMT/BST)
Had D2EB in for the first time in IO90 for over an hour last night , not strong enough to work unfortunately, mostly 31 at best 42 . Heard him work G3NVO ( congrats Norm ) . Can someone in Southern Europe ask him if he could be active a little longer in the next few weeks to give the Northern EU ops a chance ?
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 07:53:02 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page just updated with JD1, OJ0 & TA info at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 01:48:08 (GMT/BST)
M1DRK....yes, I do agree with you! Who operates the switch, that's what I want to know!!!Having paid out for a new rig, a 5 ele beam...and then had to shell out for the aerial riggers to do what I can't do...well it is all so silent isn't it! Still I'm assured that when the Es begins there will be wall-to-wall dx, so that what seems at my location to be the "tragic band" will really become the "Magic Band!" We can only be patient...and my log for last year suggests that it might be a month or two yet...but who knows!! Certainly when it starts, the adenalin rush accompanies it!
Peter G0KYX <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 23:31:27 (GMT/BST)
Some comments that I think are worthy of attention are the ones regarding the "gripes" page. Why not migrate these discussions over to there, and leave the announcement page STRICTLY for announcements? You could restrict posts to registered users for the announcement page, but leave the gripes one open?? Just a thought.
Bert WF7I <WF7I>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 22:27:42 (GMT/BST)
See it as a compliment Chris, this page has become to big to be an anarchy. Registration is only a problem for those who have something to fear.
BTW I worked D2EB today for a new one!
Rinze PA5TA <pa5ta>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 21:57:22 (GMT/BST)
Yes for registration or IP notifier as I suggested some time ago.
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 20:57:46 (GMT/BST)
Peter G4MJS Good luck and safe journey.Look for you on some band.
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 20:50:58 (GMT/BST)
(12 May 02) Chris, I agree with your most reluctantly stated position on registration for entry to the Announcement Page. Proper registration for access is NOT censorship. It just provides a more secure way to provide a service to fellow UKSMG members.
Chris,N2NEH <n2neh(at)>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 20:26:05 (GMT/BST)
Hi Chris, I like to have a look to our (UKSMG) side and with this paxis it might be more joy to look at it in the future.. Good luck to you and the team
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 19:57:38 (GMT/BST)
9M6 Trip imminent: I'll be qrv from 9M6 from Weds 22nd May. Trip lasts 3 weeks but lots of time off for contests and sunbathing! No 9M6BAA call this time, so will use club call 9M6AAC. QSL via N2OO. Will probably have PSK31 and JT44 facilities, so might look for some skeds on those modes after I'm settled in. 73 Peter
Peter G4MJS <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 19:55:58 (GMT/BST) are on the right way...think this is the only way to get back the Announcement Page looks like it was before ...
Annyway not much news here..Just a bit ES to SV today here in JO41...
Friendly reagarts Frank DL8YHR
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 19:35:05 (GMT/BST)
Chris - GO, GO, GO - it´s about time someone reacts to all the weird stuff that gets posted here. Registration means you have nothing hide. GO for it!
Cheers /Rick
Rick, SM7SCJ <sm7scj(attttt)>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 18:37:08 (GMT/BST)
Some interesting news >>> 73 & DX
boB, K1SIX
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 16:18:56 (GMT/BST)
NO to registration!!......Thanks to all for help in the past...gosh! will have to use the radio now EI2JC SK
Noel Ei2JC <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:58:06 (GMT/BST)
Have to say I aggree Chris, the level of abuse is unacceptable and I have not been visiting the announcement page as often for reasons you mentioned.
Now about that ham.............!!!!!
73's and thanks for service
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:32:54 (GMT/BST)
Yes, what we are planning will only prevent un-authorised additions and amendments to areas of the web site. You will still be able to see everything that you can now even though you have not registered with the site.
David G1JDU <webmaster(at)>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 10:35:01 (GMT/BST)
Will SWLs be allowed to read the announcement page in future?
Tom Harrison <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 10:19:48 (GMT/BST)
i am only a new kid on the block[6m], (been haming since 1968!)and when i look at some of the cluster's i wonder if it is worth the problems "but" i believe that YES we all need the gud input to haming but not the rubbish ,but we will never get rid of the 1% types in our life time .i look into most clusters and they all have a special part in life for our 6 meter band! so please lets keep wot we have and be kind to the 6 meter boy's. the imfo, we all get is the only way to keep the 6m band going, & knowing wot's going on. my beacon is still in the test mode, but looking gud, i am sharing 50293 with Stev's vk3six beacon at this stage 73 allan vk3pa ex vk3wu
allan greening vk3pa <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 07:48:02 (GMT/BST)
Only a "QSL Safely Rec'd" post (with all the IRC/$/ postal pilfering going on in certain places--I feel that this little "announcement" takes the courtesy of a qsl sent a step further by letting the sender know his efforts were not in vain.) for which I wish to thank Tibor,OM3LO and 9A8A (who sent two identical cards--suppose one for WAC, other for VUCC/DXCC? At any rate, tnx for 1st cards from Croatia, Mark).
As long as I'm here I'll add that this site is still tops with me--the Coming Home page is always the first thing I check out when I turn on the laptop. I think the UKSMG is providing us with a great resource and it's a shame it's apparently being abused. Why not censor those who clearly are causing problems and let the site get on with being the great clearinghouse for six-meter information that it is? Or perhaps certain posts could be redirected to the gripes & groans page (which hasn't had a posting since last year) ?
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 01:42:21 (GMT/BST)
Too bad that registration is req'd, but it looks like this is how all sites are headed. I have not become a member of UKSMG but I am a frequent visitor to the site and enjoyed very much the Real Audio files from 6m ops. Hopefully, this site itself won't end up going away!
Bert WF7I <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 20:48:24 (GMT/BST)
WSJT Version 2.01 plus upgrade from earlier versions on my homepage Hope the Group and the pages will survive. Sure things and codes changed quite a lot. Often not so funny as it was...73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 19:52:37 (GMT/BST)
Please password protect users on this forum !!
I am members of 2 X-Jaguar car forums and the user registration forum is far far better and less infantile & slanderous than the free forum.
Oh, by the way am listening and calling 50.153 for DX
73.s Iain IO92UD
PS. apologies Steve 3OT for the errant person whoever.
iain morrison ZL1TF & G3ZWM <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 19:00:09 (GMT/BST)
G1WPL calling you now on 50.150 i am in IO93US
m1drk <m1drk(AT)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 18:20:28 (GMT/BST)
The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-019 is now available at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 17:59:48 (GMT/BST)
The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-019 is now available at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 17:54:56 (GMT/BST)
sorry spelt BEAM wrong
Richard G1WPL <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 16:56:45 (GMT/BST)
Where are you M1DRK my beems pointing your way and I am calling
Richard G1WPL <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 16:54:10 (GMT/BST)
My 6m as been on for the last 3hrs 50.150 and I have been calling.
G1WPL (782)
Richard G1WPL <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 16:46:22 (GMT/BST)
a freind of mine is going on holiday to sardinia {IS} , he has a current uk B licence , can he operate on 6m from there at all ?, if he can what are the licencing requirements please , ie call to be used and or reciprocal licence/cept agreement arrangements .
or is it only resident licence holders who are allowed 6m .TAI ian .
ian m0bcg <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 16:12:58 (GMT/BST)
Why do you guys from UKSMG need to be censors????
You do not want to hear (read) the trouth?
If more than obvoiusly a famous EH7.. violates
his 10 W licence restriction, why is it not possible to
discuss this here? Poor G.B.!
Tom, SWL <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 15:47:05 (GMT/BST)
Do you want to go mobile on 6 and 10 meters using your 2-meter magnetic-mount antenna? See that at 73
Tony, I0JX <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 15:25:31 (GMT/BST)
Forgive me but I seem to remeber some of the people posting here getting very worked up about what appeared on this page, and others , so much so that they , with others caused some very great splits between members of the UKSMG to appear - remember the DUPES issue etc - go read the back pages and its all there to see - and who did the posting - such as "name them" etc - that certainly did not do themselves or the UKSMG , who they were members of, any good. I really cannot understand why the "Annoucements" page is used as the "Gripes and groans page" - after all there is one set up for that purpose - all that needs to happen is posts that are not of a useful annoucement type be transfered there - but WHY do we need a "gripes" page in the first place???
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 15:05:06 (GMT/BST)
Neil, G0JHC, 100mW to work F1IXQ over a 566km path,so new low power JT44. Interesting to see the tropo attenuation vary with 8dB. In the same run got EI6IZ over 957km path (30watts was lowest I used, and still room for extra as Brendan runs 5watts at the end..) 73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 14:24:36 (GMT/BST)
Erwin, 6m in ZB runs under the same conditions as the UK. So M0HEN can operate on all bands he would be allowed to here. Inc 6m.
Mike VE9AA (re: last nights posting)..a poor reason for giving up your membership, especially after the group sponsored CY0AA etc.
UKSMG does a lot of good work. I love this page! BUT anyone who spends more than 1 second getting worked up about what appears on it, needs a few more things in the day to occupy their minds.
Neil G0JHC <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 14:10:38 (GMT/BST)
Will someone please switch six on now, Have been waiting for a long time for a qso.
m1drk <m1drk(AT)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 13:03:22 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0HEN/MM ask of it is possible to work from GIBRALTAR on 6m with his M0HEN call like ZB/M0HEN pse info he is leaving Cassablanca Marroco in a vieuw hours and must store in Gibraltar on his way to Italy.
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 12:14:06 (GMT/BST)
I TOTALLY agree with VE9AA's post of 'Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:00:40 (GMT/BST)'.
de NA1CW (ex. N1RZ) doh!
Tim / NA1CW <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 11:46:37 (GMT/BST)
For those interested in weak signal mode try the JT44/FSK441 package at
I'm still looking around for JT44 skeds, record stand at 1 watt for 556km (G0JHC) 73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 10:39:48 (GMT/BST)
Great times and Welcome FREE SPEECH. I fully support Chris for his "politically proper" attitude. As much as I remain an advocate of free speech I also feel there are times where it may be better to "squelch it". Now that this page is wide open, lets come up with a mutual solution to stop the "crap" that is pulling us all apart. Deadline is 1 June! Have a great DX season...
boB, K1SIX <Oh my God- Not another virus!>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 03:09:45 (GMT/BST)
Sorry, long-winded, please accept this as the maker intended - CONSTRUCTIVE! I'm sure most of us will agree this continues to be a great resource, and although it would be sad to see it disappear (should that ever happen) I'm certain another one would spring up somewhere else down the track to fill the rather large hole. The UKSMG website would become little more than an archive only. How many of you still visit the once popular GJ4ICD site these days? See my point? Attention would drift away from the UKSMG and although the URL may change do you seriously think the shenanigans will? The real answer to this perennial problem is to have better control over how postings are submitted. I did suggest to G3WOS a while back that restricting postings to "members-only" may help. This suggestion was rejected. Why? Let everybody be able to view the Announcement Page (as it is now), but only let paid-up members post on it. What's wrong with that? If people want to keep on using a group resource then they can jolly well join! It is not expensive to join and we now enjoy the convenience of credit cards, so that is not a barrier. There are many web-based communities and e-commerce sites that require membership in order to use their facilities – and although your IP address may change your username & password remains constant. The Code of Conduct (which is flawed in this implementation as it relies on voluntary compliance) can be a part of joining the UKSMG... you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct when you join. Once a means of properly identifying users is established, which in itself will reduce a lot of inappropriate postings, means any offenders can be punished (for the want of a better term) and have their posting rights suspended for some nominal period. I also believe having more than one forum would help separate information making it inherently easier to find. eg; 1) a general forum (as this tries to be), 2) a qsl related forum, and perhaps 3) a technical forum. Wouldn't it be so much easier to find that useful qsl tip about station xyz that was posted a while back? Just what are the long term goals of the committee? To raise the quality and standards, or, take the easy route and simply shut things down? 73 from 10-year member #843 and ex VK Country Manager.
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 02:53:15 (GMT/BST)
Hello all; I'm compiling a "SIX-METER FIRSTS FROM KH6 LIST" that I hope to eventually get published via the ARRL, UKSMG and other interested organisations once complete. Although I expect to obtain most of my data from local (KH6) ops and back issues of QST, Six News and CQ Magazine, if there's anyone out there that thinks they or someone they know of may be a First with Hawaii on 50mHz (from March, 1946 to present), please come forward and let me know via email or postal mail (see QRZ.COM lookup)for inclusion in the list. Also, I would be very interested in talking with any "good 6m samaritans" possibly willing to loan me back issues of QST/CQ on CD-ROM for researching this project (one at at time, with reimbursement of postage/insurance costs, of course). the List info needed is: DX call, KH6 call , Time & Date UTC, Mode, and whether or not the claimed qso is verifiable (xerox of qsl).
Thank you for reading this and any information or assistance that may be offered--in advance--73, Jeff, NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 01:12:23 (GMT/BST)
Seems to me best bet is to focus posts on 6m issues only...the other stuff will then fade away on its 2 cents
wf7i <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 00:43:43 (GMT/BST)
Guys, surely the UKSMG is about 6M, the talk here is as though the whole group revolves around the announcements page and it's contents, and there's more to us than that! Viruses are something that come from all avenues and are sadly a fact of life in the connected world, so take steps to counter them rather than blaming any one source (sort of 'DSP' for the internet, maybe call it MMP - Malevolent Message Processing). As for QSL's, I've had a 2 per cent response from my cards via the Bureau for 2001, someone on strike?
David G1JDU <g1jdu(at)>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 00:16:29 (GMT/BST)
LA6EIA finally got the JW4X QSLs today. Cards will be sent out as soon as possible.
Andreas, LA8AJA <>
- Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 00:03:30 (GMT/BST)
To Bob & Mike, a lot of us feel the same way - but how DO we fix it? There`s not many costructive suggestions. Making the page a members only area may work, but this has been suggested before & rejected as a form of censorship. (I am lead to believe) All we can do is ignore them & hope they go away.Don`t let these people get to you & leave the uksmg, we need to be strong to combat this sort of thing. 73 from cold windy Buxton (hope the beacon blows down) de Steve (my $0.02)
steve G1INK <G1INK(at)>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:57:23 (GMT/BST)
A new VK4 state record (short path) has been set for the 6 metre
band, for a contact on 7 April 2000 between VK4CXQ, at Annandale
near Townsville, and J87AB at St Vincent in the West Indies.
The distance for this contact is 16940.3 km.
The previous VK4 state record for this band was 16791.3 km, for a
contact between VK4KK and GU7DHI on 15 February 1992.
Cheers, John VK3KWA
FYI <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:51:12 (GMT/BST)
Yeah right, the I is right next to the U and it was a typo! Even I have a sense of humor!
boB, K1SUX
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:20:54 (GMT/BST)
I'm also a long time UKSMG member. It was great to see my callsign typed as K1SUX. Beware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing! Just what are we doing to each other here folks? This kind of "crap" will drive us back into the Dark Ages. C'mon and let's fix this...
boB, K1SIX
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:12:31 (GMT/BST)
still no sign of Es here...a few Gs tho...Any of our Dutch friends know PE1MME his crd returned from the Dutch buro as Undeliverable.
Mike AJE hope wrk u soon
73 FAL mu0fal
mu0fal Fal <colin to>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:10:28 (GMT/BST)
Man oh man I grow weary of the fighting, complaining & endless lengthy soapbox tirades! After about 10 years as a very faithful UKSMG member (UKSMG #886) I have finally let my dues lapse, partially due to the fact that this page *USED* to be my #1 favorite page to read when coming home (or on lunch break), but now I cringe when I read it. IMHO, we all know who these people are and they should have been blocked years ago. Just one guys' opinion, yet I'd wager there are many more who feel the same..........sigh
Mike VE9AA <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 23:00:40 (GMT/BST)
This is to announce that CQ VHF is back again. If you are going to Dayton this year, copies are available for $1 at the CQ booth.
Ken WB2AMU <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 20:07:42 (GMT/BST)
Hi Mike , nice to hear you have a 9H call , sorry about the DX is a bit low in 9H at the moment but John G0JJL worked
it all while he was here and there is nothing left. Have a nice time Philip
Philip 9H1PA <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 18:22:03 (GMT/BST)
This is off the topic and my apologize for it.
Every day I get 3 or 4 mails with Virus (Klez... whatever),
being an IT Engineer I have programmed my Outlook Express not to open any attachments and I use Norton Antivirus 2002, I found that enough. Do the same and never open any suspicious attachments. Now lets take this IT Forum out of the UKSMG and talk about 6m., the real thing ! Above all be well and happy (tolerant with others also). 73 Jose CT1EEB
Jose CT1EEB <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 14:55:39 (GMT/BST)
Hoi all, I now have a Maltese callsign, so keep an eye open for 9H3JE! 73 & cu on air soon,
Mike GU6AJE/9H3JE <n/a>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 14:40:09 (GMT/BST)
For information, please note the following warning: There is currently an email being circulated relating to a HOAX virus called JDBGMGR.exe, which is a file located in the C:drive. The email has the subject "Virus warning" and provides instructions to delete this file.
(Internet Explorer needs this file, deleteing it disables IE)
Colin, 7Q7CM <c.morgan(at)>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 14:18:43 (GMT/BST)
To Chris et al: A possible virus laden e-mail supposedly left here bound for you yesterday, bounced back and was returned to me. I immediately trashed it. I did NOT send this! Over the past two weeks I have received maybe half a dozen virus laden e-mails ALL COMING THROUGH THE 6M COMMUNITY. It is believed that the folks passing these on are simply innocent victims and I wouild like to believe that none of these ORIGINATED from anyone in the six meter community. Is this relevant to the 6m group? I think it is and it should be considered a heads up. Now, all e-mail here gets trashed immediately unless I see a callsign in the subject field or I am absolutely certain of the source. My apology to anyone offended by my short worded post. And yes, I have an antivirus application and update the def files frequently. Best 73 & DX
boB, K1SIX <Buck or>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 14:05:43 (GMT/BST)
HV5PUL will be on air on six, two and HF tomorrow morning starting from 7:00 till 11.00 utc. Best 73 to all. Luca.
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 13:28:33 (GMT/BST)
VR2SIX beacon is put back in service in its proposed permanent QTH since last Saturday, at 50.075MHz.
I like to thank Patcomm International for thier generous donation - PC 500.
Updated info and more photo will be post up at:
73' VR2ZST Stephen
Stephen VR2ZST <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 12:15:11 (GMT/BST)
ZS4TX mni Tnx Bernie 7P8Z card arrived this A.M. 73 gd dx.
Gordon GW8ASA <>
- Friday, May 10, 2002 at 09:46:20 (GMT/BST)
Hi all..
Nice ES opening today to I,F,EA and CT...was monitoring 50133 for D2EB since 1900 UTC...then suddenly he came out of the blue peaking 5/9 ...asked him to listen special for N_EU,but no luck...heard him for arround 20 min then QRT..
Also PY5CC in here in JO41..ES+TEP Season has good luck to all with much fun and big **friendship**..
Vy 73 FRank
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 23:34:19 (GMT/BST)
I was waitting the E sporadic today but nothing heard from my side!! :( i hope to have more luck tomorrow!!, now i am qrv with 5el. tonna F9FT and IC-746, before the last two years i was only rx on six, because my txvtr was dead hi hi, good Es season for all!!
Javi EA9AI / EH9AI <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 23:24:17 (GMT/BST)
I spent a large amout of time initially promoting UKSMG in this country and participating in your events and awards. You now blame me for going on the attack and forget why. This page has carried two defamations of my person and character, they were left up for an inordinate amount of time and the one about fraudulently obtaining a DXCC was particularly distressing and as far as I am concerned the last straw, because cast dispersions on the European end of qso's as well as well. I believe the identity of the 6M people was well known, so how does this uphold the 6M tradition, by allowing people to hide behind such postings on this page. So where do we go from here. We talk about 6M traditions and ethics and then anyone with a serious concern is criticised and censored. Double standards are rife here with that regard. As for who is doing all the postings, don't believe all what you see in IP's I have seen one at least one purported to come from me this week that are not mine. At least one person is using the masking SAFEWEB tecchnique. This same person has been posting bogusly under many callsigns on OH2AQ and i suspect on this page using multiple IP addresses. I showed you how to trace them and was censored. And hey last time I looked outside there was a Union Jack on our flag not a Red or Green Star, it is a public domain and free speech prevails here. If you want control, password protect the site for members only like Adam 4CP suggested ages ago.
Steve VK3SIX <well known>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 23:22:17 (GMT/BST)
Audio clips from the immediate past equinox plus some WSJT info have been added to the VK2FLR VHF DX Sounds arcive at
Mike VK2FLR <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 23:08:56 (GMT/BST)
sorry my corect e mail is
luc hoven 3a1mu <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 22:03:03 (GMT/BST)
Good neews
The last weeks principauty of Monaco permit 50mhz for 3A1 and 3a2
I'm qrv in next time
3A2MU Luc hoven <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 22:01:30 (GMT/BST)
I have purposely left all the postings on the Announcement board this last few days even though there are many that break the Code of Practice - quite deliberately it seems to me. Anonymous postings, personal attacks, cynical and sarcastic comments, and irrelevant, non 6m content. Are we happy as a community of common interest - 6m - that these postings reflect a positive view of us to a wider community? Have you actually read some of them? How many of the 6m community now can't be bothered to come to this page because of the quality (or lack of it) of the postings? This is not a rhetorical question; it's many judged by some of the mails I receive. Even I do not have this page as my home page any more and I sometimes dread coming home after a hard day's work to see what has been posted by a small minority of users. Three weeks ago, I was having to edit the page before going off to work and editing upon my return every day! I don't feel good about this. If I edit, we get criticised, if I don't, we get criticised, it's a no-win situation. Personally, I am not remotely interested in reading endless mails about virus's as there are hundreds of web sites to go to that solely concerned with this subject. What is the mail purporting to be from K1SIX supposed to mean - "Another possible virus e-mail left here today bound for G3WOS"? How am I supposed to take it? I have decided that I am going to recommend to the UKSMG Committee that we hold a formal review on the status of the Announcement page and we consider carefully the nature and form of its future - indeed, whether there is one. If a resource is not respected they tend to get withdrawn as already extensively demonstrated in the history of the 6m community. G3WOS
Chris, G3WOS <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 21:07:20 (GMT/BST)
HK4CZE qsl arrived this morning along with 7P8Z, many thanks both. 73's Daniel, p.s Nice to see some E's!
Daniel mw1mfy <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 20:54:12 (GMT/BST)
First Realaudio files from the new Sporadic E season on
sometimes in the next 2 weeks i`m qrv few days from JM79 square as ik8/oe3mws/p
vy73 Fred oe3mws
Fred oe3mws <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 20:07:37 (GMT/BST)
UFO's do exist David. I have seen many but I have no clue as to what they are. Another possible virus e-mail left here today bound for G3WOS :-( I'm updating def files as soon as I practically can and still this occurs...
boB, K1SIX <I'm almost afraid to post it>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 18:30:53 (GMT/BST)
At least one long discussion and moaning is over now:
Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that the following Cambodian operations are now approved for DXCC credit: XU7ABR, XU7ABT, XU7ABU and XU7ABV. Contact DXCC to update your record at , or, just include it with your next submission.
Good luck and DX, 73's >
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst(at)>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 17:31:08 (GMT/BST)
Hoi all, currently holed up unexpectedly in Valletta, Malta for a few days. Expect to have 9H3 call by tomorrow (tnx to 9H1AZ for advice): if so, see you on air from JM75FV!
73 es gud dx
Mike GU6AJE <n/a>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 14:49:21 (GMT/BST)
ZD7VC many thanks Bruce, Your QSL arrived this morning 73 gd DX.
Gordon GW8ASA <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 14:32:06 (GMT/BST)
After scouting some and asking around I finally found a suitable QTH (at least on the map). Locator is JO98AW. You can follow the below link (Mapblast with zoom functions)
Will go there ASAP to look out some suitable place to camp or similar
Best 73
Johan Hansson - SM0TSC <johan(at)>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 12:56:36 (GMT/BST)
Power limit on 6 metres :
In VK6 at least for all hams licensed to use 6, 400watts pep ssb and 120 watts cw/fm/am OUTPUT.
maybe also VK8/9/0, not sure on that.
hope this is of interest. cheers Graham in OF77XX.
Graham VK6RO <vk6ro{AT}>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 12:51:35 (GMT/BST)
Rec 7P8Z card today, thanks Bernie..........
73 de Jamie (E's late agn !)
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv@*** ***>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 11:50:56 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is now updated with IS0 & FP info at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 11:42:22 (GMT/BST)
The KH1 Baker Island Team is now Maritime Mobile as 3D2AD/MM and is handing out wet squares to those with propagation....they're qsx on .110 and last wkd in RI95 heading for Fiji....tnx to Philippe, FO3BM for the initial heads up on this, GL all, Jeff, NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 10:00:57 (GMT/BST)
Anyone having a problem with the NA1CW page. the page is ther but cant enter any tex at the botom of screen vry streng.. 73s good dx
Edwin..MW1EWJ <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 09:52:21 (GMT/BST)
Over 100+ pics of VK9ML Mellish Reef 2002 are here.
73 Nori
Nori, JI1CQA <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 09:17:25 (GMT/BST)
Off topic but all the antiviral stuff is an annoying bore, so here's more. A simple solution I use at commercial sites is to install UltraFunk Popcorn, a slim email client app, basic training to operators handling up to 300 emails per day and nil rubbish to download. Configure then preview the POP3 server for rubbish and delete it there along with annoying multi KB attachments which are a nuisance on modem connections. Select an ISP with a/v filtering on the POP3, haven't had a bug and 70% less spam since Sept' 2001 at my isp. As for the UKSMG email address list it is cached by the browser, simple manipulation to extract all the addresses and presto handly little list. Please REMOVE my email from the list. Hmmm isn't this a 6m forum, next dx if not November this year will be 2010 [in QF47 that is]. 73 de Nev VK2QF UKSMG # 1809.
Nev VK2QF <vk2qf]at[>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 08:55:12 (GMT/BST)
vk3pa website interesting, he lists these amps: "6M hl166v, 8873 & 8877". A 8873 and 8877? 100W is the vk legal limit, no?
< >
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 08:01:59 (GMT/BST)
Many thanks for latest qsls rec'd: OM3PC, 9H1PA, CT3FT (+ nice Porto Santo brochure--FB qth!), PY2GR, CE4WJK, OM8NY (Ivan,you sent twice for same qso), VK4BLK and ZF1DC ( I have to agree with you, David--if a station simply can't provide a copy of a current license or authorization to operate there's no reason the ARRL or RSGB or any other organization should have to recognize or allow credit for contacts with that station--open and shut case in my opinion---another two cent's worth and now back to installing new panel lamps in my transverter...
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 05:24:13 (GMT/BST)
just built a beacon using yeasu tf690r11 and have p/c controlling it using mixed W program. now waiting for our ACA to approve call sign (VK3RSX) freq Approx 50.290 to 302 ?? on the pause between transmissions, rx iistens for return calls, works good with electronic keyers and better with p/c mixed w genenerated cw speed is set to 15wpm ant turnstile at 55 feet at qf13lr,205m asl. its still in the playing stage setting up delay between messages and other stuff not on air full time yet, up dates on web best 73 from vk3pa
allan vk3pa <>
- Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 01:02:55 (GMT/BST)
Maybe the wrong forum but have to try
I am looking for some surplus transmitter for a 50 MHz beacon project here. Any volunteers and/or ideas
Best 73 de SM0TSC
Johan Hansson - SM0TSC <johan(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 20:22:54 (GMT/BST)
Regarding my JO98 Expedtion planning please email me so I can put you on a eventual sked planning etc. It seems that you folks need this square
Vy 73 SM0TSC
Johan Hansson - SM0TSC <johan(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 20:14:43 (GMT/BST)
Why should the power discussion be "terrible"?
Colin, GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 19:55:05 (GMT/BST)
Here we go again with that terrible power discussion. Get a life.....RE:DXCC how many of you guys owning a DXCC award have send a copy of their license to the ARRL or have they been giving away DXCC awards to pirats...anyone thought about that?!!?
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 19:31:23 (GMT/BST)
200 DXCC from G, with 10W, may be quite tough, but from a "rarer" spot...why not? If the propagation's there you don't need QRO.
Colin, GW3RYR <c.morgan(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 19:23:36 (GMT/BST)
I find it strange that on the standings table page, the column "Power" is left blank by most DL's and EH's! Have they got something to hide maybe? 73's Daniel
Daniel mw1mfy <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 19:11:02 (GMT/BST)
Re: HC8N QSLs...I have just received old request that was sent to AA5BT which was answered by W5UE. So the old cards to AA5BT are indeed being forwarded, & no need to send new request to W5UE. 73
Bruce K2RTH <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 18:21:04 (GMT/BST)
come on Peter DF5JJ, you shouldn't say that, look first at your own country and see how many of you break the power limits every day in 6m. or how many of you break the law down here when working 50 Mhz /p, Summer holidays are great, aren't they ! A "Prussian" attitude leads to nowhere Peter and this talk now is a nosense, I will only reply to this matter thru my personal e-mail and not thru this Forum. Nevertheless I think that this Forum should be made to discuss the several 50 Mhz issues, whatever they are (until a certain limit of decency ofcourse)a censoring process should not be started, above all I think we have to be tolerant, something hard to believe in the World nowadays. 73 Jose CT1EEB
Jose CT1EEB <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 17:41:44 (GMT/BST)
E30NA card received today , Thanks...
Terry-VO1TJM <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:55:36 (GMT/BST)
The interest is high Johan ..DO IT!
Neil G0JHC
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:21:56 (GMT/BST)
Before I get lambasted for that last post. I know that most (if not all) of these opinions posted to this board are not the opinions of the UKSMG or many of its members. I am also overall very happy with my decision to join and help to support the good work that the group does. 73
David ZF1DC <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:21:00 (GMT/BST)
Goofed on the email adress in the last msg
Johan Hansson - SM0TSC <johan(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:18:01 (GMT/BST)
I am planning a trip into JO98 and have some possibilites to bring my FT817 and some smaller antenna (HB9CV). How big is the intrest for this "rare" square to my knowledge there have been none or very little activty from this square
Best 73 de SM0TSC
Johan Hansson - SM0TSC <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:16:42 (GMT/BST)
You can tell band condx are not good.Come on guys , its a hobby , now can we drop the QSL/DXCC issue , its getting like the DX cluster on here ( and a bit personal as well ).
Roll on the summer Es !! GL to all
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:12:21 (GMT/BST)
Geesh! Where is the hassle in proving to the DXCC desk that your operation is actually valid?? I mean really how hard is it to photocopy license and put copy in mail. Whoa!!! That takes all of about 5 min!!! I whole heartedly support the DXCC desk requesting proof of legality from any operation that it considers questionable. This whole business of alterior motives reminds me of conspiracy theorists. God one day you people will try and convince the world that UFO's exist! Sometimes I wonder why I joined this club!! We are supposed to be supporting the legal operation on 6m around the world. Where it is not possible to operate legally then the UKSMG should provide support and assistance in the fight to make the freq available to amateurs. In this case the DXCC has a question of legality of all places that should understand this is the UKSMG group and its members.
David ZF1DC <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 15:10:39 (GMT/BST)
Why is that Peter?
Steve G1INK <G1INK(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 14:12:35 (GMT/BST)
And how about the EH7.. Working 200 DXCCs with a 10 Watt 6m-licence? ALL QSOs illegal!!
Peter, DF5JJ <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 14:02:22 (GMT/BST)
The same in Portugal with all those CT1/.../p operations under CEPT rules, this operations are not legal because in CT1 a special license is needed for 50 Mhz (its authorized in a secondary base [not a full HAM band]), so, we all know that all this Summer time foreign OPs are not Legal in 6m., but DXCC accepts them, Hi ! I know some of you are going to tell me I'm wrong but believe me I know what I'm talking about... call it professional reasons! 73 Jose CT1EEB
José CT1EEB <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 13:18:37 (GMT/BST)
Ok guys more benzoil on fire.....
Who remember stations working from HA or TK on six????
NEVER was permitted at someone station from one of two country to working Six between last years and today.
I know many italian station that have the country in his DXCC rules accepted.
WHY???????? 73's
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 12:37:21 (GMT/BST)
It seems to become a nice discussion. Remember thos days that 50 MHz was NOT allowed in The Netherlands? The first years there was only special permit that need to be renewed.
From the first day on I was active. So quite some Dutch stations did. But there were many PA's without a permit. How did the DXCC desk validate the QSL cards? I guess none of us sent a copy of their license to the desk....I qualify this current DXCC behaviour as very strange. This HZ/7Z rejections are fed by something else...73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 11:48:53 (GMT/BST)
YI9AS is still not accepted for DXCC. WHY? One of JKV's dx ops was denied WHY? Is YI9OM legit? I dont know, do you? but he is working a lot on 10M nightly. One of the Yemen ops was disallowed, the guy lost his gear and was thrown in jail. The second Yemen ops under same callsign was legit. Then we have Cambodia by XU?SS the rebels allowed, and the govt side disallowed. You could write a book on DXCC rejections, bath tub mobiles, people not where they say they are, and in the HZ case a simple statement that 6M is not allocated to hams because it is used by the military, so all the HZ1 or the 7Z station has to do is send in their licence showing 6M is approved. Q is how come UA0SC and EX8MLT/MLE cards count, is 6M authorised generally there? or simply no one complained. Same goes for YZ4IZ, accepted for Bosnia by DXCC desk. Curiouser and curiouser..
3six <2c worth>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 10:40:28 (GMT/BST)
Not my posting for what its worth. But then Chris tells me he can't or won't ID phantom posters.. VK3OT 1923 EAST from Home. Re DXCC discussing amongst top VK dxers, they all say WFWL is the name of the game. Also if you want an opinion DXCC desk will according to what Bill Moore tells me, respond to any email but will not release personal information. Re 6M access and release there are many many examples of 6M qsos with countries that later on made official announcements. Australia is one of them, where an ambiguous set of conditions applied to 50 Mhz before July 1st 1989. BV was another, and India and the EA's with expats going there are working 6M dx, now it appears illegally. Otherwise why would all EA VHF have to sign EH??? And so the debate goes on.
Steve <vk3six>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 10:28:24 (GMT/BST)
The new Klez virus can take the identity of anyone in your e-mail list. Accusing people for spreading viruses should be stopped, cause the people being accused, may be innocent. The best would be for people to stop using that MS crap and change to other e-mail programs. My .02$ :-)
Andreas, LA8AJA <call(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 09:42:50 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys i'm in according with Peter, and have write to Bill Moore NC1L the DXCC manager for 6M rules and he say have say me that the problem is that at Saudi Arabia is not allowed the band and there isn't a local association that have informed the DXCC dsck about modifications.
Now Bill do not have any probplem to send legality at HZ/7Z qso on six but want that single Saudian operator that made qso on the band send to him copy of his license. That's all if nothing arrive to the DXCC desk never will be accreditate. 73's
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 09:35:13 (GMT/BST)
We are all focussing on HZ1MD. But don't forget at least one other station from Saudie Arabia is NOT accepted too.
No matter what the reason should be, I still feel bad that one station need to prove his permit while the other doesn't. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 08:22:58 (GMT/BST)
ARRL has also officially accepted
-YI/W9XYZ cards when the U.S. troops were in Irak.
There has never been issued any license to them from YI!
-4U/W9XYZ cards for YK from Golan region.
YK authorities never accepted these operations as legal.
DXCC programm and decisions are made from U.S. views and politics, it is NOT a neutral institution!
HZ: During the first days of operation on 6m from HZ1MD there were frequent comments on the DX-cluster saying
that he has NO Licence for 6m.
May be the same person informed ARRL.
I guess that HZ1MD has NO WRITTEN licence for 6m.
If he has problems with the ARRL now, I would suggest him
to send a copy of his licence to UKSMG only.
VK3OT <see below>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 07:42:34 (GMT/BST)
Hello Marco. JK2VOC's web site is here.
Good Luck 73 Nori
Nori JI1CQA <>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 06:50:27 (GMT/BST)
Like Adam I have had to close every email account to stop the spam that came via the email server at UKSMG. I couldn't be bothered to tell you the sources of all the bugs, but lucky I have an email firewall at my isp. re the comments below about HZ1MD DXCC etc etc, I am glad that the ARRL has cross checks and do not subscribe to the theory that as long as you get the card to hell with dxcc. Too long too many people have operated whenere and wherever they liked. It is good there are checks and balances, especially as the "perceived" stakes are so high, what being top of the heap and all that rot!!!
ditto <known everywhere>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 04:28:13 (GMT/BST) fact I would like to request the UKSMG webmaster remove my e-mail address from all UKSMG files ASAP... unless they are broken up or encrypted some way to prevent the scumbots and trawlers from sourcing this information. TNX. What about the rest of you?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 04:16:44 (GMT/BST)
Peter - G7ETZ: I am surprised as this is the first I have heard of this. I (probably like many others) have received all sorts of weird attachments recently due to viruses within the ham community. Strange, but many attachments are jpgs and html files(?) I run NAV 2000 and keep the defs up to date. Not only that I do not have the Outlook preview pane open and I do not click on any sus attachment. Before you point the finger you might want to consider that unprotected e-mail addresses are everywhere - this site is one of them. Your e-mail address is certainly not in my address book and I don't believe you have ever been a co-recipient to any mail that I've received, ie; your e-mail address is not present anywhere on my pc! Fully aware of how easily viruses can propagate I went to extra effort to protect e-mail addresses on the recent VK9ML website by using a simple Javascript routine, thank you.
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 04:12:06 (GMT/BST)
GEt up to speed you guys, your security is disgraceful and most spam coame from the email listing.....The N.J. man who admitted to writing and unleashing the "Melissa" computer virus in 1999 was sentenced to 20 months in federal prison Wed. U.S. Dist. Judge Joseph Greenaway, Newark, ruled that David Smith, 34, of Aberdeen Twp., couldn't be involved with computer networks, the Internet or Internet bulletin boards unless authorized by the court. Smith also must do 100 hours of community service, and Greenaway said the service must somehow put his technology experience to use. Smith was prosecuted in both state and federal court and will be sentenced in the Monmouth County State Superior Court May 3. The state sentence is to run concurrently with the federal sentence. State prosecutors have recommended the maximum 10-year sentence and Smith also could face a fine of up to 150,000. Federal prosecutors said they urged the Greenaway to reduce his sentence, originally 46-57 months, after Smith cooperated with other investigations.
Smith pleaded guilty Dec. 9, 1999, to releasing the virus March 26 that year. As part of the plea, he acknowledged that the virus caused more than 80 million in damage by disrupting personal computers and computer networks in business and government. The U.S. Attorney in Newark, Christopher Christie, said the virus "proliferated rapidly and exponentially, resulting in substantial interruption or impairment of public communications or services." The virus overloaded e-mail servers, resulting in the shutdown of networks and significant costs to repair or cleanse computer systems, Christie said. Smith was arrested April 1 after a tip from an AOL representative to the N.J. Dept. of Criminal Justice, Christie said. Smith admitted he used a stolen AOL account to post an infected document on the Internet newsgroup "," which began the spread. "Virus writers seem emboldened by technology and enjoy the thrill of watching the damage they reap," Christie said. "Law enforcement can employ technology, too, and track down virus writers and hackers through the electronic fingerprints they invariably leave behind." N.J. Attorney Gen. David Samson's department also was involved in the investigation and prosecution.
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 22:37:02 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, i want to send you a break in the HZ discussion.
Today i have talk with japanese friend working in ICOM regard a problem that i have find in all ICOM's equipments.
The problem is the RF return when i'm using two equipments with two antenna sistems on same must, one for HF and one for 50Mhz.
In last days i have damage the input circuit in one of mine two IC-756PRO2 and during the disaster the equipment was off and the antenna on ANT2 connector.
Right today the jap friend say me that all ICOM from IC746 to IC756PRO2 have "ONLY" ANT1 connector that is grounded when the equpment is turned off, the ANT2 is always open and also with the equipment is off the RF can enter and damage the input DSP circuits.
That's all guys i hope that the information and my experience (66 euro spent) can help other people.
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 21:34:20 (GMT/BST)
I must admit that i've never understood the fuss over the DXCC program, I've always preferred the RSGB countries award system, after all, it's run by the "local" Society. Either way, we've all had fun trying to work the various DX stations out there. Does the ARRL still accept 6m cards for TK i wonder? Cheers de
Andy-GD0TEP <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 19:12:52 (GMT/BST)
Just to alert you all - I have just trapped a email from VK4CP subject FAX. And yes it does contain a virus. Sorry if you already know this.
Peter - G7ETZ <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 19:08:59 (GMT/BST)
Please helllllp!
I worked 26.11.2001 at 09.00 WH0/JK2VOC CW on 50130. Send qsl card direct to his address but no answer. If 1one have his email please let me know
TNX 73 Marco
Marco, S52SK <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 19:02:17 (GMT/BST)
RE FT690r... Johan there is one on Ebay for sale. I have emailed you the details. 73's
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 19:01:58 (GMT/BST)
Who cares about DXCC as long as you know you have worked him and have a card. I cant wait for my card, DXCC load of old bollocks.
m1drk <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 18:44:03 (GMT/BST)
Re: HZ1MD. Can we PLEASE discontinue the discussion of this sensitive issue on this public web site as it is now in the hands of Mohamad and the DXCC desk. If there is any news, I'm sure it will get posted in due course. Thank you. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 18:34:43 (GMT/BST)
RE:HZ1MD : In response to my query in this regard Wayne Mills N7NG responded:>>>"In countries that restrict the issuance of Amateur Radio permission, we ask for documentation in order not to encourage illegal operation. Saudi Arabia is very strict. Virtually no one outside the Royal Family is granted permission. If Mohamad doesn't wish to share his documentation with us, that's fine. We just can't grant credit for the cards we receive."
Guess the ball's in Mohamad's court!
Regards Barry ZR6DXB
Barry ZR6DXB <zr6dxb>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 18:25:14 (GMT/BST)
Mohamad (HZ1MD) I've deleted the posting that you refered to this morning. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 18:21:45 (GMT/BST)
Complaint driven, that means we have moles (we called them in Portuguese "bufos"), they have to be disclose, if they were a computer file I would advice pressing the key "Delete". Well just got the reply from DXCC concerning HZ1MD and OJ0/LA7YEA (I guess someone complained about them), here it is:"Hi Jose: Both of these are currently being reject for lack of documentation. 73 Bill Moore NC1L".
73 Jose CT1EEB
José CT1EEB <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 14:30:13 (GMT/BST)
DXCC: from correspondance I read once on Hiroo-san's (XU7ABF/XW0X) site, it seems that the DXCC desk is "complaint driven". They will assume validity for most claims, until someone files a complaint. Strangely enough they insist on not making the complaint known. Could this be what we are seeing here ??
Uffe PA5DD <uffe.noucha(at)>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 14:17:53 (GMT/BST)
DXCC. "complete approval and understanding of appropriate........officials". Such as knowing who to take out to lunch? Especially in certain Asian countries.Has somebody got it in for Mohammed? The problem is not the DXCC rules, but the inconsistency of their application.
Tony G4UZN <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:58:48 (GMT/BST)
Sri Bill, could be either one....w.o.w...don't remember. 73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:31:32 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, regard HZ1MD problem i'm from Mohammad side but i beliave aslo that is much simple to send at DXCC desk copy of his license or authorization....!!
If a country was not able to working a band and there isn't a local organization (like ARI) that inform ARRL regard a permission, can be possible that the ARRL desk does not know this and does not think the qso valid.
I hope in fast resolution for me and many other people that remember Saudi Arabia as a nice qso!!!!!!
Freddy IZ1EPM <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:11:21 (GMT/BST)
Re EJ0A:The guys from the Limerick Radio Club have kindly allowed me to travel on the Dxped to Insisheer Island EU 006 from the 24th so it will have a dedicated 6m station. I'm sure DXCC doucumentation is taken care of HI
Visit their web site at for more information
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 12:42:03 (GMT/BST)
i been a way of my country for one month and never been able to read this announcments for more than amonth .
but i just visited the page and found that some one is using my call and posting things on my behalve such the one
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 09:36:08 (GMT/BST.....i want to tell every one it is not my post and never post any thing on the matter of dxcc and my licence ......also not going to write any thing on this issue here or answering any mail on this regard tell i meet with all HZ hams and discuse it ..
from my point of view with my full respect to all of you i think it is not ham matter rather than it is politics issue in junction with the middle east crisses and having hz in head news daily.
nothing to add and i will give you a prife to hz hams dessicon later.
thanks good i am so busy and no time for fun these days looking for a buisness apportunity and compare what i found in my trip to china.parly have some time to read my e-mail
good luck 73
mohamad hz1md <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:57:50 (GMT/BST)
The following press release from ARRL DXCC Desk last month made interesting reading and was worded carefully. It didnt spell out at any point paper work had been received. The phrase "adequate evidence" is used where as usually they talk about "documentation". Rule #7 gets around it nicely.
In some parts of the world "adequate evidence" can mean they havnt been taken off the air, like P5. Im sure there are other countries out there where Mr XYZ wouldnt be on the bands if they were not licensed. Surely this is also "adequate evidence" ...or dare I say the ARRL Advisory Committee all needed P5 for #1 Honour Roll too hihi
DXCC Accepting P5/4L4FN Contacts
Since early November 2001, Mr. Edisher (Ed) Giorgadze, 4L4FN, a Georgian
citizen employed by the United Nations World Food Program, has been
active as P5/4L4FN in Pyongyang, DPRK.
DXCC Rule 7 states "Any Amateur Radio operation should take place only
with the complete approval and understanding of appropriate
administration officials." The rule continues, "In any case, credit will
be given for contacts where adequate evidence of authorization by
appropriate authorities exists." The ARRL has now received adequate
evidence that the operation by Mr. Giorgadze is being conducted with the
knowledge and approval of telecommunications officials in Pyongyang. At
the present time, this approval is limited to SSB operation.
The ARRL Awards Committee has met and concurred that the operation
should be accredited. As a result, we are pleased to announce that
effective immediately, the DXCC Branch will accept SSB contacts with P5/4L4FN for DXCC credit.
Neil G0JHC <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:26:20 (GMT/BST)
Hughie VK5BC PF95 past worked by EU stations in 1992 passed away from cancer two weeks ago.
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:07:12 (GMT/BST)
Permanent authorization for ham in Monaco (3A) ! "Le Gouvernement monégasque vient d'autoriser l'usage de la bande 50Mhz aux radioamateurs à titre permanent . La bande attribuée va de 50.000 à 51.200 Mhz " info from 3A2MG... best 73 !
F1IXQ - Jim <six(at)>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:57:34 (GMT/BST)
RE HZ1MD: I agree with Peter that it is not clear why HZ1MD, and not me for instance, should be required to send any documentation to ARRL. To which countries does the rule apply that a RESIDENT of a country in which licenced hams exist has to demonstrate having got a licence? Even for portable operations the rule is unclear: for which visited countries a proof is required of having got a licence and having really been there as well? A few years ago, at the ARI DX convention, I made a question to the ARRL DXCC manager at this specific regard, but I only got a quite vague answer. Those managing the DXCC award are obviously free to decide as they want, but they should be encouraged to rule in a more transparent manner, this certainly being important for maintaining a good image and credibility vis-a-vis the hams community. 73 Tony, I0JX
Tony, I0JX <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:51:40 (GMT/BST)
I have scanned already my ham licence so I can email it to ARRL, if *everybody* is needed to do so to be valid for DXCC.
I thought this was necessary only for special permission and dxpedition stations???
Vesa OH3NWQ <mycall(at)localradioamateurleague>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:22:32 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0hen/mm will be this evening 7/5 qrv from IN66 1800Z--IN65 1900Z--IN55 2130Z tomorrow morning 8/5 qrv from 0600z in IN43 expect friday morning to be in Cassablanca Marocco.Frequentie 50140.
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:03:15 (GMT/BST)
Ive deleted from my log (in error)the grid details for a QSO with KP03 grid. If you can email me with calls worked from KP03 OTHER THAN OH6RA, who I havn't worked, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Neil G0JHC <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 08:47:12 (GMT/BST)
Nearer my God by good six propagations! Why not? Peter
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 07:07:52 (GMT/BST)
Just in the nick of time. Thank God for giving me a new one - K1B at 13:09z, very strong into Hong Kong. That's another new one for me.
Steve VR2XMQ <>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 06:55:16 (GMT/BST)
There must be a god!!! K1B worked @10:59Z last night for a new one. He was 419-519 copy on CW and straight after the CW QSO he must have swung his beam onto VK (from JA?) where he came up to a good 5x7. Just about all QG62 stations worked him then on SSB. :)
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 02:06:16 (GMT/BST)
Johan--I'm not 100% sure but I think there was a FT690 on few days ago...GL
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 23:58:01 (GMT/BST)
Just came home from a trip to F,LX,ON,PA and DL. The mailman had been here with the QSLs from VP2VI and JR6HI. Many thanks !!
Ken SM7CMV <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 22:08:52 (GMT/BST)
HZ1MD: Please put Mohamad in direct contact with Wayne N7NG, Wayne is a nice person and certainly the best one to clear this matter. And yes I agree with your point-of-view. 73 Jose CT1EEB
José CT1EEB <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 19:22:46 (GMT/BST)
Re: HZ1MD, 7Z1SJ. Latest email from Mohamad stated that they are not very happy with this DXCC desk behaviour. They will not sent any documentation yet. In my point of view they shouldn't unless the world wide ham community should be ordered to do so...73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 18:52:48 (GMT/BST)
Got my cards back from DXCC and noticed that my previous credit for HZ1MD was taken off, I did credit HZ1MD last year and it was OK in the computer printout from DXCC, but its not there anymore. Any info concerning this matter will be apreciated. Nev VK2QF do you have plans to attend the East-Timor Independence celebrations in Dili ? 73 Jose CT1EEB, 4W6EB
José CT1EEB <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 18:43:45 (GMT/BST)
Perhaps off topic a bit, but where could I locate a FT690R 6m rig? I would like one for a OM who could give a new one to many of us (also looking for 290r 790r).And can a MRF453A be used for a 6m amplifier? any schematics around?
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 17:12:47 (GMT/BST)
With the renewed interest in Es DX, I just thought I would post this again. Please feel free to download and try this MS Excel based application that attempts to predict the best times for MULTI-HOP Es prop between two points. It is easy to use and if this seems to work- I will compile it into a stand alone application. Bug reports appreciated. Accuracy reports- essential. Here's the URL >>> Have a great Es season!
K1SIX, boB <see QRZ or Buck>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:01:13 (GMT/BST)
Adam I get my card from ER100 via the buro on his card is the address Vlad A. Ermolaev--P.O.Box 1769---Kishinev---MD-2002 Moldova
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 12:36:12 (GMT/BST)
Ray PA4PA, did you use irc or green stamp for A71MA? Thanks,Bill.
bill gw3mfy <bbbbbb@xxx.zzz>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 12:10:47 (GMT/BST)
Many thanks Cliff, I have just been unlucky. I'll send him an email and go from there. p.s, I rcvd my PZ5RA qsl from his Suriname address about 5 months ago. 73's Daniel
Daniel mw1mfy <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 09:41:32 (GMT/BST)
I cite from the microwavers report of the
recent VHF convention: "The other groups
were better represented, with the UK Six
Metre Group appearing to dominate the event.
They are certainly a very keen but rather
turbulent collection of enthusiasts!"
Uffe PA5DD <uffe.noucha(at)>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 09:33:34 (GMT/BST)
As announced last month, A71MA was received here via QRZ. Seems i'm the only lucky one around for a change...73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 09:23:36 (GMT/BST)
Cliff A71MA, sent a card via the qrz address, never had a reply, tried email,no reply either...
Barry g4kct <g4kct **>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 08:50:22 (GMT/BST)
Nev, SNAP! -2c to 14c? Sounds like a summer's day in IO83. Two days of propagation since Feb (we dont all live in the magic world of the TEP zone, dont be fooled by the daily cluster spots 1000k south)
Nice to work you in 4W 04/04/00, pity it was 15m hi. Maybe 2011 on six. 73 Neil.
PS: Never had a virus reach this PC in 10 yrs, as you say, quite easy to arrange.
Neil G0JHC <>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 07:40:04 (GMT/BST)
Forgot to mention the url for my homepage: And the link to K1JT is not only for the JT44 but the complete WSJT software. I am looking for skeds in any weak signal propagation mode. 73's >
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 07:35:43 (GMT/BST)
Well Neil [0JHC] TVI isn't a problem in QF47, nearest neighbour on CH1 is 4km away, that's the good news, other is no propagation until who know when, then that reminds me winter is on the way several nights it's going to be -2°C to 14°C by day brrrrr! As for virii and trojans, get a ISP who has a filter in their mail daemon, haven't received a bug for months, only a carbon copy to say it was deleted at the POP3 = joy! Obviously not much else to 'announce' 73 de Nev VK2QF [ex: 4W/VK2QF] PS: Watch for Independance day in East Timor May the 20th 2002, 'WILL' be very interesting to hams...
Nev VK2QF <vk2qf[at]>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 06:37:32 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone got a card out of ER1OO in the last 8 months or so? There is conflicting info on QRZ and Buckmaster? This was the only station I worked in Moldovia and desperately need it!
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)>
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 02:28:35 (GMT/BST)
Cliff, received qsl from PZ5RA via Amsterdam address after 10 weeks. 73s
Roy, GM0EFT <gm0eft(fred)>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 23:53:15 (GMT/BST)
On the subject of QSL routes. Has anyone had QSl's from PZ5RA via his Amsterdam address or A71MA via the route??
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 22:19:19 (GMT/BST)
RE HK4CZE QSL.. I recieved mine in about 2 months.. route was via Jorge's email is laussana*** Just replace the *** with @ Good luck Daniel
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 22:09:36 (GMT/BST)
For all those that are interested in the new WSJT200 and looking for a fast download, have a look on my homepage.
You will find it at the LINK page. Also added the link to K1JT informative JT44 pages. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 21:24:02 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone received a qsl card from HK4CZE? 2 attempts have failed! P.S, Thanks to everyone who called me during the contest 2 weeks ago. C u all in the next 1.
73's Daniel
Daniel mw1mfy <>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 21:00:36 (GMT/BST)
News from Mike, GU6AJE/MM:::I am finally QRV /mm, after a long time in Germany and Holland. Currently
traversing the
Mediterranean (IM86) right now, but not had any conditions yet. Best DX (and
only QSO!) of the
trip so far was to EH9AI, at a distance of around 10km! I did hear ZS6TWB/b for
a while from
IN53, but no stations.
It should take us a week or so to reach Suez / Port Said, and then onwards
across the Indian
Ocean to JA. I can now say where we're going as we've put out a Press Release to
tell the whole
world, so no need to keep it a secret any more. The 16m long wire tunes up
okay, so all I need
now is the E layer to wake up a bit.....
Ray, PA4PA <>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 15:22:13 (GMT/BST)
Flo, if you feel homesick could you pop into 3Y for aa few days. I dropped a message in Wick harbour yesterday for you HI.
Jim GM8LFB <>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 13:38:22 (GMT/BST)
Mike, ex-CY9AA, they better go south a little bit more. Still need CY0, Sable Isl. Worked CY9 last cycle. Hope they have good propagation. With a good Es it would be an easy shot. Good luck and 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 12:26:59 (GMT/BST)
Hi Guys
I need info on how to built a 6m transistorized linear amp at least 500w, would appreciated if you can mail me some URL's ect to download the info.
Many thanks and CU on the magic band !
73 André
André ZR1TRD <>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 04:38:30 (GMT/BST)
Kevi, BV6JD, was wondering if you ever rec'd. my card from our February qso (I had KH6/KF6GYM call then). I tried to email you but that didn't go through--perhaps you could email me if you see this? I'd love to confirm our qso. Many thanks! Jeff
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 02:44:10 (GMT/BST)
Flo, I knew you wouldnt stay in the cold once you got a taste of the hots,, see you on 885 from 9M6, we have been working that a bit lately..Steve
kl7six <at>
- Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 02:15:28 (GMT/BST)
re: CY9. Arliss/Ed/Duane/group. Congrats on choosing a FB
DX QTH to travel to. If you go to south Island take lots
of bug repellent. If you go to North Island, take some
jackets and sweaters + raincoat. Brrrr. Spare boots wouldn't
hurt either, the walkin' is terrible! - Mike Ve9AA, ex cy9aa
Mike EX-CY9AA <ve9aa(at)>
- Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 23:05:23 (GMT/BST)
Will be operational on 6 from June 21/24 in Turrialba Costa Rica and then signing 9M6 from Kota from Sept 13th-1 Oct.
100W - Otherwise Imm kicking moose and bears out of my garden..(or are they kicking me out) - Vy 73 FLo/Laurence KL7/G4DMA Anchorage.
Flo KL7/G4DMA <habit@forming>
- Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 21:58:41 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0HEN/MM will be qrv tomorrow morning 5/5 in JO24 and in the evening from JO12 frequentie 50140.
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 20:45:42 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-018 is now available at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 19:24:29 (GMT/BST)
Hey guys, I'm globe trotting again, after the last two summers in the middle of the North Sea as LA/G8APB/MM in JO06 and JO07, I am now a regular visitor to Cote d'Ivoire prefix TU, and am going to try to get a reciprocal call for 6m, try looking south from the UK sometimes. 73 de Chris
G8APB <>
- Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 12:02:58 (GMT/BST)
Here's a slight correction to my earlier posting regarding operation from IO55, June 8 to 14. My 6 metre permit has just arrived and I will be using the callsign EI4VXB/P, not EI/G4IJE/P as previously stated. CU in June from IO55. 73.
Paul G4IJE <paul(at)>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 19:25:29 (GMT/BST)
RR Albert - good job I hate football. Seriously we need some dx to stop us all moaning. 73 - c u on 6
Steve G1INK <G1INK(at)>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 12:53:31 (GMT/BST)
steve G1INK sporadic e always starts tomorrow,about 3pm when the kick off starts F A cup 73s de albert.ei6as.
albert latham ei6as <albert.latham at>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:53:23 (GMT/BST)
Paul good luck with IO55, means i dont have to go now :-)
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:18:48 (GMT/BST)
Hi all six’ fans to all that haze sent me a QSL Card, sorry for the delay in rippling the cards will be sorted soon and sent out, sorry agn to any one who is still waiting for my QSL , 73s good dx on the Magic Band de Edwin MW1EWJ.
Edwin, MW1EWJ. <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:02:41 (GMT/BST)
Jim, Tony - we all have different attitudes to QSL cards - my 6m QSLs are the most valued, but I receive 1000s of unwanted cards each year for HF QSOs - the senders of these cards maybe want a card, maybe not. There are many problems with getting QSLs for DXCC, and the ARRL have been working for several years on the new 'Logbook of the World' project. I welcome this, and if it can be made secure, this should relieve the pressure to QSL these HF 'rubber-stamp' or contest QSOs. But, LOTW depends for its success on people uploading their logs for cross-referencing, so it is likely to be many years before it can issue a completely 'electronic' DXCC. An active HF station can easily be driven off the air by the volume of QSLs received, so let's hope this LOTW works, and soon ! 73
Chris GM3WOJ <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 10:33:57 (GMT/BST)
Jim GM8LFB. Would you like to have a look at my album of code-words through a central database?
Tony G4UZN <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 09:42:06 (GMT/BST)
HC8N QSL rcvd today also from Derek AA5BT. Thanks. Arne
sm7aed <sm7aedat>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 09:18:10 (GMT/BST)
Hi all. Just to let you know that I plan to be QRV from IO55 (as EI/G4IJE/P) from June 8 to 14. Mainly SSB, a little CW if necessary and perhaps WSJT. As with my previous activities from IO41 and IO66, this will be a holiday not a DXpedition, but I should manage several hours operation on most days. I'll post a reminder just before we start our journey. 73.
Paul G4IJE <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 09:07:34 (GMT/BST)
UR6IM, UY9IF, UT7IY, SV1DH, YO4FRJ, CX4AAJ, JH0HZ0, VK4YRS, VK4AHW, VK2BA--Thank you all for your cards which have arrived safely here. Quite a bonanza for which I'm grateful. Jeff, NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 05:06:57 (GMT/BST)
CY9 St. Paul Island should be on the air late June 29th through July 8th. The operation will feature two full time stations and an attempt is being made to add a 3rd part time HF station to be used during peak propagation times especially to the Pacific area where CY9 is needed by many. The group plans on operating on the west side of the island to have a clear shot to Asia, South America, North America and most of Europe. The landing is much more difficult on this side because of the prevailing winds which always seem to blow on St Paul with high seas therefore the start up date is subject to landing conditions. As far as is known no previous operations have been from this side of the island.
This operation will feature a full time, dedicated six meter station operated by W7XU, N0QJM, W0SD and W0OE. The six meter station WILL ONLY transmit on 50.157 listening up when there is propagation. A beam and ACOM 1000 amplifier will be used with operation on SSB and CW. Liaison will be available on 28.886 and E-mail updates via WINLINK 2000 will be provided to the appropriate Six Meter Internet sites. The Grid Square will be FN97. A special effort will be made to work Europe on double hop sporadic E in addition to North America and Caribbean areas!
A second station will be set up for HF. The operation plans to use a 5 band Hex beam for 20-10 meters and a vertical on 30 and 40 meters. Given the time of the year no operation is planned for 80 and 160. An ACOM 1000 amplifier will be used. There will be activity on RTTY, SSB and CW. Operators will be WV2B, VE1AAO, VE9DH, W0SD, W7XU, N0QJM and W0OE.
Planned frequencies are as follows:
RTTY 7.080, 10.115, 14.080, 18.080, 21.080, 24.908 and 28.080
CW 7.005 10.105 14.020 18.100 21.020 24.900 and 28.020
SSB 14.195 18.145 21.295 24.945 and 28.495 (alternate 14.145)
All QSL's via W7XU.
Ed W0SD <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 03:23:48 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for the Es report from DM79 about K6FV/B in CM87, I happy that the Es season is almost here. KJ6CA CM98.
Bob KJ6CA <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 00:27:01 (GMT/BST)
Paul, EI6FE, Chairman of the Limerick Radio Club has written to let UKSMG Members know that Inisheer Is (IO53) will be active over the weekend of the UKSMG 6m contest. The Limerick Radio Club are travelling to the island. The call will be EJ0A. Visit their web site at for more information.
Clive, G4FVP <g4fvp(at)>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 00:26:57 (GMT/BST)
re all the recent crocodile tears over qsl cards, I would give 10 cards for 1 days propagation at the moment (subject to change![Es season starts tomorrow!])
Steve G1INK <>
- Friday, May 03, 2002 at 00:23:15 (GMT/BST)
I read this page daily and it all seems to be about QSLs and why they dont arrive!. Surely many will not but there must be another way to bypass these problems as the world situation at the moment is not codusive to old fashioned letters and stamps, IRCs ectra, Perhaps a codeword via a central database could solve a lot of confirmation proplems.
Jim Rabbitts GM8LFB <>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 23:19:28 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is now updated with 9Q info at vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 22:46:14 (GMT/BST)
ARRL have NEVER asked me for my ZD8 or VP8 licence...
It's probably so easy to get a licence it's never been an issue!
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 19:16:13 (GMT/BST)
HZ1MD & 7Z1SJ: Mohamad is back home again and is sorting out the problem. He knows that he is not the only one that has been rejected by the ARRL. Funny to see that my card was valid at the ARRL desk...I never ever sent any documentation to them. To avoid more rejects, may be we all have to sent a copy of our license to the desk. Probably we will get back in the same situation as 10 years ago when it took at least 8 months to get your DXCC....ehh, or never! 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 18:24:47 (GMT/BST)
re 7Z: Strangest thing I think... should I send any documentation to ARRL to avoid being 'not valid' ?
Can imagine the need of paperwork for a dxpedition, but for local stations ? Where's the borderline ? when is paperwork needed ?
Dennis PA7FM <>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 15:50:43 (GMT/BST)
hi all, meant to mention last week when i rec my dxcc paperwork through i had the qsl card from 7Z1SJ refused and marked as "no documentation recieved" well its not as if he was not actually in saudi arabia? ..what's wrong with these arrl folk?.. the guy is in the callbook and he has an address in that country? ... so whats the problem?.. big brother thats what... the need for power.. no matter plenty more where that came from hi ..73 all ..ray
Ray Gm7nzi <>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 15:24:48 (GMT/BST)
UN7GM QSL arrived today.. Many thanks Ray with all your help in getting Igor's QSL.. 73's
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 13:38:22 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for HC8N qsl and mp3 recording, didnt realize my yorkshire accent sounded so bad..
Barry g4kct <g4kct **>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 11:13:49 (GMT/BST)
Thanks 9Y4TL and UK9AA fro your QSL. UFB working you (and hope to meet u again too)
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 10:42:47 (GMT/BST)
HC8N qsl arrived this am.
Brian/G3SYC <brian>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 09:27:12 (GMT/BST)
Theo M0HEN/MM will be this morning 2/5 from 0600z qrv from JP91 on his way to Cassablanca Marocco.
Erwin PA3BLS <>
- Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 01:09:51 (GMT/BST)
Thankyou David for pointing me towards the Diary. I had not noticed "the diary" before so other may wish to take note of its existence. Regards, peter.
Peter, vk4apg <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 23:16:50 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone give me list of 50Mhz repeaters in Europe and can a 1750Hz tone access them, Have just added a crude 6FM station in the shack an FT290 & Microwave Modules transverter into a triband vertical. I want to try and work some FM DX via Sporadic E this year (yes I know I'm Mad!.
Any info or even some skeds to test when things hot up would be appreciated.
Peter GI7JYK <beefypetehotmail,com>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 21:52:07 (GMT/BST)
Tks QSL Sulaiman 7Z1SJ, 73 Bill.
bill gw3mfy <>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 19:06:07 (GMT/BST)
Make that logs from April 1992 and onwards 73 , Johan
johan, ON4ANT <>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 17:17:33 (GMT/BST)
Those in need for a QSL from HI8ROX can send the card to me. I have Rafael's log since 1995 now. Sorry not via QSL buro as yet! I'll try to get 6m log accessable via my webpage soon. 73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 16:41:36 (GMT/BST)
Peter, vk4apg, look at our 6m Diary page entry for June 28.
David G1JDU <webmaster(at)>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 13:44:49 (GMT/BST)
HC8N qsl info...
i just recieved clarification from W5UE on the qsl info for HC8N.
AA5BT is clearing the backlog of cards that he recieved for HC8N.
W5UE is dealing with all new requests for HC8N cards,cards sent to AA5BT have not been forwarded to W5UE
73 Colin MU0FAL
mu0fal <colin to>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 13:39:34 (GMT/BST)
EX8MLE. Message from IK2QPR. He is QSL Manager until 1st April 2002 only - after that direct only to EX8MLE c.b.a.
Tony G4UZN <>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 11:08:55 (GMT/BST)
Preparing to leave for France for vacation. Hope to get to Friedrichshafen Ham Radio end of June. Is there any formal or informal gathering of 6m ops there? Love to have an eyeball and a couple of beers with like minded!! Thanks in anticipation. Peter.
Peter , vk4apg (m0ayw in Eu) <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 10:15:56 (GMT/BST)
Re: 7P8.. same story here Freddy..still waiting for the April waiting for May one.
73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 09:40:04 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, Finally set off on transit and QRV on 6m. Currently in IN78 and heading to JA via Suez. Hpe CU on air! 73
Mike GU6AJE/mm <n/a>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 09:28:51 (GMT/BST)
Duarte, CT3HF, rec'd your card today--obrigado, bom dx! Jeff
Jeff, NH7RO <nh7ro(at)>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 05:49:32 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, nice AU ES last night from 2112z until about 2330z. Quite a surprise as no aurora hrd previouse to ES event hrd here in IO88kk. No ops qrv as it was a bit late but OH9SIX and LA7SIX were 59++ on and off for the duration. LA and OH ops must have been in bed !! { and why not } HI. OH9SIX/B faded completely around 0130 here. Just shows how we reley on bcns when no activity .73s Jim GM8LFB.
Jim GM8LFB <>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 02:05:28 (GMT/BST)
THANK YOU COSTAS SV1DH, I recieved your QSL today April 30, 2002. One of the 4 QSL's, I mailed, must have made it's way to you. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 2 more to go, Hi Hi 73 N8XA
N8XA <X>
- Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 01:52:50 (GMT/BST)
Welcome to the UKSMG Announcement Page! We hope
that you enjoy this announcement and chat page. Just click on the e-mail address
to send a personal reply to an announcement or post a message if you think
others will be interested!
Chris Gare, G3WOS <chris(at)>
- Thursday,
August 15, 1996 at 12:57:19 (BST)